A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the April 14, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 57

  • Akwesasne Paddlers Enjoy Fast Flows and High Water at RRCA's 49th Annual Raisin River Canoe Race

    Kaniehtonkie|Apr 14, 2022

    by Kaniehtonkie After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, paddlers of all ages and athletic ability joined in the Raisin Region Conservation Authority's (RRCA) 49th annual Raisin River Canoe Race. The cold weather on Sunday, April 10th didn't dampen anyone's spirits. Paddlers, supporters and viewers met at St. Andrews West elementary school grounds and from there a flotilla of 244 canoes, kayaks and stand-up paddleboards set out downstream to Williamstown. With the recent rains, many particip...

  • Tribally Licensed Cannabis Market Launches April 15th

    Apr 14, 2022

    AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Cannabis Control Board announced the launching of the first regulated adult use cannabis market within New York State. Beginning on Onerahtókha/April 15, 2022; the following Akwesasne businesses will offer cannabis and cannabis products for sale in compliance with the Tribe's Adult Use Cannabis Ordinance: RETAIL: · Budders Cannabis Store, located at 508 State Route 37 · King Canna, located at 8 Raquette Point Road · Weedway, located at 935 State Route...

  • Clarkson's Presidential Speaker Series Continues April 26 with Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet

    Apr 14, 2022

    Dr. Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet will present her lecture titled "My Climb to the Highest Rung" on April 26 at 11 am as part of the newly launched Presidential Speaker Series at Clarkson University. The series is designed to bring eminent scholars and thought leaders from across the country and around the world to help members of our community tackle perennial and emerging challenges such as racism, colonialism, sexism, poverty, climate change, and the cost of higher education, among others....

  • St. Regis Mohawk School students visit newly built sugar shack

    Apr 14, 2022

    On Friday, April 1st, St. Regis Mohawk School students were able to go on a short field trip to the newly built sugar shack across from the school. Stacey and Gabe Oakes welcomed the rest of the students the following week to their sugar shack. Dean and Doogie George spent the next week teaching the students about how maple syrup is made and traditional teachings to go along with it. Students learned about how the season is opened with the burning of sacred tobacco and to say "niawen" to the...


    Apr 14, 2022

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) is informing the community that the mask mandate has been extended through the month of April. MCA has chosen to continue the mask mandate due to the increase in local positive COVID-19 cases, as well as an increase in cases and hospitalizations in neighboring communities. MCA will reassess the necessity for the mask mandate on May 1st. The mask mandate applies to community members and staff of MCA buildings, facilities, Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) schools and buildings, and residents and...


    Apr 14, 2022

    AKWESASNE – Marcia Thompson, 77, of St. Regis Road, passed away Monday morning, April 4, 2022 at her home, where she was under the loving care of her family, friends, and Hospice of the North Country. Marcia was born on June 19, 1944 in Hogansburg, the daughter of the late Fred and Louise (Cook) Barnes. She attended Salmon River Central School, where she graduated in 1962. She continued her education at Massena School of Business graduating in 1963. Marcia first worked for a time in the C...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Apr 14, 2022

    April 11, 2022 Letter to the Editor, At the time of the April monthly meeting, I attended via zoom at a relatives and an inciden occurred. I would like to clarify facts as I know them: First, during a program presentation something was said about their contract regarding State funding that caught my attention, at this time I made a personal comment. It was to mine and the other individuals’ surprise that the microphone on our end was not muted, as commonly, the host mutes the gallery when not speaking. I believed I was sharing an opinion on a...

  • Beaver skinning traditions continues

    Apr 14, 2022

    Teenage boys gathered on a cold Sunday afternoon to watch the long-standing tradition of skinning a beaver. Teiohontsiakwente explained the art of trapping, skinning and preparing a beaver – from the fur to the tail, to preparing the meat for a meal, the goal is give thanks for their existence and to try and use every part of the beaver. The workshop was sponsored by the Massena Central Jr High Title VI program. Title VI is a federally funded formula grant program that currently services 270 N...

  • The Adirondacks Mountains are open for hiking

    Apr 14, 2022

    The mud has dried, the rain has eased, and trails are looking good. Holistic Life Foundation Akwesasne and MCA Wholistic Health and Wellness Program are teaming up this spring to bring you - Enrichment Hiking! This Spring Series is going to focus more on the activity than the hiking, making this an all-physical level hiking program. Hikes will focus on Mindfulness and Healing, Nature Painting, Yoga, Water Meditation and Nature Photography. Starting on Wednesday, May 9th and departing from...

  • How Clarkson Helped Students Find Their Ecological Passions and Live Their Dreams

    Apr 14, 2022

    Clarkson Biology Professor Tom Langen and five of his students recently published a paper that can serve as a how-to guide for students to become professional ecological field technicians. The article, published by the Ecological Society of America (ESA), investigates what it takes to be a professional ecological or environmental technician, or else how to supervise a team of field techs. This is an impressive accomplishment for Langen’s students, who are either former or current students of his from Clarkson. Langen got the idea for this artic...


    Apr 14, 2022

    Continued from last week THE PRODUCER OF COUNCIL The Council is divided into three parts. The Chiefs of each of the Original Five Nations sit in their own circles, since their decision on any matter must be unanimous as a nation. The Mohawks and Senecas are called the “Elder Brothers”-they are both the largest nations in terms of population, and the nations at either end of the Confederacy’s geographic long-house. Any matter that comes into the Confederacy from outside comes through the Mohawks if it is from the east, and through the Senec...

  • Indian Time Newspaper Reporter/Photographer

    Apr 14, 2022

    RESPONSIBLE TO: Editor JOB DUTIES: 1. Photograph and report on community events and conduct interviews for Indian Time Newspaper. 2. Meet deadlines for Editor and Layout Artist. 3. Produce news articles and related materials using computer programs such as Word and email for submission and Editor’s approval. 4. Develop ideas for news stories and must be available for scheduled and unscheduled community events and activities. Willingness to keep a flexible schedule. QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Must enjoy meeting people and talking with people. 2. P...

  • Kakwitè:ne Nikahá:wi

    Apr 14, 2022

    1. Á:ienhre akwé:kon ne onhwentsià:ke á:se ensewá:ton nó:nen kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi. It looks like all the earth is renewed in spring time 2. Wakathahita'nónhne tsi kahrhakónhshon I went for a walk in the woods and came back 3. Wakakia'tahkariiohsta'nónhne I went to exercise and came back 4. Watkaráhtate tsi iohatákie I did run/jog on the path 5. Onkwa'taríhen I got hot 6. Átste wa'kákien I sat outside 7. Tontakaterà:karen I did relax 8. Átste wa'kátshwa'te I did play outside 9. Wa'kathonwihá:r...

  • Seneca's push against New York in gaming dispute

    Apr 14, 2022

    By Leslie Logan, Seneca. The Seneca Nation has been engaged in a five-year long gaming dispute with New York state that got real ugly the last weekend of March. On an especially cold and wintry late March Saturday, when a good number of Senecas were happily headed to KeyBank Center to celebrate Native American Heritage Day at a Buffalo Bandits lacrosse game, the Seneca Nation’s financial world came to an abrupt, head-spinning, heart-seizing, screeching halt. New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul, a native Western New Yorker, put the screws to the S...

  • St. Regis Mohawk School March Outstanding Attendance

    Apr 14, 2022

    Ms. Ellsworth Kash Francis Andromeda Garrow Leddi Jacobs Storm Rourke Mrs. Yando Kyle Boots Thiago Cole Cora Jacobs Rohehtiio King Lennon Leaf Hayden Mitchell Leighton Mitchell Penelope Papineau Jaelyn Thompson Mr. Bish William Arquette Saniyah Buckshot Drayden Cook Kroy Francis Iako’nikonhra’sha’tste Mitchell Ellah Mitchell Cole Kayzlen Terrance Ms. Cartier Aivah Back Tahawennothakie David Madison Gray Lucille Point Jordan Thomas Kellan Thomas Walker White Mrs. Besaw Clark Back Sky Cook Kredence Garrow Teiotenhari:io Jacobs Jaylah Lane Dekla...

  • Seafood Watch Warns Against Consuming Lobster, Snow Crab, to Help Save Right Whales

    Apr 14, 2022

    By Paige Bennett. Reprinted with permission from EcoWatch. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program recommends that consumers avoid eating any lobster or snow crab caught in the U.S. and Canada, as commercial fishing has put the endangered North Atlantic right whales at further risk of extinction. There are about 70 reproductively active females left of the species, as reported by NRDC, and fewer than 340 North Atlantic right whales exist. From 2015 to 2019, there was an average decline of 31 deaths and critical injuries per year. T...

  • imagineNATIVE Announces Expanded Hybrid Presentation for 2022 imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

    Apr 14, 2022

    The 23rd annual imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival will welcome artists and audiences back to Toronto/Tkaronto forIN-PERSON screenings and events October 18 - 23, 2022. imagineNATIVE will then present the Festival ONLINE from October 24 - 30, 2022 to ensure they connect with those who aren’t yet able to attend in-person offerings. The 2022 Festival will invite everyone to gather on the same ground in a celebration of current and contemporary Indigenous artistic works. Each year the Festival presents film, digital + interactive media, a...

  • Tribe Collaborates with ARC to Install Smoke Detectors

    Apr 14, 2022

    AKWESASNE – On Friday, Onerahtókha/April 8, 2022 the Office of Emergency Management and Safety (OEMS), alongside the American Red Cross, teamed up to install smoke detectors in homes throughout the southern portion of the Akwesasne community. Community members were asked to fill out a brief survey and were able to request to have new smoke detectors installed at no cost. Volunteers joined OEMS and American Red Cross to install the smoke detectors and brush Akwesashro:non up on their home fi...

  • Farewell message from Entewatatha:wi Program Manager Peter Garrow

    Apr 14, 2022

    I sometimes feel as if I am as old as the Indian Act and feel the wounds of this oppressive piece of legislation placed on all of us, without our consent. Well, I have tried hard in over 45 years of public service to point out the negative aspects of living and operating under the Indian Act and now it is time to pass on this quest to younger minds with more energy and hopefully with the same passion as I have demonstrated. I pass this on with the knowledge that there are a number of social...

  • Leave No Trace Behind – Part One

    Apr 14, 2022

    The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace provide an easily understood framework of minimum impact practices for anyone visiting the outdoors. Although Leave No Trace has its roots in backcountry settings, the Principles have been adapted so that they can be applied anywhere - from remote wilderness areas, to local parks and even in your own backyard. They also apply to almost every recreational activity. Each Principle covers a specific topic and provides detailed information for minimizing...

  • Response to Pope's Apology Lingers

    Kaniehtonkie|Apr 14, 2022

    By Kaniehtonkie. Almost two weeks have passed since Pope Francis delivered his apology to a Métis, First Nations and Inuit delegation at the Vatican. The Pope is expected to travel to North America this summer to possibly deliver an apology, on our soil. Every single word spoken by the Pope to the visiting delegation has been considered, studied, scrutinized, and questioned. Out of respect for the delegation, it must have been an extremely emotional affair; once again a somber moment to reflect on the atrocities inflected on our relatives....

  • First Nations, Canada Wide, United States COVID-19 Update

    Apr 14, 2022

    First Nations Epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in First Nations communities as reported to Indigenous Services Canada from April 3, 2022, to April 9, 2022. Atlantic – 364 Cases Quebec – 297 Cases Ontario – 291 Cases Manitoba – 67 Cases Saskatchewan – 62 Cases Alberta – 30 Cases British Columbia – 0 Cases Canada Wide The latest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada as of April 13, 2022. Canada: 3,590,820 confirmed cases in Canada. First Nations: 99,634 total cases, 2,851 active cases (with 696 deaths) British Columbia: 357...

  • St. Lawrence County COVID Statistics

    Apr 14, 2022

    As of Friday, April 8 to Monday, April 11, 2022 Transmission Level: High New cases: 277 Active cases: 316 Hospitalizations: 22 Deaths: 183 Fully vaccinated in SLC: 65,583 St. Lawrence County positivity rate: 5.4% Statewide Positivity rate: 4.1%...

  • Franklin County COVID Statistics

    Apr 14, 2022

    Statistics for Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Total New Cases Today: 26 Current Positive Cases: 65 At home tests reported: 21 PCRS reported: 5 Statistics for Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Total New Cases today: 21 Current Positive Cases: 59 At home tests reported: 4 PCRS reported: 7 Statistics for Monday, April 11, 2022 Total new: 8 Current Positive Cases: 51 At home tests reported: 4 PCRS reported: 4 Statistics for Sunday, April 10, 2022 Total new: 8 Current Positive Cases: 51 At home tests reported: 4 PCRS reported: 4...

  • Grade Five

    Apr 14, 2022

    Back Row: Angela Caldwell, Lindsay Mitchell, Danielle McDonald, Kevin Lazore, Meranda Mitchell, Stephanie Smoke, Gordon Jacobs and Mr. True. Bottom Row Seated: Renee Oakes, Karakwenta Lazore, Tricia Skidders, Jessica Lazore, Patricia Lazore, Lawrence Roundpoint, Christopher Thompson, Nathan Lazore Do you have any old photos that you'd like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the Communications Building. Stop letting your...

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