A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the April 24, 2008 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Salmon River Sports Hall of Fame inductees announced

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    Members of the Salmon River Sports Hall of Fame Committee unveiled the list of 2008 inductees. The induction ceremony will take place at Salmon River on June 7th. Individual athletes to be inducted are Jocelyn Furnia-Kelly, Jeffery Jock, John Francis, Mark Martin, Robert “Bobby” Delorimier, David Sherwood and posthumously, John Mulvana. The committee also announced four teams that will be inducted this June. They are the 1967 Baseball Team, the 1968-69 Girls Basketball Team, the 1986-87 Girls Basketball Team and the 1987-88 Boys Hockey Team. Me...

  • Meet the Candidates event brings just one hopeful

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    With the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s annual election just over two months away, potential candidates are free to begin campaigning. However, just one woman took advantage of an early opportunity to let her intentions be known last week. Monica “Frosty” Jacobs sat alone at a candidates table during the Akwesasne Petroleum Co-op’s “Meet the Candidates” night. The co-op has hosted the event for several years as a service to community members. Candidates are given the opportunity to tell the audience a...

  • Tribe new owners of First Americans IGA

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe became the new owners of a grocery store Monday. First Americans IGA and the 609 acres surrounding it were sold from Sue Jesmer to the SRMT for $13.5 million. The SRMT took over operation of the store on Monday and has agreed to keep it open and operational as a food store. “All of Council have received many requests from community members to keep the store open,” said Tribal Chief James Ransom. “In response to those requests, the Tribal Council has decided to keep...

  • Sticks Sports Bar and Restaurant opens at casino

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    Akwesasne residents were treated to an early peak at the new Sticks Sports Bar and Restaurant this weekend. The new eatery at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino opened Thursday morning to Akwesasne community members only and on Monday this week the restaurant was officially opened to the rest of the casino’s patrons. Sticks features a full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, a full bar, and several flat-screen televisions plastered throughout the room. The location is already a sports fan favorite, w...

  • Jessie C. Diebow

    Apr 24, 2008

    Akwesasne-Jessie Cynthia Diebow 91, of Ahnawate, Akwesasne died peacefully early in the morning Wednesday February 20th. She took repose easily with her family by her side. She had been under the care of hospice for many months following a lengthy illness battling cancer. She was born on May 30, 1916, in Akwesasne and was the daughter of Nelson and Adeline Jacobs White. She attended schools on the reservation and attended a Nursing Program in New York City. She was married to Thomas Twinleaf Die...

  • Thank You

    Apr 24, 2008

    Chief Louis Lazore Sr. and his family would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to the Community of Akwesasne for all the support you have shown us during this difficult time. We would like to say Thank You to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and its employees; HAVFD and its members; Tsi Snaihne Recreation Committee and volunteers; The Little River Mohawks and all the Country Idol Singers.  Thank You to the many Community members for their support in giving monetary donations and participating in the football pools, silent auctions, quilt r...

  • Thank You

    Apr 24, 2008

    The family of the late John Sawatis Benedict extends their deepest appreciation for every act of kindness given during this very difficult time. To family and friends who may have shared a smile, a tear or a hug.  Thank you for the many donations of flowers, cards and food.  We wish to thank each and every one of you.  A special thank you to the Pall Bearers, Joyce Sharrow and daughters, Donaldson Funeral Home staff, Delinda Comins, the St. Regis Catholic Church, the Rosary Altar Society and the Rev. George H. Belgarde. Sincerely, Joseph...

  • Dear Editor

    Apr 24, 2008

    Dear Editor,  A recent topic of conversation in Akwesasne business circles has been the issue of outside investment in the community. The specific area of investment was with privately-owned businesses. Tribal government business partnerships remain a topic for yet another possible letter in the future. To accept outside investment or not to accept outside investment, that is the question at hand. In many ways, the question currently answers itself. Presently, there is limited outside investment opportunity, or capability, within Akwesasne. W...

  • To The People of Akwesasne

    Apr 24, 2008

    April 5, 2008 To The People of Akwesasne: We hope this letter finds you and your families in good health and spirit. We also hope that you are enjoying the Creator’s many gifts during this season, while we are working hard making maple syrup in preparation for the Maple Ceremony. The purpose of this letter is to make you aware of a historical matter which remains important to this day. This letter is also to ask that we discuss this matter amongst ourselves and develop a unified position about it. It is our responsibility to protect our l...

  • Donation to Akwesasne Fire Station

    Apr 24, 2008

    This past weekend was full of thick grayish smoldering smoke. Firebugs were out in full force. The marsh by the beach on St. Regis Island and then the North side of Cattle Island were set on fire. With the fury of the East wind the flames quickly spread throughout any thing in its path. On Sunday you could see the billowing smoky clouds miles away. The firemen who risk their lives and are volunteers quickly dispersed these raging fires. Sometimes it is a thankless job but gratifying to these...

  • Five suspects arrested for marijuana smuggling at Canadian Border

    Apr 24, 2008

    Dundee, Quebec - On Tuesday, April 15, 2008, a police operation conducted by the Central St. Lawrence Valley RCMP Detachment – Valleyfield Office and the Valleyfield Integrated Border Enforcement Team, with the assistance of the Sûreté du Québec, US Border Patrol and New York State Troopers, led to the arrest of four men suspected of smuggling hockey bags filled with marihuana across the border. Earlier on April 15, 2008, a pilot with the US Customs and Border Patrol had spotted a suspicious vehicle during an air patrol.  US Border Patrol...

  • Public Notice

    Apr 24, 2008

    Public Notice:  On March 14, 2008, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Compliance Department issued a NOTICE of VIOLATION and a NOTICE of SUSPENSION to Jason A. Cree d/b/a All Inn Lounge and Catering. The license suspension was for multiple counts of non-compliance with the SRMT Alcohol Beverage Control Act. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is responsible for the health, safety, education and general welfare of all Tribal members.  Please be advised that “All Inn Lounge & Catering” is no longer licensed under the Tribal Council. Should an indi...

  • Tribe announces caucus and election dates

    Apr 24, 2008

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe will hold its annual caucus on May 3, 2008 at the community building at 10 a.m. Nominations will be taken for one tribal chief positions, one tribal sub-chief position, and tribal clerk. The chief and sub-chief positions are three-year terms. The tribal clerk position is a one-year term, the remainder of Patricia Thomas’. The tribal election for all three positions will be held on Saturday, June 7, 2008 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the community building....

  • Akwesasne Contractors hold sixth meeting

    Apr 24, 2008

    (Akwesasne) April 18, 2008 –The Akwesasne Contractors Organization united for the purpose of employment held their sixth organizational meeting at the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) STATION 1 Building on Thursday, April 17, 2008. Eighteen community members were heard and participated in the meeting. Niawen:kowa. The meeting agenda focused on the adoption of the mission statement, development of organization financial accounts and the selection of an organizational office. Draft documents of the mission statement were c...

  • AMS students rewarded by Scholastic

    Apr 24, 2008

    During March and April, students in Mrs. Lalonde’s grade six class at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School participated in a reading incentive program sponsored by Scholastic Book Club. If a class read 100 books, Scholastic, through their literacy partners, would donate 100 books to children in need. Mrs. Lalonde’s class reached the goal of 100 books on April 2nd. They received a certificate from Scholastic Book Club, which recognized them as a class that knows “how to make a difference.” Scholastic’s goal is to get 100,000 books into the hands of...

  • IPP kids become stars of art show

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    Children who participate in the Intensive Parenting Program’s youth activities have been working diligently since last fall creating unique and personal artwork. Last Friday IPP welcomed parents and community members to their building to view the artwork for themselves. It was clear that the children have enjoyed their Tuesday night art sessions as their work expressed their hard work and personal taste. “These kids are pretty creative,” said Nancy Oakes, IPP staff member. “You’d be surprised...

  • Tri-District Elders receive Kahnawake visitors

    District Chief Cheryl Jacobs|Apr 24, 2008

    The Akwesasne Tri-District Elders greeted 43 elders from Kahnawake on Monday, April 21, 2008. Margie Thompson did a greeting and short history on the building and explained each room. District Chief Cheryl Jacobs did a short welcome and played photographer for the morning. The Kahnawake elders were very impressed with the facility. The Tri-District Elders were presented a beautifully framed picture that was done by Bill Stacey of Kahnawake. The elders had a short brunch then went on to visit...

  • Kids celebrate Earth Day with community service

    Apr 24, 2008

    In honor of Earth Day, April 22, students from Kana:takon School helped to clean Mother Earth and assist a local non-profit agency at the same time. The 7th graders were transported by their teachers, Mrs. Loran and Mr. Levac, to Tsiionkwanonhso:te on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island). The chronic care facility has beautiful grounds and landscaping that needed a springtime makeover. The students went to work with their rakes, wheelbarrows and garbage bags, and cleaned the yard, trimming where needed...

  • AMS student wins 2nd place in fire prevention poster contest

    Apr 24, 2008

    The National Fire Protection/ Prevention Poster Contest saw an Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School student win Second Place.  Dayna Green, a grade 6 student at AMS was presented with a certificate and a  $200 check for her efforts by our local Fire Chief Norman Peters. Dayna’s poster tells people “Don’t Play With Fire” and includes a message as to what to do in case of a fire. Congratulations Dayna and to all who participated....

  • 56 Auto Drive In readies for “Grand Reopening”

    Apr 24, 2008

    The staff at the 56 Auto Drive In Theater located 2 miles south of Massena have been busy readying for the 2008 season. This year marks 53 years of continuous operation and it is the last operating outdoor theater the St. Lawrence County, which at one time had boasted seven such venues. It was built by Peter Papayanakos during the height of the seaway construction and opened on July 22nd, 1955. It’s current operators, Jeff Szot & Bernadette Jenkins are looking forward to a great season of family entertainment, enjoyed under the stars. M...

  • Diabetes event brings resources from across Canada

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    Cornwall’s Live Smart Diabetes Expo was held Saturday at the Cornwall Civic Complex, bringing a vast variety of diabetes resources to the Cornwall and Akwesasne communities. “When it comes to diabetes, knowledge is the best management,” said Linda Rodgers, Cornwall Expo Lead with the Canadian Diabetes Association. “The more an individual learns about diabetes, the better equipped they are for the life long commitment to diabetes management.” Vendors set up booths throughout the expo area demo...

  • Funky Hair Contest

    Apr 24, 2008

    Students at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School went above and beyond their call of school spirit duty for the school’s Funky Hair Contest. Friday was a great day to celebrate HAIR.  For the younger generation, having hair to dress-up was NOT a problem and they took full advantage of the opportunity.   Winners were selected for the contest. Early Years student Marie-Chantal Delormier showed staff and students how cute a hair-do can make you.  In the grade 3 / 4 level Aidan Francis-Forgues proved...

  • Oh Nahò:ten Tsi Iekhonniá:tha Kà:ien

    Apr 24, 2008

    1. Tekaiehstáhkhwa Blender 2. Iakenhni’tahsetà:tha Calendar 3. Anitskwà:ra Chair 4. Karahkwaka’eniòn:tha Clock 5. Ohso’kwákeri iehnekonnià:tha Coffee pot 6. É:neken tsi karontò:tsheronte Countertop 7. Iekhonnià:tha karístatsi Cooking stove 8. Ieksaráhkhwa karón:to Cupboard 9. Ieksata’áhstha Cupboard 10. Kákhwa teiehrihtákhwa ohsòn:kare Cutting board 11. Iehnekatahkwátha Faucet 12. Tekakhwahrihtáhkhwa Food processor 13. Ka’nennio’kwanóhstha Freezer 14. Átste tsi iekhonnia’táhkhwa Grill 15. Iohòn:rote Kettle 16. Kakhwa’tariha’táhkhwa Microwave...

  • Clans

    Apr 24, 2008

    Continued from last week Forward by Nadine Jennings-Reprinted from Legends of the Iroquois by Tehanetorens The Great Peace An Iroquoian nation was comprised of the clans within the nation. For example, the Turtle clan, Wolf clan, and Bear clan were the original clans, which comprised the Mohawk nation. All the clans could be signified by pictographs. Pictographs such as those presented in Legends of the Iroquois are the original writing system used by many Native American and First Nations...

  • Families kick-off Racing Against Drugs

    Shannon Burns|Apr 24, 2008

    Akwesasne community members proved Tuesday night why Akwesasne has the biggest Racing Against Drugs event in Canada. With community support and participation from numerous organizations, the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena was bustling Tuesday night. “Community Night” gives entire families the opportunity to see what Racing Against Drugs is about. The next two days are dedicated to schoolchildren bussed in. Because of the amount of work it takes to plan the event, and how much money is needed, Racing...

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