A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the April 21, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 91

  • We Carry Our Names

    Apr 21, 2016

    In a historic landmark case, the Ontario Legislature passed Bill 173, which included significant changes to Ontario’s Vital Statistics Act to allow a person of Aboriginal descent to use one single name as their legal name. Included here is the press release from Gowling WLG who represented Ienonhkwa’tsheriiostha and a letter from Tewahsennahawi/We Carry Our Names. This can be seen as only adding to the power of each individual who bears one name and Indian Time is honored to share this information with the community of Akwesasne. Gowling WLG St...

  • Walk Shows Support for Attawapiskat

    Apr 21, 2016

    After an increasing number of young people attempted to take their lives in a remote northern Ontario First Nation last week, the chief and council of Attawapiskat declared a state of emergency on April 9, 2016. The suicide epidemic in Attawapiskat started in the fall, when a number of youth attempted suicide. Since gaining national attention and visits from national, federal and provincial leaders, promises have been made to make permanent and lasting changes from a "third world" community to...


    Apr 21, 2016

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) would like to inform the community that on April 6, 2016, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) notified the MCA that the North Shore Specific Claim and the Baxter and Barnhart Specific Claim have not been accepted for negotiation by Canada. According to communications received from INAC Specific Claims Branch, the claims were rejected due to lack of evidence regarding use and occupation of lands. INAC has determined, through its review of the claim, that there is no outstanding lawful obligation...

  • Film "Keepers of the Game" Premieres at Tribeca Film Festival in NYC

    Apr 21, 2016

    On Tuesday April 19 2016, a group of Akwesasne lacrosse teammates, parents and community supporters traveled to NYC to attend the Tribeca Film Festival's premier "Keeper of the Game"; a 90-minute feature documentary. The documentary feature's the 40 lacrosse teammates and their parents as they struggle with a classic and old as time dilemma of whether girls should play lacrosse. As the girl's lacrosse season plays outs, parents, Clanmothers and the players themselves struggle for answers on...


    Apr 21, 2016

    Please be advised that the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Department of Health considers the safety of Community members one of our highest priorities. For this reason we have chosen to voluntarily recall the green food bags that were distributed on April 19, 2016. The green food bags are being recalled due to the possibility that some bags may have contaminated produce, which poses potential risk. The community members who picked up the green food bags on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 from the St. Regis Recreation center and Snye location should not...


    Apr 21, 2016

    Joseph "Aronhientha" Benedict – March 13, 1921~April 16, 2016. Joe was a hard worker, a young entrepreneur in the art of lacrosse stick making and playing music. He was a phenomenal fiddler who played at many weddings in Akwesasne and at local bars in the area. He was a farmer who raised farm animals and gardens full of fruit and vegetables for years. He worked at the old Lacrosse Factory and later opened up his own shop and supplied Akwesasne, Oka and Kahnawake with wooden lacrosse sticks of h...

  • Free Naloxone Training Offered

    Apr 21, 2016

    MASSENA -- There will be free naloxone training in Massena April 24 at 2 p.m. at the Massena Community Center, 61 Beach St. Naloxone is an opiate and opioid overdose antidote that is administered as a nasal spray. Although it is not a substitute for calling 911, it can keep someone who is overdosing alive long enough for EMTs to arrive. Many police and first responders around the country are carrying naloxone. The training for naloxone administration is one hour. Most of that time is spent reviewing information about how it works and...

  • Akwesasne History and Culture Showcased in OPG Visitor Center

    Apr 21, 2016

    CORNWALL - Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is proudly hosting a display which showcases historical artifacts from the Native North American Travelling College (NNATC). The exhibit will be unveiled at the St. Lawrence Power Development Visitor Centre (SLPDVC) on April 22, 10:30 a.m. The display and will run until the Fall. Please join us for this celebration. About the display: “In 2014 the Visitor Centre, through the NNATC, was fortunate enough to host a display by renowned basket artist Salli Benedict,” says Brent Stajkowski, Production Manager...


    Apr 21, 2016

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all individuals that were involved in my Trivia Night/Dance Fundraiser, which was held on March 4, 2016. I would like to thank the organizing committee that worked so quickly and diligently in organizing this event. Those individuals include: Guzzy Lazore, Lorraine Bero, Mae & Wayne Green, Jerry & Trent McDonald, Shannon Sunday, Catherine Cook, Denise Jackson, Chief Joe Lazore, Debbie Ransom-Gauthier, Scott & Erin McDonald, Jimmy & Nic McDonald, Roger & Vicky, Roger & Cathy Mitchell, Lyle & Cindy...

  • Akwesasne Epilepsy Thank You Letter

    Apr 21, 2016

    The Akwesasne Epilepsy Support Group would like to send a huge thank you to the following people who either walked the 5K (3 miles) or stopped in and made a donation to the cause. The event was a great success with 57 walkers of all ages, from children to seniors, who came out to show their support for people living with epilepsy, their families, caregivers and in honour of a loved one! Each person who registered to walk were treated to an awesome t-shirt, a light lunch, a photo-booth that took instant photos to take home and entries for some...

  • UCD School Board and Staff Celebrate International Day of Pink

    Apr 21, 2016

    Upper Canada District School Board trustees and staff celebrated International Day of Pink last Wednesday April 13, 2016 by wearing pink shirts, sweaters and other attire. International Day of Pink is a day where communities across the country, and across the world, can unite in celebrating diversity and raising awareness to stop homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, and all forms of bullying....

  • Attawapiskat Youth Council Makes Demands

    Apr 21, 2016

    In light of the recent crisis in Attawapiskat, the youth have organized and have made demands on the Federal government of Canada. Here is their letter; OFFICIAL DEMANDS TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FROM ATTAWAPISKAT YOUTH In order to reconcile the generations of cultural genocide, there must be permanent supports for healing, culture and strengthening individual identities. The current oppressive legislations must be amended to end the continued assimilation of First Nations children through weste...

  • Chill Basket Making at the Experience Akwesasne Welcome Centre

    Rachelle Garrow Hayes|Apr 21, 2016

    Basketry has been part of the rich culture of Native Americans for centuries and one of the oldest known Native American arts that is usually a family tradition. This is the case with Mohawk black ash and sweet grass basket maker, Carrie Hill, and owner of "Chill Baskets Studio." Ms. Hill learned her craft from her aunt, Laura Mitchell and is handing down the tradition to her 16 year old daughter, Rain. "My oldest daughter is my assistant," proudly comments Ms. Hill. "One day she asked if she...

  • Three SRCS Students' Art Selected for Lake Placid Exhibit

    Apr 21, 2016

    Submitted by Jennifer Backus Each year, the Lake Placid Center for the Arts presents the Annual High School Juried Art Show to recognize the artistic talents of high school students in the Lake Placid region. Two local artists serve as jurors to put together an exhibit highlighting some of the best young local talent. This year, three students from Salmon River Central High School were accepted into the show. "Black Ash Fancy Basket" by Layne Konwenni Lazore, Grade 11; "Black Ash Fancy Basket"...

  • SRCS Students' Art In Robideau/Lamitie-King Juried Student Art Show

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinsonm|Apr 21, 2016

    On Saturday, April 16, 2016, the 15th Annual Robideau/Lamitie-King Juried Student Art Show Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony was held at the Wead Library in Malone, NY. The exhibit features artwork from six area schools including Brushton-Moira, Chateaugay, Malone Middle School, Franklin Academy, Holy Family, and Salmon River. Salmon River Central had 30 middle and high school artists represented. High School Art Teacher Mrs. Jeni Backus said, "Participating in this show is one of the...

  • SRCS Students' Art In Robideau/Lamitie-King Juried Student Art Show - Part 2

    Apr 21, 2016

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Scrabble Tournament Held at Office for the Aging

    Apr 21, 2016

    Submitted by Jamie Ross The Akwesasne Library sponsored an afternoon of Scrabble on Saturday, April 16, 2016. There were three teams competing for cash prizes of High Individual Score, High Team Score, and Most 'Bingo' Words. There was a light luncheon catered by Aleesha King before the tournament began. Thank you Aleesha...your food and service was outstanding! Thanks to the library, a cash prize was awarded to Emily Tarbell for a high score of 446 points! Emily also won the prize for the most...

  • IT'S A GIRL!

    Apr 21, 2016

    Name: Lizza October Gale White Born: March 18, 2016 Weight: 5.6 lbs. Length: 18" Parents: Ciara Skidders-White & Lakota White Maternal Grandparents: Tricia White & Rocky Skidders Maternal Great-Grandmother: Karen White...

  • Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Planning to Honor

    Apr 21, 2016

    (April 7, 2016) The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) will hold a memorial ceremony to pay tribute to the workers who lost their lives during the original construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The ceremony will take place at the Eisenhower Lock Visitors’ Center, 190 Barnhart Road, Massena, New York, at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, June 3, 2016. It took less than five years – from late 1954 until early 1959 – to complete the massive engineering and construction project creating a new waterway. An army of men and women – 22,000 car...

  • Tsi Snaihne School Celebrates Decades Day

    Apr 21, 2016

    Submitted by Lynda Brown...

  • Family Literacy Day Challenge Winners

    Apr 21, 2016

    Submitted by Lynda Brown The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education Family Literacy Day Challenge on January 27th had a number of families enter the challenge to participate in "15 Minutes of Fun". Families did a number of fun activities to celebrate the day from discussing an Alternate Ending To A Story, Lights Out and Talk On, ABC Scavenger Hunt, Number Walk, Ninja Turtle board game, and some families completed in all suggested activities. Congratulations to Illeana Smoke-Johnson, Javen...

  • How to Create a Cash Stash for Unexpected Expenses

    Apr 21, 2016

    April is Financial Literacy Month, a time dedicated to teaching how to establish and maintain good financial habits. The month provides a good opportunity to assess whether you have a solid plan in place to support your financial goals - and that means planning for emergency expenses, too. The best time to plan for unexpected expenses is well before they happen. One strategy to consider is to open an emergency savings account where you can stash cash specifically for unexpected expenses or short-term savings goals. That way, you can avoid havin...

  • North Bay

    Apr 21, 2016

    North Bay...


    Apr 21, 2016

    (April 14, 2016) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation authorizing competitive mixed martial arts in New York State. The legislation reverses an effective ban that had been in place since 1997, and ensures mixed martial arts contests will be supervised either directly by the New York State Athletic Commission, or by a sanctioning entity approved by the Commission. It will close a statutory loophole under which unregulated and unsupervised "amateur" mixed martial arts competitions had been...

  • Salmon River Central Superintendent Invites Community to Participate in Open Forums

    Apr 21, 2016

    Salmon River Central School District Superintendent Stanley Harper would like to invite community members to join one of the open forum discussions about the future of the school district. There will be a guided discussion by Mr. Harper and staff, and community members will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to inform the district’s strategic plan in the future. The meetings will be held at Middle School LGI Room, 637 County Route 1, Fort Covington, NY. The two remaining meetings are scheduled for: May 12, 2016 at 6...

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