A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the April 22, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 61

  • Derek Chauvin Verdict and Native Americans

    Kaniehtonkie|Apr 22, 2021

    By Kaniehtonkie. The trial of Derek Chauvin captured the attention of world. On May 26, 2020, Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for over nine minutes and captured by then seventeen-year-old Darnella Frazier, the video has been viewed millions of times. Murals of George Floyd can be found across the globe in communities of color. On Tuesday, a Minnesota jury found Chauvin guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. While many hail this as a victory, others see this as a one s...

  • You Only Live Once

    Apr 22, 2021

    Karonhiéntha and Harvey Arquette shared some photos of their spectacular road trip across the United States. Taking – you only live once – as their guide they headed to Nashville for some BBQ, then headed west through the Rocky Mountains and onto the salt flats of Utah. They reached San Francisco crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and waded in the Pacific Ocean. The Arquette Family also visited Alcatraz and their next major stop is Chicago. Through the support and healing power of the comm...


    Apr 22, 2021

    EARTHDAY.ORG’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 75,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet. As Onkwehonkwe, Earth Day is every day. Our collective and individual identities, our culture, our Kanien’kehá language, our stories, our songs are all deeply rooted in our earth. Our giving of thanks, the Ohenton Karihw...

  • AMPS Will Not Conduct Random COVID-19 Traffic Stops

    Apr 22, 2021

    April 20, 2021. In response to a provincial order restricting only essential travel across provincial lines, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service would like the community to know that their operations have remained status quo despite recent announcements by the Ontario Government, with no changes in our enforcement activity. Chief of Police Shawn Dulude stated, “If our officers stop you, it will be for a valid reason. In relation to COVID-19 restrictions, we will continue to engage, educate and enforce but we will not be conducting random s...

  • It's Turtle Time - Drive Carefully

    Apr 22, 2021

    Thousands of turtles are struck and killed by vehicles each year while migrating to nesting areas. The wetlands that remain are often fragmented by roads. Over 70% of Southern Ontario's wetlands have been drained or filled or otherwise converted to other uses. All turtle species need to lay their eggs on dry land. Since roads are everywhere, they often need to cross them to get to their nesting sites. About half of the turtles hit by cars are adult females on their way to lay eggs. June is the...

  • CPS will not be conducting random pedestrian or vehicle stops

    Apr 22, 2021

    Cornwall, ON - On April 16, 2021, the Government of Ontario announced new restrictions, including a two-week extension of the current province-wide shutdown, in order to slow the rapid spread of COVID-19 cases across the province. Also announced, were additional enforcement measures for police officers and provincial offences officers under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). The new regulations will be reviewed by the Cornwall Police Service (CPS). As always, the CPS prides itself on interacting with members of our...

  • MICHAEL L. "Wishe" ADAMS

    Apr 22, 2021

    AKWESASNE – Michael Louie "Wishe" Adams, 46, a resident of Second Street, St. Regis, peacefully passed away Wednesday afternoon, April 14, 2021 at Ottawa General Hospital surrounded by his loving family. Wishe was born on March 27, 1975 in Cornwall, the son of Marion Adams and Peter B. Lazore. While in high school at CCVS, he worked at G&L, where he did an apprenticeship and also learned to do institutional cooking while in school. He loved cooking, barbequing, smoking meats, and riding his A... Full story

  • CORY HEATH DAVID "Tahatakhetha"

    Apr 22, 2021

    In loving memory of Cory Heath David "Tehatakkhetha" passed away at the age of 48 at his home on April 2021 He was born on January 23rd, 1973. He was the beloved son of Donna VanDusen and the late Floyd "Wally" David. Cory is survived by his children Justin Martineau, Joshua (Hannah) David and Mira David. He was dearly loved by his brothers Brooke (Terri), Quinton Gibson (Betsy), Wallace (Tamara), and his sisters Angee Bassett (Kevin), Ashley and a stepsister Natalie Hamza (Mohammed). Cory is su... Full story

  • Three Webinars to Build Your Business, Protect Your Artwork and Develop a Website

    Apr 22, 2021

    The SRMT Office of Economic Development and Canton SUNY Canton Small Business Development Center announce three webinars to assist you in developing your business. All three webinars are IRDS Acorn Projects. A Guide to Website Development & Smart Phone Photography for Digital Promotion Are you running a business without an online presence or relying completely on social media to interact with customers? If this is you, please join us for a special webinar that will teach you about the different options for creating a website to help you share...

  • I Got MY COVID-19 Vaccine!

    Apr 22, 2021

    I Got MY COVID-19 Vaccine!...

  • Nature & Networking Kicks off New Model of Networking Events for SLC Chamber

    Apr 22, 2021

    CANTON. The St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce and the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency are hosting a new event, “Nature & Networking” at the Indian Creek Nature Center in Canton, NY, at 5pm on Thursday, April 29th. “The Chamber is known for our robust networking opportunities, and we had to put that on pause in 2020. We are really looking forward to being together again for this new monthly series, brought to you in a safe and unique way”, noted Ben Dixon, STLC Chamber Executive Director. The event serves as an in-pers...

  • North Country Chamber of Commerce - As Expected, Border Restrictions Extended

    Apr 22, 2021

    The U.S. and Canadian governments have announced that existing restrictions on non-essential travel across the border, due to expire on April 21, have been extended to May 21. “This was entirely expected,” notes Garry Douglas, President of the North Country Chamber of Commerce. “Given circumstances in Canada, there is no reason to expect any significant change in the near future, though we will continue to call on both governments to step up planning for the ways forward, including some potential adjustments ahead of summer for those who are v...

  • Authority Over The Medicine Masks

    Apr 22, 2021

    Continued from last week. Each Haudenosaunee reservation has a medicine mask society that has authority over the use of masks for individual and community needs. Each society is charged with the protection of their sacred masks and to assure their proper use. The Grand Council of Chiefs has authority over all medicine societies and shall appoint individual leaders or medicine societies as necessary. However, no individual can speak or make decisions for medicine societies or displacement of medicine masks. No institution has authority over...

  • River Institute Launches Great River Rapport Website

    Apr 22, 2021

    The River Institute has launched a website dedicated to the Great River Rapport – an ecosystem health report for the Upper St. Lawrence River. The Great River Rapport is a science-based project to assess the status and health of the Upper St. Lawrence River. The River Institute is working with Indigenous partners, scientists, educators, and communities to evaluate scientific data and share the health of the river through stories, art, education, and community action. The new website www.riverrapport.ca/ provides the background and evolution o...

  • ATFE Entákta Enionkhinenhawíhon

    Apr 22, 2021

    1. Ahkwesáhshne Place where the partridge live 2. Rontonhwentsianónhnha They care for the earth 3. ATFE ronwatí:ia'ts Their names are ATFE 4. Tehonatonhontsió:ni tahonwatinonhwará:ton tsi niká:ien ne onkwehshòn:'a tahontenenháhtka'we They would like to thank the people that donated seeds 5. Ralph Child ronwá:ia'ts Childstock Ohnennà:ta tsi ieienthóhtha nihoió'te His name is Ralph Child and he works for Childstock Potato Farm 6. Heron Breen ronwà:ia'ts Fedco Kanénha nihoió'te His name is Heron Br...

  • Undisclosed Ingredients in Roundup Are Lethal to Bumblebees, Study Finds

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Jenna McGuire. Commonly used herbicides across the U.S. contain highly toxic undisclosed “inert” ingredients that are lethal to bumblebees, according to a new study published Friday in the Journal of Applied Ecology. The study reviewed several herbicide products and found that most contained glyphosate, an ingredient best recognized from Roundup products and the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. and worldwide. While the devastating impacts of glyphosate on bee populations are more broadly recognized, the toxicity levels of inert ing...

  • United Nations forum on Indigenous issues begins

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Kalle Benallieapr. Reprinted with permission from Indian Country Today. After the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues had to postpone its 19th session due to the pandemic, the 20th session’s opening ceremony focused on the previous theme, “Peace, justice and strong institutions: the role Indigenous peoples in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 16.” Finland’s Anne Nuorgam, who was nominated to continue as chair of the Permanent Forum, said “I will make every effort to live up to their expectations and to ensure th...

  • SRMS March Outstanding Attendance

    Apr 22, 2021

    Ms. Ellsworth Lanalia Bearshield Tarbell Kenadie Buckshot Drayden Cook Penelope Cook Temperence Cook Kroy Francis James Lafrance Jr. Korynn Leaf Iako’nikonhra’sha’tste Mitchell Kalvin Thompson Lillyana Thompson Garrow Mrs. Yando Ronerahtenonwes Barnes Jaxon Hopps Jaylah Lane Karter Lazore Deklan Thomas Arazy Mrs. Beck Emilie Comins Ayden David Kaleb Martin Ms. Reid Dalten John Bourque Ross David Blaine Francis Lanah Francis Rakenhiio Garrow Mrs. Besaw Sierrah Adams Kaleia Bearshield Tarbell Marley Bigtree Gannon Burns Camden Conners Masen...

  • Sprouts and Sprigs - Composting: Out with the Old, In with the New

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Mary LaFrance This weekend I took full advantage of the nice weather to do some outside projects, like rebuilding my compost bin. Composting is the process of breaking down organic material into its basic components to be reused as nutrient rich soil. I started composting when I started my vegetable garden because I thought it would reduce my garbage collection costs while keeping my garden soil productive. I have been doing it now for 5 years and it has become second nature. Composting...

  • Entertainment – The Incredible Year of Mitzi Bearclaw and Rutherford Falls

    Apr 22, 2021

    Indican Pictures has just released their newest film, "The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw." The film became available on March 23, (DVD April 20) follows the story of Mitzi Bearclaw (portrayed by Morningstar Angeline who appeared in "Drunktown's Finest"), a 25-year-old Native woman living in Toronto who puts her life on hold to return to her home reserve to care for her ailing mother. In addition to the lead role being portrayed by Morningstar, the entire cast of Mitzi Bearclaw is...

  • Construction Damage: The Root of the Problem

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Paul Hetzler, ISA Certified Arborist If April showers bring May flowers, then May flowers bring backhoes. Sure, it doesn’t rhyme, but as posies push up, construction crews and equipment also emerge, so maybe it’s true. Those considering an outdoor project this season should be aware that for landscape trees, soil compaction or/ and disturbance is the root of all evil. I suppose chainsaws and forest fires aren’t exactly kind to trees, but when you spot a sickly tree in a park, yard, or on the roadside, root damage is the ultimate cause in ne...

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Funeral Assistance

    Apr 22, 2021

    Click on image to enlarge....

  • Fragmented Response to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

    Apr 22, 2021

    By Amanda Follet Hosgood The response - which only provides a portion of total costs - reveals a piecemeal approach and lack of national strategy to solve crimes against Indigenous females. Robert Gordon, a criminology professor at Simon Fraser University, called the news surprising in light of growing awareness about violence against Indigenous women following Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which released a final report nearly two years ago. T...

  • MCA Green Team Celebrates Earth Day

    Apr 22, 2021

    In celebration of Earth Day on Thursday, April 22nd, the MCA Green Team is encouraging community members to submit photos of you and your family (multiple entries are allowed) doing your part to help Mother Earth from now until Friday, April 23rd at 4:00 p.m. Please submit your photos of you and your family completing eco-friendly activities to ashley.tarbell@akwesasne.ca or by posting in the thread below. All entries will be entered for your chance to win some great prizes! Honor Mother Earth...

  • Tribal Caucus Announced

    Apr 22, 2021

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Election Board will be holding the annual Tribal Caucus on Saturday, Onerahtohkó:wa | May 1, 2021. There are three (3) positions open: one (1) Tribal Chief, one (1) Tribal Sub-Chief, and one (1) Tribal Clerk. The Caucus will begin at 10:00 a.m. at the former IGA Building. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and to ensure the safety of our community members, there will be no observers allowed. In order to minimize the amount of people gathering in an enclosed space, the nomination time for each position will be st...

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