A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the April 17, 2008 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • Tribal police arrest three for 2007 robbery of Kanienkehaka

    Apr 17, 2008

    On April 11, 2008, Akwesasne resident Richard M. Lazore was arrested in connection with the September 22, 2007, armed robbery, which occurred at Kanienkehaka Fuels on the St. Regis Mohawk Indian Reservation. The arrest was made pursuant to a County Court Arrest Warrant issued by Judge Robert Main of Franklin County. Mr. Lazore has been charged with Robbery 2nd as an accessory, Grand Larceny 4th as an accessory, and Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th. The arrest follows a lengthy investigation by the Tribal Police department, which also...

  • Pre-trial begins for double murder suspects

    Apr 17, 2008

    Two men charged with the first-degree murders of Jade Benedict and Peter Benedict sat in a Cornwall courtroom this week where their pre-trial is underway. The Benedict men were shot and killed on July 16, 2005 in a Cornwall parking lot after an alleged drug deal went bad. James Maestrello and Michael Boyle, both from Sudbury, Ontario, are accused of shooting Jade, 27 and Peter, 31 as well as another man at another location, who survived. Andy Paul was left bleeding in a remote area outside of Cornwall. His testimony was a critical component of...

  • Students take field trip to Sugar Shack

    Chrissy Cook|Apr 17, 2008

    On Monday, April 14, children from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Early Childhood Development Program were treated to a field trip to the Sugar Shack located in Hogansburg. Classes each took a turn traveling by bus to learn about maple syrup, where it comes from and how it’s made. While waiting for their class’s turn they were taught traditional songs and dances by Bear Fox, who has been going to the ECDP regularly for cultural teaching. She explains about each song she sings and what it is all a...

  • Teen runaway found safe and sound

    Apr 17, 2008

    On Friday morning, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service sought assistance from the community in locating a missing teen who they believed to be a runaway. The 15-year-old girl was reported missing when she failed to return home after attending school Thursday in Cornwall. On Monday morning the AMPS notified the public that the girl had been located. She was taken into custody by police and released into the care of Akwesasne Child & Family Services. Indian Time has withheld the name of the girl....

  • The sound of Collective Soul comes live to Akwesasne

    Shannon Burns|Apr 17, 2008

    The rock band Collective Soul stopped in Akwesasne last Wednesday with their massive tour bus that has already traveled around the United States. Fans of the band were immediately aware of the band’s arrival early Saturday as their enormous home-on-the-road sat in front of the All-Inn Lounge – their venue that evening. The band faced a few obstacles that day, from their meeting with local police who warned them they wouldn’t be patrolling the concert that night, to the one-hour delay in conce...

  • Michael R. Benedict

    Apr 17, 2008

    Mr. Michael R. “Mike” Benedict, age 78, of 1394 State Route 37, Akwesasne, passed away peacefully Sunday (April 13, 2008) with his family at his bedside.  He had suffered a stroke 16 years ago.  His family wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Hospice of the North Country, Akwesasne Senior Citizens, and the compassion of his many health care aides over the years. He was born December 22, 1929, on Kawenoke Mohawk Territory (Cornwall Island), the son of the late Alexander and Mary (Point)...

  • In Memory of John White

    Apr 17, 2008

    When your hero falls from grace All fairy tales are uncovered Myths exposed and pain magnified The greatest pain is discovered You taught me to be strong And I was confused to see you weak You said never to give up And it hurts to see you welcome defeat When your hero falls so do the stars And so does the perception of tomorrow Without my hero there is only Me alone to deal with my sorrow. Your heart ceases to work And your soul is not happy. What are you do When your hero falls? Missed...

  • In Memory “RPL”

    Apr 17, 2008

    Always missed and in our hearts forever! Beatrice Loran Tom, Christine, Andrew, Michael & Nicole Kelly, Martin, kids and grandkids Chris & family, Flo-Anne, Mark & Grace Danielle, Mike, Sakaronhiotane and Takaronhiotakie...

  • Dear Editor

    Apr 17, 2008

    Dear Editor, Recently, the publicity of contraband seizures has been seen in increasing volumes in regional news outlets, particularly from media releases from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) stationed in Valleyfield, Quebec. These news articles have gone out of their way, for instance, to identify the manufacturer brand names of seized tobacco products. In doing so, the implication seems to be that the root of all prohibited behavior originates in Akwesasne, and the RCMP is upholding the honor and dignity of Canada. The seizures...


    Apr 17, 2008

    I am writing this letter to inform the community members of a situation that has happened concerning a non-Member. I hope that this community and Council can address this issue properly. First I would like to provide the following background information. The Akwesasne Membership Board is the body elected by the community members and whose authority is outlined in the Akwesasne Membership Code and the Charter of the Akwesasne Membership Board, which have both been enacted and accepted by the community. Council has recognized the Akwesasne...

  • Dear Editor

    Apr 17, 2008

    Dear Editor: I am probably the only one that is sad to see all of our snow melted away. The winter months have kept our mother earth protected under a soft white blanket. Although, this year it was densely packed! But still, everything looked beautiful outside. The snow has now receded from our roadside ditches and it has uncovered the shameful truth that was buried beneath it. There are some people in our community that love to throw litter out the windows of their cars. I am sorry to tell you this, but we can’t blame anyone else for this prob...

  • Satsisowah Conference: An Affirmation of the Life of John Mohawk

    Doug George Kanentiio|Apr 17, 2008

    There is a saying that we never quite appreciate what we have until it is gone.  That is as true of our friends and relatives as it is of our material possessions.  The passing of time compels changes, which means we lose things and people as we journey through life. But it is important to stop, rest, reflect and look back; to remember the trail. From March 28-30 students and faculty from the University of Buffalo organized an event which brought together dozens of community leaders to rec...

  • Police Blotter

    Apr 17, 2008

    Motor Vehicle Collision On Saturday April 12th, 2008 at 9:51 am, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service responded to a call of a two vehicle collision on Island Road East, near Ecko Hawk Properties. One driver was ejected from a vehicle, and transported to Cornwall Community Hospital Hotel Dieu site. The other driver did not sustain any injuries. Mohawk Police will be continuing the investigation into the cause of the accident. Possession of Controlled Substance On Monday April 14th, 2008, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police received a phone call of a...

  • Two 59-year-olds accused of growing marijuana

    Apr 17, 2008

     Members of the Cornwall Community Police Service’s Street Crime Unit executed a drug search warrant and dismantled two rooms set up as a grow operation for marijuana shortly before 1 p.m. on the April 9. The search took place at a private residence at 1772 Brookdale Avenue.  As a result of the investigation two people were arrested and charged with six drug related charges when they were allegedly found to be in possession of and cultivating a controlled substance.  Police seized over 525 plants believed to be marijuana plants in various...

  • Bow and Arrow opens for business

    Shannon Burns|Apr 17, 2008

    Named after its owner Bow White and his brother Arrow White, the Bow and Arrow shop on Route 37 opened for business earlier this month. The store prides itself on selling undermarket-priced goods in a flea-market setting. The store’s inventory will change regularly but items currently available include sofas and chairs, dining room tables, dressers, toys, books, interior decorations, tools, and artwork. Artwork by local residents Barbara Nelson and Andy White are some of the items guests can p...

  • Butts are gross!

    Apr 17, 2008

    Community Health Nurses Susan Brown Charboneau and Candi Thomas visited students at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School last week to promote the Live Tobacco Wise campaign.  The campaign is aimed at educating students and giving information about the health risks associated with tobacco use.   While at AMS Charboneau and Thomas presented all the grade 4, 5, and 6 students with T-Shirts stating that BUTTS ARE GROSS.......

  • Hard-working students rewarded with pizza party

    Apr 17, 2008

    A luncheon was held at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School for the Second Term Top Students in Math, Computer Studies, Mohawk Language, Art, and Music.  The students from Pre-K to Grade 6 were all treated to a pizza lunch while certificates were presented to the students in each category.   This new system recognizes the students that put forth a total effort throughout the entire term.  Congratulations to the award recipients.  You have done a great job!  Keep it up! Second Term Student Awards 2007...

  • Salmon River Central Elementary Honor Roll

    Apr 17, 2008

    K. Alexander & M. Post-Grade 4 Principal’s List Boardway, Cheyenne Reardon, Adriana Smith, Zachary K. Alexander & M. Post-Grade 4 Honor Roll Brooks, Brittany Cree, Lexi Ghostlaw, Kera Humiston, Isaiah LaPage, Patrick Russell, Caroline Smith, Tianna Warner, Ashley C. Merry-Grade 4 Principal’s List Jacobs, Reese C. Merry-Grade 4 Honor Roll Bigness, Jordan Durant, Sarah French, Jenna Herne, Sage Lafrance, Carly Paquin, Chantell Phillips, Kiakowisonkies Silver, Aanzhenikwe Sisto, Tyler Square, Waylon L. Ryan-Grade 4 Principal’s List Adams, Kayle...

  • Akwesasne’s Dale George-Conners chosen to attend U.S. Presidential Inauguration

    Apr 17, 2008

    Akwesasne’s Dale George-Conners, age 14, was recently chosen to attend the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference (PYIC), based on her academic achievement and leadership abilities. Dale is the daughter of Lesley George and Michael Conners Jr. The Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference provides high-achieving students the opportunity to witness the responsibilities of leadership while commemorating a truly historic event - the presidential inauguration. Dale, a ninth grader at Salmon River C...

  • St. Lawrence River – Iroquois Dam gates to be lowered

    Apr 17, 2008

    [Cornwall, Ontario]: In accordance with the operating regulations of the International St. Lawrence River Board of Control, Ontario Power Generation’s Ottawa/St. Lawrence Plant Group has been asked to advise users of the St. Lawrence River, including recreational boaters and anglers, that all the gates of the Iroquois Dam will be lowered into the water April 9, 2008 to help prevent Lake St. Lawrence levels from rising too high. The gates of the Iroquois Dam are being lowered today as a precaution, adding that the gates of the Iroquois Dam w...

  • Art in progress

    Apr 17, 2008

    Father and son John and Dave Fadden are in the midst of painting a mural at the Iakhihsohtha Home for the Elder in Tsi Snaihne (Snye). Ray and Christine Fadden, John’s parents and Dave’s grandparents, are residents of the home. The mural is being painted in Iakhihsohtha’s new sensory room....

  • Protect your home against Burglars

    Akwesasne Mohawk Police|Apr 17, 2008

    If you are going to be leaving for a short vacation or even the afternoon from your residence, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service have a few tips for you to safe guard your home against burglars: • Plan to “burglarize” yourself. You’ll discover any weaknesses in your security system that may have previously escaped your notice. • Lock up your home, even if you go out only for a short time. Many burglars just walk in through an unlocked door or window. • Change all the locks and tumblers when you move into a new house. • For the most effectiv...

  • Head Start students and infants featured in art show

    Chrissy Cook|Apr 17, 2008

    In Celebration of the Week of the Young Child, April 14 – 18, the Early Childhood Development Program is hosting an Art Show at the St. Lawrence Center Mall. All children from infants up to Head Start have worked very hard on projects to display. Stop by and check out the display of “Big Works From Little Hands.” Pictures of the young artists in action are also included in the show....

  • St. Regis Mohawk School’s second-graders show support for soldiers in Iraq

    Kim Loran|Apr 17, 2008

    On April 10, 2008, Shelby Bero invited Kayla Thompson and Kim Loran to watch as her students as well as 3 other second grade classes packed up six large boxes they were putting together to send to Staff Sgt. Austin Boots (Austin is Kayla’s boyfriend) and his unit in Iraq. It all began with talks between Kayla and Shelby on the everyday items that Austin and many troops go without during their deployments. Shelby then so generously took on the task to get care packages together, not only for A...

  • AMBE Skahwatsí:ra Ensures Language Survival by Endorsing Partnerships with Other Kanien’kéha Programs & Communities

    Margaret Peters|Apr 17, 2008

    By Kaweienón:ni (Margaret) Peters AMBE Kanien’kéha Curriculum Specialist For several years, the Ahkwesáhsne Mohawk Board of Education Kanien’kéha program has been undergoing many changes, since the inception of the all Kanien’kéha (Mohawk Language) program in 1995, when a full immersion kindergarten program was implemented into the Tsi Snaihne School. The program has now grown into a bi-lingual program that is intended to meet the various learning needs of the students. The main objective...

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