A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the April 6, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 64

  • Ten-Million Gallon Lagoon Excavation Begins at General Motor's Superfund Site

    Apr 6, 2017

    AKWESASNE — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Environment Division is notifying Akwesasne residents that it has completed its review of RACER Trust’s Remedial Design Work Plan to remediate the ten-million-gallon lagoon at the former General Motor’s property. The United States Environmental Protection Agency and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation have already approved the work plan, with work activities having started on March 27th and expected to be completed by Fall 2017. “We are continuing to call for measures to be implem...

  • Salmon River Central School Students Featured in Art Exhibit

    Jenna Clute|Apr 6, 2017

    The 16th Annual Robideau/Lamitie-King Juried Art Exhibit's opening ceremony was held on April 1st at the Wead Library in Malone. The exhibit is dedicated in memory of Norbert Robideau who was a very skilled photographer who followed in his father's footsteps by capturing photos of the Malone community for the last five decades. It is also dedicated in memory of Karen Lamitie-King, an Art Educator in Malone who was known for her great influence on the students she taught. This exhibit features...

  • Akwesasne Veterans Memorial Monument Construction Underway

    Apr 6, 2017

    On Enniskó:wa/March 30, 2017 members of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Planning and Infrastructure (P&I) Division dedicated time to help pour the foundation for the Akwesasne Veterans Memorial Monument. The Veteran's Memorial is being erected inside the Tewatahita Walking Trail located at Generations Park and will proudly recognize the military service of Akwesasne community members who served in the U.S. or Canadian Armed Forces. A public unveiling of the monument will be held at 2:00 p.m. on...

  • The Ice Pigs Are 2017 Massena Broomball League & Playoff Champs

    Apr 6, 2017

    The Ice Pigs went 4-0 through the 2017 Massena Broomball playoffs over the weekend. They beat The Club on Friday, 9-1; on Saturday they beat the Chiefs, 1-0; and on Sunday they beat Norwood Legion, 1-0. Then in the finals they went up against the Chiefs again and won, 3-2. The Season MVP was Blake Diabo and Playoff MVP was Evan Cree....


    Apr 6, 2017

    AKWESASNE – "Kaneratahawi" Elizabeth Betty Lazore Moroughan, 82, passed away on March 30, 2017, after a lengthy battle with Parkinson's Disease. She was a resident of the Tsiionkwanonhso:te Long-Term Care Home in Akwesasne since 2016. Elizabeth was born June 5, 1934 on Yellow Island in Akwesasne, the daughter of the late Catherine Arquette and Frank Lazore. She attended Mohawk School and Bombay High School. She married the late Frank Jacobs in 1953 at the St. Regis Catholic Church in A...

  • To the Editor, Indian Time

    Apr 6, 2017

    Many thanks to your paper and to Ruth Bell, for printing her letter last week. For those not familiar with TCR 2017-18 passed by the Tribal Council, it established a ‘’Elderly Benefits Committee” to try to do the job that our Chiefs were hired to do; come up with monies to start paying Senior Benefits of $200.00 monthly, as established in the referendum vote of December 3rd, 2016. Part of this TCR is a two page ‘’ TERMS OF REFERENCE’’ which amounts to bureaucratic ‘’gobbledigook’’. These impossible hurdles make no attempt to even mask the fact...

  • Niawenhko:wa

    Apr 6, 2017

    On behalf of the Akwesasne Freedom School families we would like to thank the community for supporting our Annual Pancake Breakfast and Basket Raffle. It was a great turnout and it was so nice to see people visiting on a beautiful Saturday morning at the St. Regis Recreation Center! We sold tickets for a chance to win one of eight themed baskets. There were several items made by our local crafters such as Laura Thompson, Aronhiaes Herne, Glen Swamp, Shawna Cook, Ian Clute, it is important for us to support fellow Akwesasronon and appreciate the...

  • Shared by local parishioner for your information

    Apr 6, 2017

    March 15, 2017 Dear Fathers, Our Church has a rich tradition of welcoming the stranger, aiding the afflicted and supporting the immigrant. This tradition is rooted in the biblical vision of love of strangers. Leviticus 19:33-34 sums it up with eloquence: “You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently from that natives born among you: have the same love for him as for yourself for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt.’’ Jesus reiterates the love that we are to have for the stranger and tells us that it is a crite...

  • Akwesasne Cultural Restoration Program Awards $300,000

    Apr 6, 2017

    AKWESASNE - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Akwesasne Cultural Restoration (ACR) Program announced the latest recipients of settlement funds to support cultural projects in the Akwesasne Community. The Akwesasne Freedom School's Language Nest, Akwesasne Cultural Center, and Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment will each receive $100,000 in Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Settlement monies to support their work through the end of 2018. "I am pleased that deserving groups within our...

  • MEET THE TRIBE Benson Kelly, M.D., Health Services Medical Director

    Apr 6, 2017

    The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe is proud to highlight Dr. Benson Kelly as this month's long-term service employee and share all the exceptional work he is doing on behalf of the Akwesasne community. Dr. Benson Kelly, or more affectionately known as "Doc" or "Doc Kelly," has been an integral part of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Health Services since 1986. His jovial presence is always within earshot, which is an indication of the comforting "bed-side" manner that he exudes for treating patients...

  • Two Additional Higher Education Institutions Receive Permits To Research Industrial Hemp

    Apr 6, 2017

    (March 29, 2017) Two new institutions of higher education have applied for and received research permits under the State’s Industrial Hemp Agricultural Pilot program. Binghamton University and SUNY Sullivan are now authorized participants of the pilot program. Up to ten research permits may be issued to universities and private farms to grow and research the crop as an agricultural commodity. The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets oversees the authorization of universities and farms to grow and research industrial hemp. A...

  • Native American & Environmental Groups File Law Suit Against Trump's Keystone XL Pipeline Permit

    Apr 6, 2017

    The Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) and North Coast Rivers Alliance (NCRA) have filed suit in Federal District Court in Great Falls, Montana, challenging the Presidential Permit issued by President Trump allowing construction and operation of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Stephan Volker, attorney for IEN and NCRA, filed the suit on Monday, March 27th. The suit alleges that the State Department’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (“FSEIS”) fails to (1) provide a detailed and independent Project purpose and need, (2) analy...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe March Meeting

    Apr 6, 2017

    SRMT Chief Eric Thompson chaired the monthly meeting held on Saturday, April 1, 2017. The meeting was called to order at 10am. 2. Review of Action Items Community members requested information on the future plans for the former IGA building. Chiefs stated this is “ONGOING”. Community members requested Tribal Council to check into the 1990 Cold Cases. Tribal Council reported on the March Tribal Meeting motion from the floor: Karonienhawi Thomas moved that “Tribal Council enacts an investigation (fact finding) and evaluation of the corre...

  • AMBE Students Compete in United Counties Science Fair

    Apr 6, 2017

    The 42nd Annual United Counties Science Fair Regional Science Fair took place at St. Lawrence High School on Saturday April 1. Four top winners were chosen to compete in the national competition at the Unversity of Regina in May. Over 350 students from 20 area schools and the five school boards including the Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education's Kana:takon School and the Akwesasne Mohawk School. The United Counties Science Fair presented over $14,000.00 in prizes, awards, trophies, and trips....

  • I Love My Park Day

    Apr 6, 2017

    Date: Saturday, May 6, 2017 Where: Robert Moses State Park, Massena Volunteer on May 6th and be a part of this exciting statewide event to celebrate and enhance New York’s state parks and historic sites. The project involves trash and debris pickup in the park and on the Nature Center trails. There will be raffles throughout the day, and there will be refreshments. Dress for the weather, and bring gloves! For more information: www.ptny.org....

  • Reader Comics

    Apr 6, 2017

    Reader comics....

  • Retired Women Are More Prone to Financial Crisis

    Apr 6, 2017

    Lower wages and higher medical costs are putting retiring women at greater risk for financial ruin than men, according to a recent survey. Seventy percent of nursing home residents are women, and the average cost of a private nursing home room is more than $90,000 per year in the United States according to AARP. As well, retired women pay about $600 more per year than men on out-of-pocket health costs. Many women put their family’s needs before their own security. According to the 17th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey, half of working w...

  • Seven Dancers Coalition Receives Victim Advocacy Award

    Apr 6, 2017

    Submitted by Amie Barnes The Seven Dancers Coalition, along with the other 17 Tribal coalitions throughout the United States, was awarded The Bonnie Heavy Runner Victim Advocacy Award 2016 during the 15th National Indian Nations Conference: Justice for Victims of Crime; December 8-10. Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions are alliances of tribal advocates that work to end violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women. Tribal Coalitions work to increase awareness of...

  • The Robins Story

    Apr 6, 2017

    Mohawk Lesson....

  • Easter Cooking and Crafts with Loretta Lepkowski @ TAUNY

    Apr 6, 2017

    Date: Saturday, April 8 Time: 10:30am-12:30pm Tug Hill artist Loretta Lepkowski will lead kids and accompanying family members in traditional Easter cooking and crafts from her Polish-American heritage. Kids will decorate Easter eggs and assist with making pierogi (Polish dumplings), knead their babka buns, see a lamb cake being decorated, and have a chance to taste all of these traditional treats. $12 per participant ($10 for TAUNY Friends). Preregistration is required for this program. Please contact TAUNY at 315-386-4289 to register your...

  • SUNY Potsdam's Crane Opera Ensemble to Present Mozart's "The Magic Flute"

    Apr 6, 2017

    POTSDAM, NY (04/04/2017) (readMedia)-- The award-winning Crane Opera Ensemble will make two appearances on April 7 & 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Sara M. Snell Music Theater to perform Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.” Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with a libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder, students will sing in German with English dialogue with supertitles projected above the stage. The piece will be performed with piano accompaniment. Tickets are $10 for the general public and $8 for SUNY faculty, students and staff. Tickets can be purchased at cpspo...

  • Red Painted War Belt

    Apr 6, 2017

    Any belt could be used as a war belt by painting it red. It is provided thus: The title names of the War Chiefs of the League shall be as follows: Ayonewehs, War Chief under Chief Takarihoken (Mohawk) Kahonwaitiron, War Chief under Chief Otatsheteh (Oneida) Ayentes, War Chief under Chief Atotarho (Onondaga) Wenens, War Chief under Chief Dekaenyon (Cayuga) Shoneratowaneh, War Chief under Chief Skanyatariio (Seneca) It is provided thus: The women heirs of each head chief’s title shall be the heirs of the War Chief’s title of their respective chi...

  • Blatant Disrespect by the US at DAPL Human Rights Hearing

    Apr 6, 2017

    Reprinted with permission from Indian Country Media Today April 4, 2017. The Organization of American States’ Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has called the United States to account for the actions that led to permitting construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline to resume despite protests from the American Indian community and a flawed environmental review process. The commission held a hearing on March 21 to consider President Trump’s executive orders on DAPL for possible human rights violations. In an extraordinary move, the Tru...

  • College Students Encouraged to Apply for DEC's Annual Summer Internship Program

    Apr 6, 2017

    The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is encouraging students who have completed at least two years of college to apply for summer job opportunities through DEC’s annual internship program. The program offers multiple part-time unpaid internships in the fields of engineering, science, planning, sustainability, law, community outreach, social media, and more. Candidates must submit applications by April 20, 2017. The majority of the internships are located at DEC’s downtown Albany office. Prospective interns are enc...

  • Local Student Places in Regional Spelling Bee

    Apr 6, 2017

    As the Ottawa Regional Spelling Bee came to an exciting finale, the Spelling Bee of Canada (SBOC) is gearing up for its national championships held May 7, 2017 in Toronto. Kalani Skidders entered the Spelling Bee contest in the primary group, ages 6 to 8 years old, in February winning two rounds in the top five and placing third in the final round. This is her first time entering a spelling bee. The Spelling Bee is a competition open to all contestants ages 6-8 (Primary), 9-11(Junior) and 12-14...

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