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Enjoy a flexible work environment that is the perfect blend of work and fun! With flexible working hours to paid vacation time, You will be empowered to achieve work-life balance in all that you do. Apply online at For more information, please email
Our Strategy for Survival Continued from last week. The specter of regional famine, or even worldwide famines, cannot be interpreted as the simple product of a world of scarce resources overwhelmed by the needs of expanding human populations. The situation is not that simple. In the United States, for example, a simple program of energy conservation – insulation of dwellings, office and industrial buildings would cut back energy consumption by more than 25% in 10 years, and even given growth predictions in terms of populations and economy, the...
The Creating Confidence in Clean Water Permitting Act would allow polluters to recklessly pollute our streams, wetlands, and waterways while shielding them from accountability. The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R. 7023, The Creating Confidence in Clean Water Permitting Act. The bill would actively undermine the ability of federal agencies to protect our water resources, make it easier for industry to pollute water without permits, and limit the ability of communities and stakeholders to seek justice in the courts to...
As dependence on the Internet continues to rapidly grow, so too does the need to safeguard our online world. Clarkson University is rising to meet this challenge by offering a new Masters degree in Cybersecurity. The new STEM-designated program will offer students an interdisciplinary approach where students will have a diverse range of choices. The Cybersecurity degree is a joint effort of the Computer Science department, which has strengths in computing fundamentals and computer and network security, and the Electrical and Computer...
OTTAWA – President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Natan Obed, and the Minister of Indigenous Services, Patty Hajdu, issued the following statement today: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Indigenous Services Canada Working to Eliminate Tuberculosis in Inuit Nunangat by 2030 (Inuktitut Syllabics) (CNW Group/Indigenous Services Canada) “Tuberculosis (TB) can be eliminated with joint efforts and partnerships between Inuit leaders, Inuit communities, and federal, provincial, and territorial governments. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), the national rep...
FORT COVINGTON – Registration for pre-K and kindergarten is open for the 2024-25 school year for incoming students at Salmon River Central School District. Families can register their child online on the Student Registration section of the district website. Alternatively, families may pick up a registration packet at the Salmon River Elementary or St. Regis Mohawk School offices during normal school hours. The registration deadline is June 1, 2024. Registration criteria Students who are entering pre-K must be four years of age by Dec. 1, 2024....
1. Tewarontahrá:raks ne wáhta okwire'shòn:'a nè:'e tsi wahón:nise shiwatákie tsi eh niionkwarihò:ten We tap maple trees because it is a traditional cultural practice 2. Wahón:nise, ionkhihsothokon'kénha í:iah tehotikhwaién:tahkwe shontahseróhetste, nè:'e ionkionhnhéhkwen Long ago, our ancestors had no food after a long winter 3. Iotohsera'tsha'nihtòn:ne tsi wahontóhetste ne onkwehón:we Our ancestors passed through an extremely severe winter 4. É:so niionkwè:take wahontonhkária'ke...
In a significant step toward bridging the infrastructure gap in Native American communities, U.S. Senators Tina Smith, and Amy Klobuchar, both Democrats from Minnesota, announced la total of $1.4 million in federal grants aimed at providing clean electricity to tribal homes in Minnesota. The funding, part of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which both senators supported, will benefit the Prairie Island Indian Community, Red Lake Nation, and Bois Forte Band of Chippewa. Senator Tina Smith, a member of the Senate Indian Affairs C...
As March draws to a close, St. Lawrence County Arts Center (SLAC) eagerly anticipate the completion of Phase 1 of our capital project, marking a significant milestone in the transformation of the SLAC Arts Creative Spirit Community Arts Center. With great excitement, SLAC announces the soft opening of the center on Tuesday, April 2nd. The space will be open to the public from 10 to 6pm on Tuesdays to Fridays, from 10 to 5pm on Saturdays, and closed on Mondays and Sundays. SLAC Arts will host an Open House with board and staff on May 14th from...
Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley announced he is taking four vital steps to immediately address overpayment issues customers and the agency have experienced. Commissioner O’Malley testified before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging and the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (excerpt): “For 88 years, the hard-working employees of the Social Security Administration have strived to pay the right amount, to the right person, at the right time. And the agency has done this with a high degree of accuracy over a massive scale of bene...
This week, Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) students showed off their carpentry and woodworking skills at the Eastern Ontario SKLZ competition, a continuation of the SKLZ competition held last month in Cornwall. The event, held March 20 at the Carpenter’s Union 93 in Kanata, was in collaboration with the UCDSB, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario and UBC Built, presented by DeWalt. Approximately 110 participants from both school boards across the region showcased their skills in four different woodworking trades. With r...
By Isaac White. The Yurok Tribe, California’s largest tribe, will soon reclaim a portion of its ancestral land that was taken from them more than a century ago. The 125-acre parcel, known as ‘O Rew in the Yurok language, will serve as a new gateway to the Redwood national and state parks, an area that attracts over a million visitors each year. This initiative not only signifies the return of sacred land to its rightful guardians but also establishes a novel model of environmental stewardship and cultural preservation. The historic agr...
By Isaac White. I’m up pretty late writing this. All of a sudden, I’m tasked with a bunch of stuff, and for some reason, I put our weekly talk at the bottom of the list. This is not cool. The fact of the matter is that I enjoy writing this more than anything else. Well, aside from my extensive Emily In Paris fan fiction scribblings. Yes, that’s a joke. I don’t watch Emily in Paris, although if I did, I wouldn’t be embarrassed. Well, not that much. My willingness to stay up this early in the morning to make sure you get your weekly dose of m...
By Doug George-Kanentiio. In the early 1980’s Akwesasne the community was broken into factions, the result of sharp differences of opinion and policy with regards to jurisdiction, economic development, land claims and politics. The ‘elected systems” had their ideas as to what was best for the people while those who supported the “traditional” council were deeply concerned that serious compromises were being made with regards what exactly what was meant by sovereignty. Major changes were also affecting Akwesasne beginning with a shift from a re...
By Mary Annette Pember. ICT. CINCINNATI, Ohio — They came to protect the water. Nearly 200 people traveled from Michigan to Cincinnati on Thursday, March 21, to support the state of Michigan’s efforts to stay out of federal court with its legal case calling for a partial shutdown of Enbridge Line 5. Several citizens and leaders of Michigan tribes were among those who joined the rally at Fountain Square, a major public space in downtown Cincinnati near the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The crowd waved banners and signs cal...
Many pet owners braved the snow and brought their fur babies to the Akwesasne Animal Society vaccination clinic held on Sunday, March 20th. They shared a message on Facebook say, "We loved meeting them all and we are so happy to get them vaccinated and healthy! Niawen to our volunteers and vet tech and vet! It was a great day! If you don't know, we hold these clinics every month, watch for the April sign up link!" The Akwesasne Animal Society is currently hosting two collections – A Shoe D...
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In anticipation of the peak eclipse on April 8, 2024, traffic on the entrances north and south of the South Channel Bridge of the Three Nations Bridge Crossing will be suspended for a period of approximately 5 minutes starting at 15:23 PM to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all observers. Emergency medical services (EMS), law enforcement, and fire departments will be permitted to circulate to ensure public safety. Traffic between Kawehno:ke and the City of Cornwall will not be...