Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 34
On Monday May 11, 2009 at the Provincial Court of Valleyfield, Quebec, 19-year-old Matthew Jacobs received a prison sentence of three years for trafficking a firearm. On April 1, 2009 the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service initiated an investigation after receiving information that Jacobs had sold an AK-47 assault rifle from his residence at Wade LaFrance Memorial Road, in the District of Snye. Investigators confirmed that Jacobs did sell an AK-47 in early March of 2009 for $500 in United States Currency. The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service...
Akwesasne, ONTARIO — The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) has learned that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has approved the new Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Secure Certificate of Indian Status as a Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative-compliant document. MCA also learned that due to INAC’s delay in issuing the new Secure Certificate that there will be a period of flexibility that will permit travelers to continue using their current Certificate of Indian Status at the U.S. Port of Entry. “This is encouraging news for m...
Akwesasne Mohawks made their point loud and clear Saturday, showing strength in numbers at a planned march across the Three Nations Bride – South Span. Hundreds gathered for the rally, marching from the U.S. side into Canada and pointedly ignoring Canada Customs checkpoints. The marchers carried signs or protest against Canadian Border Services Agency’s plan to begin arming border guards with guns as of June 1, 2009. Mohawks, who are the only residents of Cornwall Island where CBSA built the...
If you’re one of hundreds of Akwesasne residents anxious to try the new Japanese restaurant in town, get in line. Koi Express, a Japanese hibachi express eatery, officially opened its doors on Mother’s Day and they have been inundated with customers. “It just took right off,” said Karen Adams, Manager. “It’s been crazy in here.” In their second day of business they were already running out of items they weren’t expecting to run out of and they’ve been serving more than 200 meals a day. It h...
AKWESASNE - Mrs. Rosemary “Tekwanakwarita” Swamp, 69, of 78 Leo Swamp Road, passed away Thursday morning, May 7, 2009 at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center, Ogdensburg. She had been in failing health. She was born July 2, 1939 in London, Ontario, the daughter of Simon and Viola Ninham Chrisjohn. She married David Leonard Swamp on January 21, 1961 at St. Regis Catholic Church. She was a foster parent and sold AVON for many years. She worked at Head Start as a Tota to many and also worked at Billy’s B...
To the Residents of Akwesasne - To our Friends and Neighbors Surrounding Akwesasne – (Listen to our Hearts and Minds) {A Message of Peace} The announcement that Canadian Border Customs officials are going to be armed as of June 1st, 2009 at the Port station on Cornwall Island which serves as the border-crossing from New York State to Cornwall, Ontario, is a very dangerous example of thoughtless stupidity from wherever the decision was made from. There is already a fully trained multi- police force at their disposal for any emergency that may r...
Dear Editor: I have just read the article from the Mohawk Council ofAkwesasne and I know what they are saying is true is every regard except for one aspect. When they say that they are for the humane treatment of all their people I would clearly have to disagree. My husband is a community member and his human rights were violated by the people that swear an oath to protect him; the Akwesasne Mohawk Police. My husband could have died while be detained illegally by the Police while his livelihood was stolen - That is criminal and were is the Just...
May 8, 2009 To the Editor: It is a matter of public knowledge that the Salmon River Central School District’ Board of Education suspended and/or dismissed Bill Plante from all coaching positions within the district. It is not hearsay, it happened. This year his name appears on the roster of inductees to the district’s Hall of Fame. As a result, he will be honored at a banquet and inducted into the Districts’ Hall of Fame. He will be given an award! My question is why is Bill Plante being considered when he has been suspended/dismissed from all...
PRESS RELEASE - Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is looking forward to a positive conclusion to the conciliation process currently under way between the Union and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. The PSAC represents 75 elementary teachers and education assistants employed by the Council. The teachers work at schools in Quebec and Ontario. Negotiations between the PSAC and the Council started in August 2008 and all the non-monetary issues have been successfully negotiated. “We are confident we will soon reach a fair and equitable first c...
-The winning team members of last week’s Jacobs Tobacco Company Scavenger Hunt were Tee Bigtree, Bear Bear Laughing-Wilson and Heather Lazore. Their charity was the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. -Owen Benedict and Valerie Cree (not Jackie) were the runners who finished first in the Cancer Walk reported in our 27#17 issue....
Akwesasne community members are urged to contact their tribally-licensed fuel suppliers as soon as possible to order fuel provided under the CITGO fuel assistance program to have it delivered before May 31st. The program only covers fuel from tribally-licensed fuel distributors. The program was approved late this year and the deadline for applications was May 1, 2009. “We need to get the orders processed and filled by the end of May,” said Compliance Director Elliot Lazore. “This will give us time to report the level of participation to CITGO...
Nominations will be taken for thirteen Mohawk Council of Akwesasne positions – four district chiefs in each of the three districts, as well as grand chief this Saturday. Nominations will be accepted at the Tri-District Elders Lodge on Cornwall Island, the St. Regis Recreation in Kana:takon and the Snye Recreation in Tsi Snaihne....
The Salmon River Central School District will hold its yearly election this coming Tuesday, May 19. Two seats are up for election. Incumbent Robert Durant is running unopposed, and incumbent Stacy Adams is up against Matt Mainville. The terms are for five years. Akwesasne’s participation in the school board elections have fluctuated. Community members are encouraged to take part in their right to vote for school board members who make decisions regarding both Salmon River Central as well as the St. Regis Mohawk School. Voting will take place f...
Frenchie’s Selects located at the corner of Rt. 37 and Parker Ave. in Massena will be holding its grand opening celebration on Thursday May 21st from 9:00am to 8:00pm. This much anticipated celebration will feature an exciting day of activities at Frenchie’s Selects and everyone is welcome to stop in and say “hi.” “We wanted this to be a very special opening “, said Frenchie’s General Manager Scott Coupal, “That’s why we waited until now to do it”. The doors will open at 9:00am for business. Coffee and donuts will be served and the public is in...
A wolf-dog was seen on Tarbell Road last Thursday. It is not known if it is the same wolf-dog that was set loose from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s custody two weeks before. The tribe is still awaiting the results of tests regarding that animal and what percentage of wolf it is. Community members should not approach the wolf-dog, although it has shown signs of being familiar with humans....
During the weekend of April 24-26, Ben Benedict of Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) placed second in the Interpretive Sculpture Advanced Level at the 2009 Ward World Carving Championships held in Ocean City, Maryland. Benedict is a local wildfowl carver. The sculpture he submitted for the competition consisted of a single piece of driftwood from North Carolina. Benedict carved a songbird on an old tree leading down to four roots around rock. The piece is not yet finished with any coating but...
Thanks to the generous donations of community members and employees, Alice Hyde Medical Center recently purchased a new state-of-the-art Centricity Perinatal Monitoring System. This system allows physicians and the Family Maternity Center Registered Nurses the ability to monitor both mother and baby from the bedside, central nurses’ station, or remote locations. “At the Family Maternity Center we focus on the care and safety of every mother and their newborn,” said Taina Marlow, RN, Nurse Manage...
Although he is now best known as being Miley Cyrus’ father, country-singer Billy Ray Cyrus was once best known for his mega-hit “Achy Breaky Heart.” The 1990s hit made Cyrus an instant celebrity and unforgettable figure. Jacobs Tobacco Company will be welcoming Cyrus to Akwesasne for a concert on July 5, 2009. Cyrus has a new album out, THE OTHER SIDE, which represents Cyrus’s church upbringing. ‘’This whole album came together very naturally, it just fell into place,’’ Cyrus said. ‘’Nothing...
Clarkson University alumnus James W. Ransom, chief of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, has been elected to Clarkson’s board of trustees. He will serve on the academic affairs and student affairs committees. Ransom earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from Clarkson in 1988. He also holds an A.A.S. degree in civil technology from Canton Agricultural and Technical College. Ransom is serving his third term as chief and has worked for the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe and c...
Mothers of students in first grade at the St. Regis Mohawk School had an extended Mother’s Day celebration on Tuesday. All four first grade classes invited their moms in for a special afternoon of pampering. Children eagerly waited for their mothers, grandmothers or aunts to come into the school where they waited at their desks with nail polish and other pampering items. The moms were then treated to a manicure (hot pink anyone?) as well as a hand massage and sometimes even a back massage. T...
Students in grades pre-k through 2nd grade at the St. Regis Mohawk School held their annual spring concert Wednesday afternoon in the Salmon River auditorium. The students have had a busy year following the temporary closing of their own school but they adjusted to their new surroundings and especially their new, temporary concert location in the Salmon River auditorium. The “Monkeys, Dinosaurs and Bugs…Oh My!” concert was lead by music instructor Laura Tarbell with accompanist Martha Cook....
There were approximately 4,000 Syracuse University Graduates that participated in the commencement ceremonies on May 10th, 2009 at the Carrier Dome, Syracuse, NY. There are three 2009 Syracuse University graduates from Akwesasne who were honored and attended the commencement ceremonies: - Dana Tewateroniakwa Jock, B.F.A./Illustration/College of Visual & Performing Arts: Art and Design, Cum Laude & on the Dean’s List - Daniel Loran, B.S./Retail Management/Whitman School of Management - J...
1. VALEDICTORIAN: Daniel Gerow and SALUTATORIAN: Ryan Godard. The following seniors are receiving recognition with the designation of HIGH HONORS: Sally Durbin, Kaylee Gadway,Carly Gardner, Amanda Kitchell, Rosemarie Lauzon, Andrew Mitchell, Natalie Sharlow, Holly Shearer, Jennifer Tremblay, Trevor White, Margaret Wright. 2. PERFECT ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES FOR 2008-09 ARE PRESENTED TO: Grade 9- SEAN GODARD Grade 10- SHAWN MOTT, REBECCA NEWMAN and COREY TREMBLAY Grade 11- DANE ALEXANDER 3. Members of Salmon River’s Mock Trial Team: Olivia C...
When it is springtime, one of the things I look forward to seeing is the return of the locally called “Wild Canary” also known in the bird world as the Yellow Warbler. A pair of these warblers have nested in the far end of my backyard for the past several years. Sadly, someone cut down the shrubs they used to nest in, so I do not know if they will nest nearby again this year. If they do not, I will miss their delightful song and their brilliant flash of yellow as they dart from limb to lim...
1. Kahéhta Garden 2. Tsi tkanenhstaiénthon Corn field 3. Kaienthósera Crops 4. Othé:sera Fertilizer powder 5. Kanónhskon ietsitsiaienthóhstha Greenhouse 6. Onékeri Hay 7. Atshò:kten Hoe 8. Tsi konwatiterontáhkhwa Pasture 9. Teienekera’wistáhkhwa Pitchfork 10. Ie’tarakahathóstha Plough 11. Iakonhará:tha Plough - discing machine 12. Kana’wa’áhtote Pole 13. Teká:naks Rake 14. Athehtó:ri Scarecrow 15. Kà:nhien Stick 16. Ahseríie String 17. Kahehtà:ke ronte’serehtátstha Tractor 18. Ieienthokwáhtha Tractor for harvesting 19. Ieseretíhsere...