A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the May 3, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 74

  • Elder's Benefit Pilot Program Scheduled for July 15th Disbursement

    May 3, 2018

    AKWESASNE—The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is pleased to announce a new tribal program has been developed to provide financial assistance to tribal elders beginning on Ohiarihkó:wa/July 15, 2018. A three-year pilot program is being launched that will provide quarterly disbursements of $600 (equivalent of $200 per month) to tribal elders ages 68-years old or more who reside within the southern portion of the Akwesasne community or in the 15-mile radius of the Tribe’s jurisdiction. “I thank members of the Elder’s Benefit Working Group fo...

  • Jr. "B" Indians Home Opener

    Derrick Lafrance|May 3, 2018

    Fireworks at the Anowarako:wa Arena. Last weekend the Akwesasne Indians Junior team defeated the Kahnawake Hunters 20-6. Derek Lister led the scoring parade with four goals and two assists and Blaze White, Nonkon Thompson and Nick Tremblay added hat tricks. Kainen Francis and Kendrick Adams added two each. Cobie Cree, Tyler Armstrong and Jake Cook scored singles. Keldren King and Brendan Vipond added assists. The Indians scored in bunches for the first period, which ended 8-3. The Hunters...

  • Canada's House of Commons passes 'historic' motion asking Pope Francis for apology on residential schools

    May 3, 2018

    On Tuesday, May 1, the Canadian House of Commons passed a historic vote asking Pope Francis for a formal apology. The apology would address to Indigenous peoples of Canada the physical, sexual and emotional abuse suffered by the thousands of children forced to attend residential schools. The motion was presented by NDP MP Charlie Angus, a federal Member of Parliament for the riding of Timmins - James Bay. A total of 269 Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Green and other MPs voted in favor of the motion. Ten Conservative MPs opposed it but the motion...

  • MCA Announces Hiring of Housing Director

    May 3, 2018

    (April 26, 2018) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is pleased to announce the hiring of the Department of Housing's new director. On April 16, 2018, we welcomed Ms. Charmaine Caldwell to the position. Ms. Caldwell has been an employee of the Department of Housing for the past several years and had been serving in the capacity of acting director for the past year. Ms. Caldwell comes to us with more than 15 years of managerial experience inclusive of working at a senior level. She is very...

  • Salmon River among Upstate NY school districts with lowest SAT scores

    Andy Gardner|May 3, 2018

    Salmon River Central School District was among the 50 districts in Upstate New York with the lowest SAT scores, according to a list and database compiled by Syracuse.com. Last year, more than 135,141 students statewide took the SAT. The average total score was 1052. The average score on the evidence-based writing portion of the test was 528 and the math average was 523, according to the list. At Salmon River, 39 students took the SAT with a 995 average score. The ERW average at Salmon was 489. The average on math was 506. Salmon River tied for...


    May 3, 2018

    Anthony Ronald David, Jr. passed away peacefully at home on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at the age of 52 years. He was the beloved husband of Tracy (née Doggett) and loving father of Fallon (Dudes), Farrah (Zach), Jenna (Bo) and Jasmine and to chosen sons Greg Ezard, Isaac Benedict and Bradley Stevens. Cherished grandfather of Anthony-TY, Trayce, Kayle, Janae and Rydyr. Loving brother of Abraham (Esther) and Gloria Benedict (Dave). Anthony was predeceased by his parents Anthony Sr. and Rosemary...

  • ACSA Makes 1st of Monthly Donations to Elders of Akwesasne

    May 3, 2018

    On Monday, April 30th, the Akwesasne Convenience Store Association presented the first of a regular monthly check of $10,000 to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Elders Benefit Program. ACSA members presented the check to Akwesasne Elders, SRMT Chiefs and Sub Chiefs. As follows, the Akwesasne Convenience Store Association presented this press release to Indian Time for publication: "With over $3,000,000 annually going to the community, the Akwesasne Convenience Store Association has been a vital...

  • It's a Boy!

    May 3, 2018

    Name: Watson Robert Thomas Born: March 15, 2018 Weight: 8 lbs. 9 oz. Length: 22" Parents: Hannah Garrow and Nolan Thomas Maternal Grandparents: Valerie Garrow and the late Robert Garrow Paternal Grandparents: Andy Thomas, Glyniss Bomberry, and Holly Thomas Great Grandparents: James and Harriet Lafrance, Ronald and Ida Thomas, Linda Hart and Basil "Buddy" Cook Indian Time apologizes to the family for the mistake in last week's paper....

  • Niawen Char Cook

    May 3, 2018

    Tsi Snaihne School honoured Char Cook, the school Administrative Assistant, on April 25, 2018 for all the wonderful help she provides for the school community every day....

  • Emily Tarbell shared this reprint from the Watertown Daily Times:

    May 3, 2018

    5 years ago April 29, 1968: The St. Regis Mohawk Indians were given a right to vote in today’s balloting on the bond issue for the addition to the Salmon River Central School and to place candidates in nomination for the school board in the forthcoming election. The concessions given the Indian people, who had boycotted the two schools in the system for a week, were hailed here as a “great step” forward in civil rights....

  • The Federal Bridge Corporation Awards Contract For Seaway International Bridge Corridor Improvements

    May 3, 2018

    (April 26, 2018) OTTAWA – The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited (FBCL) is pleased to announce that the Cornwall Island Roadway Reconstruction (Contract 5) has been awarded to Cornwall Gravel Company Limited, a local Cornwall contractor. The design of the roadway reconstruction was based on the Environmental Assessment completed by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA), which included several community consultations. The scope of the project consists of reconstruction of the International Road with buried drainage system, addition of turning l...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Staff Participate in "National Denim Day"

    May 3, 2018

    AKWESASNE-Denim Day is a national campaign to raise awareness and prevent sexual violence through education and public awareness. Wearing denim is a show of unity and a visible sign of protest against sexual assault and rape against women. Staff at the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Three Sisters Program encouraged community members to support efforts to end sexual assault by participating in National Wear Denim Day on Wednesday, Onerahtókha/April 15, 2018. "For the past three years, the Three Siste...

  • Annual Teal to Heal Sexual Assault Awareness Walk Held at Generations Park

    Jaclyn Hall|May 3, 2018

    On Friday, April 27 the second annual Teal to Heal Sexual Assault Awareness Walk was held at the Generations Park Tewatahita Walking Trail. The event began at 11:00 am with signups at the beginning of the walk. The Three Sisters Program sponsored and organized the event. The Seven Dancers Coalition also had a booth set up during the walk. Everyone was able to sign up and receive an answer card. If they decided to answer the 10 questions along the trail, they were entered to win a prize at the...

  • Massena Central aiming to educate students on digital awareness as parent-kid tech gap widens

    Andy Gardner|May 3, 2018

    MASSENA -- A new program in the Massena Central School District aims to teach kids to watch their online behavior and raise awareness of human trafficking. Students on March 23 had an entire day devoted to the topics, Amanda Mittiga, a high school English teacher, told the Board of Education at their April 16 meeting. Presenters included Jonel Beauvais, a cultural community outreach worker from the Seven Dancers Coalition, and Mona Romeo, Francine Thompson, Chad Sherman, Racine Johnson and Sky Gould from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Social Serv...

  • Reader Comic

    May 3, 2018

    A few years ago, Billy praised Bills accomplishments with: 1. He graduated from Temple University. And I go to a Temple every Sabbath. 2. He is a role model for Afro-Americans, and I am a role model for the Jewish faith. 3. He is a famous TV personality with the long-running "Cosby Show," and I am a famous stand-up comedian and numerous movies. 4. And both are true-loyal Major League baseball fans....

  • National Bike to Work Day – Friday, May 18, 2018

    May 3, 2018

    In celebration of National Bike to Work Week held Monday, May 14 to Friday, May 18, the League of American Bicyclists encourages people to try bicycle commuting as a healthy and safe alternative to driving. Further, the American Medical Association has endorsed Bike to Work Day as part of its push to encourage active transportation. In the U. S., 40% of all trips are less than two miles, making bicycling a feasible and fun way to get to work. With increased interest in healthy, sustainable and economic transportation options, it’s not s...

  • Governor Denny's Invitation Belt

    May 3, 2018

    Reprinted from Wampum Belts of the Iroquois by Tehanetorens This wampum belt was sent by Governor Denny of the Pennsylvania Province to the Indians, especially the Delaware and Shawnee People of the Ohio Region, to attend a peace and alliance council at Philadelphia. The Governor was very anxious to secure the fighting ability of Indians to use against the French who, the same as the English, had their eyes on the rich Ohio Region. During the wars in Europe between the French and the English,...


    May 3, 2018

    We want your box tops! Help earn money for our local schools: Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School Kana:takon School Tsi Snaihne School Akwesasne Freedom School A dime makes a difference! Every box top counts! Drop off your box tops at the AMBE office or any collection site that will be placed at various sites....

  • We ought to clean up along the roads on Saturday

    May 3, 2018

    Mohawk Lesson...

  • How Nurses and Other Medical Professionals Played a Vital Role in the Management and On Going Recovery in the Life of Karoniahen:ne Camryn Cook

    Sesi King|May 3, 2018

    The beginning was like any other summer day of playful fun on a trampoline for Camryn. They were attending a graduation party. They had gone on to another grad party following this one and soon her mom Tracie noticed her girl walking with a limp as she passed by. "What's wrong?" asked Tracie. Her little girl answered, "I really don't feel good and I just want to go home." So they went home and suggested a shower might help her to feel better with the warm water on her muscles. She thought maybe...

  • A Tribute to Nurses

    May 3, 2018

    Nurses are so valuable to our community. Compassionate, caring and very important to each of us. Remember to thank them today and everyday for their dedication for keeping us healthy and aware of our needs. Niawenko:wa! Community Health Program Nursing Staff Lesley Bero, RN Diane King, RN Amanda Garrow, RN Karole Mitchell, RN Tasha Thompson, RN April Terrance, RN Don Lucas, RN Janet Mitchell-Tatro, RN Natalie Levac, RN Laura Murray, RN Wholistic Health and Wellness Program Nursing Staff...

  • MCA April Monthly Meeting

    May 3, 2018

    MCA General Meeting was held in the district of Tsi Snaihne on Thursday, April 26 and was called to order 6:09pm. After a moment of silence for all the community members we lost within the month, the meeting began. Presentation - Entewatathá:wi Peter Garrow, Program Manager shared highlights of their meeting on April 10, 2018 with Minister Bennett on the Rights Framework with Indigenous People. On April 18 and 19, they met with the Collaborative Fiscal Policy Development Committee. Garrow present to the Ottawa University’s Public Sector Le...

  • Hundreds come out for Psychic and Holistic Fair

    Andy Gardner|May 3, 2018

    Hundreds of people showed up for the Psychic and Holistic Fair at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort on April 28-29, which brought together about 20 readers and vendors. The event was in the casino's ballroom, with psychics and practitioners around the edges performing a variety of readings throughout the day. The display was brightened up by vendors selling gems and minerals. Some had brightly colored jewelry and wire wrap gemstone-accented tree sculptures on display Wanda Winters, a psychic...

  • Beaded Velvet Bag Class Finishes Up at the Akwesasne Cultural Center

    Jaclyn Hall|May 3, 2018

    On Thursday, April 26th the Akwesasne Cultural Center hosted the 4th and last beaded velvet bag class. The class was made possible by the New York State Council of the Arts Special Art Program Grant. Tammy King led the beaded bag class, with her mother Brenda Arquette assisting. This was Tammy King's first time teaching at the Akwesasne Cultural Center, with the possibility of more in the future. The class was aimed at experienced beaders, because of the short amount of time that was given for...

  • Police Blotter

    May 3, 2018

    St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police blotter, April 20-26: On April 20, police ticketed Lila Lazore, 71, of Akwesasne, Quebec for speeding (allegedly 54-35 mph zone). Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on May 14. On April 20, police ticketed Francis W. Conners, 49, of Akwesasne, N.Y. for expired inspection, inadequate brake lights and unregistered motor vehicle. Tickets are returnable to Tribal Court on May 21. On April 20, police ticketed Scott A. Martin, 36, of Akwesasne, N.Y. for inadequate headlight. Ticket is returnable to Tribal Court on May...

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