Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 35
An alleged robbery and assault Monday morning, April 5 lead to the arrests of three Akwesasne residents who remain in custody. State police said Adah C. Shenandoah, 21 and his girlfriend Sierra Johnson-Sunday, also 21, along with Donna M. Lazore-Benedict, 31 - all of Akwesasne - attacked a Norwood man and robbed him of his personal possessions and cash while beating him with a beer bottle and hitting and kicking him. The victim, a 21-year-old man - told police that Johnson-Sunday had threatened...
St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Court Judge PJ Herne issued an order on April 2, 2010 directing authorities to remove all alcohol from the All Inn Lounge on Route 37. According to the tribe, the establishment was initially ordered to cease operation in January of this year following an alleged drunk driving accident in the community in which a 21-year-old pedestrian was killed. The tribe said after-hours consumption of alcohol at the All Inn Lounge was a factor in the accident. The tribe’s compliance officers and police observed the All Inn to still b...
Submitted by Norman Peters, HAVFD Fire Chief The Hogansburg-Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) has been called to numerous grass and brush fires in the last couple of weeks. Only a few have been accidental loss of control of a yard fire. Two weeks ago a grass fire damaged two vehicles and the siding on a house. Last Friday night, April 2, a fire set in the marsh on Wade Lafrance Memorial Road damaged a Bell telephone cable and residents in the area lost telephone service. On Saturday,...
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) together with Transport Canada, the Canadian St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC), the U.S. St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, and the Canadian Mohawk Council of Akwesasne have finalized a three-year Joint Observational Study (JOS) that assessed the potential impacts caused by icebreaking activities on the St. Lawrence Seaway. The study’s conclusion, endorsed by all participants, is that no adverse impacts to the shoreline could be observed as a c...
Thank you, The family of Mark Smoke would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their generous support in our time of need. There are just too many names to mention, so please accept this as our thank you to everyone. I would also like to thank all members of the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department for everything they have done for me and my children. We could not have made it through this difficult time without you guys. Thank you for making us part of your family. We will always be grateful to the Department. Thank...
Thank you On March 17, the Akwesasne Minor Hockey IP team presented Tarbell Management with an appreciation plaque for their substantial financial support during the 2009-2010 season: Eli Tarbell, owner of the Bear’s Den Trading Post, with IP Hockey team members Aronhiawaks Rice, Gavin Jacobs and Chanel Thompson, and Tarbell Management Vice President Mark Laguador....
Letter to the editor: I live in the Frogtown area and I read in the Massena newspaper about the Mohawk International Raceway having races on Fri. August 20th and Sat. August 21st, Fri. September 17th, Sat. September 18th and Sun. September 19th. It is very noisy on Friday night and now we have to put up with the noise on the other nights. Our summer weekends are short and we have to put up with this noise all summer. I think the owners of the racetrack should have some consideration for the people in the neighborhood. I have to leave my home...
To the editor: I am writing in response to Doug George’s piece of April 2 posted on For the record, the rally in Syracuse on March 25, organized by the Seneca Nation was in fact an effort to bring about unity among the Six Nations in defense of our collective right to free trade and commerce and our right to a sovereign economy. We were there to show support to the Cayugas, who are under attack for trying to establish self sufficiency in their traditional homeland. Invitations were extended to the recognized leaders of each c...
To Whom It May Concern: This is our official letter announcing we will be accepting applications for the Pyke Family Memorial Scholarship. The criteria are as follows: A. Applicant must be an enrolled member of Akwesasne B. Applicant must write a letter of application C. Applicant must include a copy of acceptance letter D. Applicant must include a copy of high school transcripts We are accepting applications from students going into any field. Applications have to be hand delivered to O non kwa son a Pharmacy Monday through Friday between...
WORK BEE Please note after the pancake breakfast scheduled for this Sunday, April 11, 2010 a work bee is to follow. Everyone is welcome to give a helping hand with clean up at the longhouse, the yard, the cookhouse, etc. Bring working tools with you for repairs and yard work (hammer, ladder, nails, rakes, etc.)....
As a result of surveillance operations conducted from March 26th to March 31st, 2010 targeting illegal contraband tobacco smuggling, the RCMP, in partnership with the Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Ministry of Revenue and assisted by the Cornwall Community Police Service and Canada Border Services Agency carried out several operations in the South Glengarry and Cornwall region. These operations led to the seizure of 10,150 re-sealable bags of contraband cigarettes. In addition to illegal tobacco products, the officers seized 6 vehicles. A t...
Police in Dewitt, NY were called to a Super 8 Motel for an alleged domestic incident Tuesday morning, April 6. Upon arrival, two individuals were observed in the parking lot standing near a vehicle. According to police, the responding officers detected a marijuana odor emanating from the vehicle. Police dogs training in the area were brought to the scene and alerted police that marijuana was in fact inside the vehicle and a search warrant was obtained. Upon inspection of the inside of the vehicle, police said they seized six pounds of...
By Joe Harty, Vice-President, GVIS On Tuesday March 30, 2010, General Vanier Intermediate School (GVIS) hosted its first ever Native Social Gathering, inviting and welcoming students, teachers and chaperones from other schools throughout Ontario. Guests from the Tyendinaga Territory attending Moira Secondary School, from Renfrew County attending St. Thomas Aquinas High School, and guests from Perth attending Perth District Collegiate Institute joined the Native Leadership Group of GVIS here in...
On March 30, the seniors of the Tri-District Elders in Kawehnoke (Cornwall Island) held their annual Easter dinner and exhibited the quilt work and sweet grass crafts of a group who have been working since Jan. Alice Jacobs, Yvonne Chubb, Julia Roundpoint, Charlene Curleyhead and Margie Thompson got creative with left over quilt blocks from a quilt contest that happened during the 1997 Akwesasne Winter Carnival. They creatively reworked these blocks into quilts that they would like to share...
Submitted by AAMB On Friday March 26, 2010 the Akwesasne Area Management Board’s Pre-Employment Program held their graduation for ten participants at the 37 West Banquet Hall. A total of 68 people were in attendance that included family, friends, funders, organizations and job placement supervisors. They enjoyed a traditional meal prior to graduation ceremonies. This 18 week program is designed to help discover a person’s abilities, build skills and gain on the job experience. This is the fou...
The Sun Dance Salon has become a highly reputable beauty center in Akwesasne where both men and women can find a variety of services in hair care, nail care, massage and tanning services, custom tattooing and more. Shelley, the manager of The Sun Dance Salon since January, is committed to improving their services for their customers and wants to introduce Akwesasne to the new staff and salon services. The hair salon welcomes three new experienced hair technicians to their staff: Leah, Doogie...
On Friday, April 23rd, the Iohahi:io Akwesasne Adult Education and Training Center will be hosting Career Fair 2010 at the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena on Cornwall Island (Kawehnoke) from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. It is a highly anticipated and well-attended event for neighboring school districts, with this year marking the 10th Career Fair that has consistently been held every other year. “This year’s Career Fair is a much-needed event that comes at a critical time for schools and individuals looking for a rewarding career,” said Vincenette Cook, Pro...
Submitted by Alison Benedict, Home-School Coordinator On March 31, 2010, the Salmon River Parent Teacher Organization hosted an Easter Egg Dyeing Night for all elementary-aged students at the campus school. Over thirty families were in attendance at this first ever event. First, students participated in a coloring contest, while their parents listened to Mrs. Walrath, school librarian discuss the importance of reading. Afterwards, Mrs. Walrath read the book entitled Easter Eggs Everywhere by...
THE TRUTH ABOUT CIGARS Cigar parlors. Cigar magazines. Cigar clubs. Don’t be blinded by the haze. Here are nine good reasons to say “no way” to cigars. 1. there Is No such thing As a safe smoke - Cigars contain nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals just like cigarettes. -Smoking cigars will give you a higher risk of emphysema, bronchitis and other lung diseases. Cigars also cause phlegm and increase the risk of peptic ulcers. 2. cicars are a dangerous trend - TV, movies and magazines push cigars...
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for smokers, but did you know: Breathing smoke from someone else’s cigarette, pipe, or cigar can make you and your children sick. Smoking inside a home or car is more dangerous because smoke gets trapped inside—even fans and open windows don’t help. Children who live in homes where people smoke get sick more often with coughs, breathing problems such as asthma, and ear infections. Secondhand smoke is also linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer in adults and is al...
The primary idea regarding “truth” is that there can only be one truth…not two. When you sit down and start thinking deeply about what truth is and what fibs are, you can’t help but notice that the body acts as the ultimate counsel on the matter. When a police officer believes someone is lying and wants to gain clarity as to what the truth really is, they may hook the person’s body up to a lie detector. Science is already aware that the mind can live a fib but the body can’t. The mind can live a fib because it’s easily manipulated b...
Limit time wasters, such as email E-mail, voicemail, and social media sites are great tools for staying in touch or doing business, but they also can be incredible time sinks. And overusing them may also impact your overall well-being: A 2009 study of college students found that those who scored highest on a screening test for Internet addiction also scored higher on an alcohol dependence test. Reclaim your time by becoming clear about your intentions. “Before you open Facebook, decide what you want to get out of it and how much time y...
Serves 8 / If my Grandmother had been Italian, she would have made this soup. It is as wholesome and delicious as it is beautiful. Prep tip: If you don’t have fresh spinach, you can use one 10-ounce box frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry. 2 cups chopped celery (4-5 stalks) 2 large carrots, peeled 1 large sweet onion, such as Vidalia, Walla Walla, or sweet Mayan 2 tablespoons organic canola or safflower oil 4 medium cloves garlic, minced 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced into ½-inch strips 1/2 green or yellow bell pepper, sliced into ½-...
On March 31, Family Home Visitors from Healthy Babies Healthy Children program, Cheryl Thompson and Sarah Peters, instructed a baby moccasin making class at Kawehnoke (Cornwall Island) recreation center for parents and crafters. The class stared at 9:00am and lasted to about 1:00pm. Healthy Babies Healthy Children covered the cost of materials and lunch. Baby moccasins make beautiful gifts for new babies and also gave the class a chance to socialize. “It was awesome,” said Tracie Fuller. “I...
Children at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Early Childhood Development Program had some Easter fun last week. Staff members scattered colorful plastic eggs around the playground and classes in both the daycare side and Head Start side of the building had their turn to run around collecting as many eggs as possible....