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Theresa David, the Activity Program Coordinator from Tsiionkwanonhso:te was at the Akwesasne Mohawk School on Monday to present Ms. Stacey’s Grade 4 class, the top fundraising class of the Rock-A-Thon, the prize; a pizza party certificate. She also accepted the donation of $2,770.91 which was the total pledge money collected. Theresa also recognized the two top fund raisers of the school; Madison Delormier and Savanah Carl. They were presented with a $25 gift card from Blockbuster Video....
Akwesasne, ONTARIO — The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) announced that their negotiating team has successfully completed negotiations and received a Proposed Settlement to its claim with the Ontario Power Generation (OPG), formerly part of Ontario Hydro. The settlement proposal addresses past grievances associated with the construction and operation of the R.H. Saunders Generating Station and related facilities. “The Proposed Settlement is an historic opportunity that concludes 15-years of...
AKWESASNE, ONTARIO The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) issued the following statement today in response to the March 26, 2008 dismantling of a criminal organization that was allegedly involved in drug trafficking through the territory of Akwesasne. Mohawk Officers of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service were a pivotal part of the Aboriginal Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (A-CFSEU) in a major roundup known as “Operation Cancun.” Throughout the investigation, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service provided front-line information that led...
MONTRÉAL, Wednesday, March 26, 2008 – Early this morning, the investigators of the Aboriginal Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (A-CFSEU) dismantled a criminal organization that allegedly specialized in the trafficking and exportation of marihuana to the United States. Operation Cancun led approximately 300 police officers to certain locations in the Montreal area and on the Aboriginal communities of Kahnawake, Akwesasne and Kanehsetake, resulting in the execution of approx...
Margaret T. Bell, age 93, of Burke, NY., died Sunday night, March 30, 2008, at the Alice Hyde Medical Center in Malone, NY. She had been a patient there since March 26. Born in Hogansburg, NY., October 25, 1914, she was the daughter of the late Paul K. and Mary A. Herne Tarbell. She attended local schools. On November 21, 1936, she was united in marriage to Wellington Bell at the St. Regis Catholic Church in St. Regis, Quebec. He predeceased her on October 14, 1961. For many years, Margaret help...
I, Roberta Benedict and Angel Laffin would like to thank everybody for the donations and who ever bought the dinners at the two benefits! The list is really a long one so we just included everyone, to my family and friends of ours, a big Niawen kowa! Thank you Bobby Herne and Tom Jock for the wonderful music. Nia:wen Kowa Roberta & Angel...
Tribal members are at a crucial cross-roads in the way you are allowed to govern yourselves. Not long ago, in February, the Tribal officials (Trustees) testified before the House Resources Committee and among the many things that were said for the record, were accusations that the DOI/BIA have acted towards the Mohawk people in a paternalistic manner that borders on racist. Could our Tribal Trustees be guilty of the same paternalism towards Tribal members? Council refuses to allow the Tribal membership to lead the Council on important issues,...
Akwesasne, Ontario - On March 18, 2008, an officer from the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service observed suspicious activity at a residence located on Third Street in St-Regis, Quebec. The officer then observed two males flee the scene on skidoos across the St. Lawrence River towards Cornwall Island in Akwesasne, Ontario. The officer then spoke to the lone subject located at the scene and checked the vehicle at the residence. He found that it contained twenty two 1.5 litre bottles of Fleisch...
Impaired Operation On Saturday March 29th, 2008 at 2:44 am the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service responded to a call of a white 2004 Nissan Armada involved in an accident on Island Road East on Cornwall Island. The driver of the vehicle was eastbound on Island Road and driving at a high rate of speed. The driver then lost control of the vehicle, entered the north side of the ditch causing the vehicle to flip numerous times, striking a tree and then coming to rest 150 feet after leaving the roadway. The driver of the vehicle was ejected and...
On Friday, March 28th the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School (AMS) students and Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) staff participated in a Rock-a-Thon to help raise funds for the elders at Tsiionkwanonhso:te. The money raised will be used to purchase lawn furniture and other outdoor equipment for the residents. The total amount of pledges collected was approximately $2,770.91 and will be presented to Theresa David, Activity Program Coordinator. Niawen:kowa to all who participated and helped to...
Partially reprinted from Indian Country Today FORT COVINGTON, N.Y. – Some might say that the Salmon River Central School District and its students are in the middle of a cultural revolution. Some might also say that one teacher in particular has gone above and beyond her call of duty to promote Mohawk cultural awareness and pride in the district. Located in a rural off-reservation farming district, the 50-year-old Salmon River school serves the nearby Akwesasne Mohawk community. Mohawk c...
Reprinted from Indian Country Today AKWESASNE, N.Y. - Attempting to distance itself from a national trend, the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino is creating programs, internships and generating other ideas to recruit more Native employees. ‘’This was something our general manager thought we really needed to focus on,’’ said Emily Lauzon, director of education and recruitment. The casino is owned by the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe. Prior to the creation of Lauzon’s position, a year and a half ago the tribally...
Reprinted from Indian Country Today GUELPH, Ontario - Children across Canada have grown up with humorous books by author Robert Munsch. His silly stories, such as ‘’Smelly Socks,’’ ‘’The Paper Bag Princess,’’ ‘’Mortimer’’ and ‘’Thomas’ Snowsuit,’’ are staples in Canadian libraries, and many of his books have found fame in other countries as well. ‘’Love You Forever,’’ a story about a mother and her son, is a tear-jerker worldwide. In the past few years, Munsch has taken an active role in the ef...
The students of the month for February enjoyed a pizza party with the principal on March 25th. They are: Front Row: Thomas Jock, Karakwakta Thompson, Iohahes Lazore, Iakohahes Mitchell, Colton General, Michael Cook and Alex Thompson. Back Row: Skylar David, Katsitsianoron Johnson, Taharation Jacobs, principal Wahienha:wi Lahache, Kirby Thompson & Shavonna Montour-Tarbell. Congratulations to all for their hard work and dedication to academic excellence....
Since the snow doesn’t seem to want to go away, Tsi Snaihne School decided to change their annual Spring Festival into a Winter Carnival. On the morning of Friday, March 28th, students were placed into groups and went outside to play games involving the snow, ice and cold weather. Some events included a Snowball Relay Race where children had to run across the snow balancing a snowball on the tip of a spoon, Ring the Icicle where students had to toss hoops onto an icicle and a Rabbit Race w...
Several area residents were among those students at SUNY Canton recently recognized for outstanding academic performance during the Fall 2007 semester. To receive Presidents’s List honors, full-time students must earn a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. For Dean’s List, full-time students must receive a GPA of 3.25. Part-Time Honors are awarded to students earning at least a 3.25 GPA on six to 11 credit hours. SUNY Canton offers a wide variety of career-driven bachelor’s, associate and certificate progr...
AKWESASNE, NY. – The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council encourages eligible tribal members to exercise their right to vote. On the ballot are referendum questions on the governance structure change from 3 to 6 Chiefs and a method for making the change. Voting will take place this Saturday at the Tribe’s Community Building from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m....
Honour Roll students at Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School were given a special reward for their hard work, they got to stay late after school, very late. They didn’t even make the late bus because they were treated to an Exclusive Sleepover Party put on by staff members and the principal. As promised to the Honour Roll students, a sleepover party was held on Friday with all kinds of activities. They were all treated to a big screen movie in the gym, video games were setup in different locatio...
On Tuesday, April 1st, the students and teachers at Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School are in the midst of a clash of the titans to see which NHL team, represented among them, can lay claim to the Stanley Cup in June. The over-whelming response by the students and teachers demonstrated their spirit and enthusiasm for the reading challenge. With a mere two months left to collect individual and class points, the heat is on! This year marks the third annual reading challenge at AMS. Each year has proven to...
My most memorable experience with birds happened when I was 10 years old. My mother heard about a woman who lived on top of East Mountain next to our house. This woman was known as the Bird Lady of Cold Spring, N.Y. When we arrived, the house was like a storybook cottage. There was every kind a bird feeder everywhere you looked. One tree had oranges and apples attached to it as treats for the birds, while another held suet, and yet another held hummingbird feeders. Wooden feeders with mi...
For earth hour my family and family members shut off all the electric appliances except for the stuff like the fridge, heater ect. that needs to keep the food or house warm or cold. So instead we went outside and tried to have a campfire. Earth day 1 hour isn’t just about shutting the computer or video games off, its supposed to send a message to the government and the electric company if we could get enough people to do it, it also helps the environment. Also its a good time to do something f...
During the spring time we always had a problem with flooding. None more so than the great flood of ’81. The station was situated on a riverbank not more than fifty feet from the water. On top of that there is a low head dam right in line with the station. The station was built on land given to the HAVFD by the electric company that owned the dam. In 1981 there was a very fast thaw along with rain that swelled the river banks and busted up the ice before it had a chance to thin out. The ice went over the dam and tumbled around and jammed up righ...
Yet another humorous and exciting book this week. Catherine Anderson has written many books but this is the first book I’ve read by her. The story line was immediately captivating. Loni McEwen has a special gift of second sight, in which she has visions. Clint Herrigan, the busy and handsome cowboy doesn’t believe in psychics. So when Loni comes to Clint with information about a vision she had of his son, which he doesn’t know he has, he shoves her out the door. Loni had seen his son getting in a rafting accident and ending up all alone in th...
Name: Adleigh Jae Mitchell-Terrance Born: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Weight: 8 lbs 1.8 oz Length: 18 3/4 in. Parents: Justin Mitchell and April Terrance Grandparents: Randy and Cecilia Mitchell, Phillip Terrance and Mary Papineau Great Grandparents: Sandra Terrance and the late Phillip Terrance, Winnifred and Reginald Mitchell, the late Mike and Louise Papineau, the late Bill and Freda Cook....
This is a picture of a tree near our house that’s quite unusual. We named it ‘Carson’s dancing tree’ because it was taken around the time when my son Carson was diagnosed with epilepsy. The one with the sun was taken the closest to spring time on a morning we were coming back from the hospital after Carson had another grand mal seizure. That’s when Carson noticed the tree looked like it was dancing. I noticed how beautiful the sun was shining and it gave me hope that my son will get better. P...