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The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service is requesting the assistance of the community in providing information regarding a fire, which occurred late in the evening on Saturday, March 28th in Tsi Snaihne (Snye). The Hogansburg-Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service attended the residence of Timmy Sunday located at 1284 River Road. A pickup truck located on the property was on fire and Chief Norman Peters ruled the occurrence as suspicious. An investigation is ongoing and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service is...
The Akwesasne Skating Club’s bi-annual skating show featured an array of talented young artists and athletes who have made skating their hobby. The “Dreamcatcher” themed show was held Sunday at the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena with the club’s dozens of members participating. The arena was transformed into a dark and mysterious venue as group by group the skaters came out onto the ice to perform a well-rehearsed and well-choreographed numbers. From their costumes and props to the lighting and narrati...
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The long-awaited fuel assistance program in partnership with the CITGO Petroleum Corporation will once again be a reality for the Mohawk Tribe. CITGO’s partnership with Citizens Programs Corporation recently confirmed that they will be providing $1,081,000 of financial support for the Akwesasne Community for home heating. The funds are to be used to arrange for the purchase and delivery of fuel oil to individual households of community members. Based on the dollar amount allocated by CITGO, this will work out to approximately $250 per house...
Jerry Swamp only has one week of experience as police chief of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service, but he brings 18 years of police knowledge with him to the position and of those 18 years, all 18 were spent in Akwesasne. Swamp accepted the challenging police chief position offered to him by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Akwesasne Mohawk Police Commission. The two entities had been searching for a new police chief for several months following the resignation of longtime police chief...
Zachary Von Lawrence “Tewatshirarikhons” Adams, age 13, of 2083 River Road, Sugarbush Island, Snye, Quebec died Wednesday (April 1, 2009) at his home. He was born July 6, 1995 in Cornwall, Ontario, the son of Vaughn and Eva Lazore Adams. He was currently a 7th grade student at Salmon River Central School. Zach was an awesome lacrosse and football player. He enjoyed fishing, trapping, hunting, and being on My Space. He also enjoyed going on family vacations and collecting foreign currency. He...
Mrs. Annette “Tehontsine” Adams Jocko, age 72, of 1502 River Road, Snye, Quebec, died Saturday evening (April 4, 2009) at Cornwall Community Hospital, McConnell Site, where she had been a patient since Wednesday. She was born March 26, 1937 in Cornwall, the daughter of Peter “Kaienthokwi” and Margaret “Oroniehhawi” White Adams. She attended schools in Snye and earned her certificate to be a Home Support Care Giver. She married James Jocko on September 2, 1957 at St. Regis Catholic Church with...
Happy 98th Birthday Dad, Gramps! Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every Day. Unseen, Unheard, but always Near. Still loved, Still missed and Very Dear. Onen, Your Family...
Letter to the community, To family, friends and the community who may not know that Charlene Cole has recently been diagnosed with Multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in bone marrow. Plasma cells help the body’s immune system fight disease. When plasma cells grow out of control, an excess of plasma cells can form a tumor in the bone marrow called a myeloma. Many tumors are called Multiple myeloma. As the cancer cells grow in the bone marrow, they cause pain and destruction of the bones. If the bones in the spine are affected it c...
Drugs & Alcohol When it comes to drugs and alcohol, parents are the biggest influence on teens. Teens that are close to their parents are less likely to participate in risky behavior, but all teens are at risk for drugs and alcohol. To help reduce their risk, become more involved in your teens life. The more involved you are, the more your teen will feel valued and be likely to respond to what you have to say about drugs. Parents can help prevent their child from using alcohol by being fully involved in their life. Ask them about their day and...
Dear Readership: The Tribal elections are near. Word is that Barb Lazore will not run again. For over ten years Barb has given her time and has made your best interests a priority over those of her family’s. All things considered she did a grand job. She should be thanked and honored for her efforts. As a woman Barb was the first to hold a Chief’s position this long, softening the course for a new generation of potential Mohawk women Tribal leaders. Though no one can say they agree with all that she accomplished, everyone can admit that she had...
A big thank you goes out to my family, friends and community for all your time, effort and contributions in the fundraiser held on my behalf in March. The generosity of my family, friends and our community made this luncheon and dance a great success. My thank you’s start with the chicken Bar-B-Q. The grill masters were Wally Ransom and Nolan Thompson. In the kitchen were Auntie Annie King, Donna Cole, Denean Cook, Elaine Thompson, Tassie Rourke, Tiara Oakes, Carlee Oakes, Donna Hopps, Lee A...
Nia:wen Ko:wa On behalf of the Mohawk Chapter of the Six Nations Agricultural Society, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) of St. Regis for their concern and thoughtfulness to help us keep our annual traditional gathering alive at the New York State Fair in Syracuse. The MCA’s support comes at a time when we are entering a critical phase in these difficult economic times. Your help to our society will allow us to celebrate our fall native festival and renew our old friendships, acqua...
Akwesasne Soaring Eagles sold a NCCA basketball pool board and the lucky winner was LucyanneThompson of Kawehnoke. Congratulations, you won 1,000.00. We thank all the people that purchased a square to support our club activities. All proceeds will benefit our Year end Awards Banquet held April 18th. Also, niawen ko:wa goes to board sellers Sara Bero, Kateri Thompson & Raechel Lazore....
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council, at this past Saturday’s Tribal meeting, released a letter it sent to the Department of the Interior requesting the withdrawal of the January 3, 2008 policy on Gaming Related Fee-to-Trust Applications. The policy was the basis for Interior’s denial of the Tribe’s trust application for its 29.31 acre site in the Catskills, which led to the breakup of the agreement between Empire Resorts and the Tribe for the Monticello Raceway Site. “We made it clear last year that we would patiently wait for a new administra...
[Cornwall, Ontario]: In accordance with the operating regulations of the International St. Lawrence River Board of Control, Ontario Power Generation’s Ottawa/St. Lawrence Plant Group advises users of the St. Lawrence River, including recreational boaters and anglers, that all the gates of the Iroquois Dam will be lowered into the water today to help prevent Lake St. Lawrence levels from rising too high. Jerry Lapierre, Operating Manager at the R.H. Saunders Generating Station, located west of Cornwall, said the gates of the Iroquois Dam are b...
6 new segments that were funded by a grant from the upcoming PBS Series We Shall Remain -- a project that establishes Native history as an essential part of American history. For the final six episodes of New York State of Mine, we will learn about the native people of New York, the Haudenosaunee. They inhabited this land long before the arrival of Europeans and the Haudenosaunee culture remains strong to this day. Below is a summary of the upcoming segments. 3/30- Women & Poetry-Tammy Tarbell-Boehning, Mohawk Nation and Dr. Sall...
This is to inform the community that the following persons have applied for Membership under the Akwesasne Membership Code: Kahentineson Skidders, age 17, daughter of Ralph Skidders (Akwesasne) and Stacy Huff (Moravians of the Thames); Christine Ashley Sunday, age 17, daughter of Peter Sunday (Akwesasne) and Nancy Blanchet Sunday, a non-native; Chelsey Elizabeth Thompson, age 17, daughter of Mary Thompson (Akwesasne) and Eric Stiles, a non-native; Samantha Lynn Thompson, age 19, daughter of Elaine Thompson (Akwesasne) and Patrick Burelle, a...
A group of Akwesasne women went back to the basics recently and learned how to sew their own clothing, bags and other items. The St. Regis Recreation hosted a 6-week sewing class with local seamstress Terri Cree instructing. Cree is well-known in the community for having years of experience in all aspects of the sewing field. Every Monday for three hours the women learned how to sew, starting with the very basics of loading a sewing machine, to the final touches of an outfit. Sewing machines...
With unusually cold weather for the month of April putting a damper on outdoor activities, the Snye Recreation’s annual Easter egg hunt was moved indoors this past Sunday and was a success nonetheless. The event has been held for the past five years and has normally taken place outside with little plastic eggs scattered throughout the lawn for children to run and find. However, the wet lawn and cold air would have made that a muddy, unpleasant experience. This year, every participant gathered in...
The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club would like to thank Chuck Brown and the Buffalo Bandits along with The Staff at the Oneida Recreation Center in Oneida NY for extending nothing less than first class hospitality. The trip started out on March 27th with an overnight at the Oneida Recreation Center in Oneida NY, where the club members were treated to dinner and activities. The members immediately got to know each other and quickly became friends. The club is looking forward to their visit in the...
In 1970, a man named John McConnell, who lived in the United States, started the first Earth Day. It was originally held on the day of the annual celebration of the March Equinox. Today some people still celebrate Earth Day on this day. The first Earth Day featured environmental “teach-ins,” which were peaceful demonstrations designed to educate the public and bring an understanding of the planet’s peril to people all over America. By the1990s, 200 million people worldwide took part in Ear...
8. Skonhsáta Make a curl! 54. Kkonhsáta’s I am making a curl 55. Skonhsatárion Make a lot of curls! 56. Kkonhsatárions I am making a lot of curls 57. Stsi’skaionnihtó:ten I am making shell designs 58. Ktsi’skaionnihtótha I am making shell designs 59. Se’nerohkwatáhko Take the box out! 60. Ke’nerohkwatáhkwas I am taking the box out 61. Tese’nonnakwátho Bend the splint down! 62. Teke’nonnakwáthos I am bending the splint down 63. Tesa’ennà:ren Insert the rim! 64. Teka’ennahéhrha I am inserting the rim 65. Tehtshá:keht Bend it! 66. Tek...
Official Symbolism 60. A broad dark belt of wampum of thirty-eight rows, having a white heart in the center, on either side of which are two white squares all connected with the heart by white rows of beads shall be the emblem of the unity of the Five Nations. The first of the squares on the left represents the Mohawk nation and its territory; the second square on the left and the one near the heart, represents the Oneida nation and its territory; the white heart in the middle represents the Onondaga nation and its territory, and it also means...
A Spring Fashion Show was held Friday, April 3 at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Senior’s Center. The emcee for the event was Tina Tarbell, who introduced each model and described the outfits they wore which were designed by Akwesasne’s own Sandy Jackson and Marlana Thompson. Isabelle McDonald of the Catch All Thrift Shop also provided outfits for the show. The models were of all ages, from infants to elders, and the styles ranged from traditional to contemporary, all with unique native themes...