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Seven-year-old Hunter Cooke has been in and out of hospitals throughout his young life. As a baby, he was diagnosed with the genetic disease cystic fibrosis, a mucus-based disease that mostly affects the lungs and stomachs but which inevitably has repercussions on the entire body. At one month of age, Hunter – the son of Marla Martin and stepson of Chris Jacobs - was hospitalized for several months, his first of many long hospital stays. “He was practically raised in a hospital,” said his great...
In August of 2006, the Prime Minister of Canada announced the federal government’s plan to improve border security across the country, which included the arming of Canada Border Service Agency [CBSA] officers. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne supports cooperative efforts that address mutual concerns related to border security, but the arming of CBSA officers at the Kawehnoke Port of Entry will damage efforts to develop a positive working relationship. MCA has recently been notified that the C...
The Akwesasne Mohawk Police are currently investigating an Armed Robbery that occurred during the early morning hours this past Monday March 23, 2009 in the District of Tsi Snaihne (Snye). Police allege that at approximately 3 a.m. two masked men attended a Tsi Snaihne residence carrying firearms and demanding the victim provide them with money. As a result of the investigation, police have obtained a warrant for the arrest of Daylin Darnell Todd Lee Oakes, 22 years of age of Wade Lafrance...
The Cornwall Community Police Service is requesting the public’s assistance in identifying an individual involved in a Sexual Assault that occurred at the intersection of Sydney Street and First Street East shortly after 2 p.m. on the 20th of March, 2009. The male suspect accosted a 15-year-old female and forcibly confined her in a side yard off a First Street residence and attempted to sexually assault her. The female began screaming and the male threatened the female and fled the scene, south bound towards the Chevrier Building. The s...
Paul Thomas Swamp, age 52, passed on March 20, 2009 in Lansing, Michigan after a long illness. Paul was the son of the late Margaret Thomas and Richard Swamp. He was an artist, enjoyed building model cars and airplanes and loved listening to music. Paul is survived by four brothers: Randall and Meredith Swamp, Lansing, Michigan; Carson (Judy) Swamp, Akwesasne; Lincoln Swamp, Claremont, New Hampshire; Raymond (Tessa) Swamp, Akwesasne and by two sisters: Theresa Swamp, Cornwall, Ont. and Aym...
THE MAN IN THE GLASS When you get what you want in your struggle for self And the world makes you king for a day, Just go to a mirror and look at yourself And see what THAT man has to say. For it isn’t your father or mother or wife Whose judgment upon you must pass, The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life Is the one staring back from the glass. Some people might think you’re a straight-shootin’ chum And call you a wonderful guy. But the man in glass says you’re only a bum If you can’t look him straight in the eye. He’s the fellow...
Submitted by Barbara Montour, CPA President Obama recently signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This act provides for the one-time payment of $250 to individuals who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security benefits. We expect everyone who is entitled to a payment to receive it by late May 2009. No action is required on your part. We are currently working on the details regarding how we will issue nearly 55 million one-time payments to our beneficiaries. When more information becomes available, we will...
Letter to the Editor What does living in a Police State mean to you? It took me a little while to comprehend and articulate my own theory about the conditions of living in a police state or what exactly a police state was for that matter. But, I am positive of one thing professors at universities across the Unites States have dedicated countless hours lecturing about the overall police state here in the United States and to what degree it exists. To me living in a police state is nothing new. We’ve lived that way our entire lives. Starting f...
Awentatawen’ke/Monday, Onerahtohka/April 6, 2009 Kana:takon School 6:00 p.m. Supper to be provided Join the Dream … at Kana:takon School The mission at Kana:takon School is excellence and to provide the highest quality education available today in order to prepare their students for a successful tomorrow. Parent Session and School tour for all parents and students. KANA:TAKON SCHOOL offers: extended day and bussing three days per week, small classes with low teacher-pupil ratio, Section X modified sports program, IBM Women in Technology and...
ROOSEVELTOWN, NY - For years 2009 and 2010, the North Country HOME Consortium awarded $2.482 million from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The funds cover three area counties in Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence that provide projects that assist low income families who reside in rental or owner-occupied properties. Eleven housing agencies and local municipalities will rehabilitate approximately 143 units including a local Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) who has received a direct award. Funds in the amount...
Niawen:kowa The family of the late Phyllis Adams Lazore would like to thank our family and friends for immediately coming to our side to comfort and console us at the time of her death. Although Phyllis had been sick for a number of years, her passing was very sudden and unexpected. We give special thanks to her niece, Sheila Adams, the Mohawk Council Ambulance and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police who worked diligently in trying to keep Phyllis alive on that sad night of November 20, 2008. Niawen:kow...
Niawen The David family would like to thank you for your kind expressions of sympathy on our recent loss of Florence. Our family deeply appreciates all those who were pallbearers, sent flowers or a sympathy card, donated personal services, made donations to the family, called with the kindest words, and thought of us those days. Your thoughts and effort were greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, The David family...
The Ray Fadden Memorial Concert, held at the Saranac Central School auditorium on March 7, was a touching and successful event. Ray taught for ten years in the Saranac District after leaving the Mohawk school in Hogansburg where he taught for over 20 years. There were many kind words of remembrance during the event along with music and storytelling. The event was organzied by one of the singers, Roy Hurd, who was one of Ray’s students at Saranac. Roy was the driving force behind the concert. Akwesasne’s society of women singers, Kon...
Thank you, I would like to thank my children and all the people who came to my party to celebrate my 80th birthday. It was so much fun and I was so happy to see all my friends and family. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts and cards. Grace Chubb...
Fruit trees are common in Akwesasne, but many people don’t even know they have them, or don’t know that their poor, unhealthy tree could produce delicious, healthy fruit if just a little bit of pruning was done. The Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment - an organization comprised of representatives from the Mohawk Nation Council, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and St. Regis Mohawk Tribe – has been traveling to various orchards and yards in the community to give community members a hands on lesso...
A Customer Appreciation Day was organized by the staff at Jacobs Tobacco to thank customers of their many products and services. Free food was given out and cash prizes were drawn every ten minutes. Staff handed out promotional items and samples of their tobacco products that have become increasingly popular as the taxes on major brands continues to rise. Along with staff members from different departments of the Jacobs Tobacco Company, models from the previous Nations Best Next Top Model...
Kayla L. Thompson, daughter of Kim Loran of Akwesasne, Quebec and Charles Thompson, of Akwesasne Ont. and Austin M. Boots, son of Barry Montour, Akwesasne Quebec and Emily Boots of Akwesasne Ont. were united in marriage on March 21, 2009 at the Mohawk Assembly of God Church in Akwesasne NY. The reception was held at Cedar View Golf Course. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, DeCota Thompson. Kayla wore a strapless gown accented with diamonds and lace on the front and down the back...
“Ie thi ha hon:nien—We make the road for them.” Our motto encompasses our vision and mandate of providing our children with the highest quality education possible and “building a road for them” that will lead to success. Background In 2001 the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) restructured and created a single school system within three school buildings. At that time, Tsi Snaihne School was designated for Grades 1, 2 and Mohawk Language Immersion. The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School (AMS) was designated for Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6, and Ka...
CANTON, NY - Jacob A. Treptow ‘10 of Fort Covington has been selected for inclusion on the Dean’s List for academic achievement during the fall semester at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. To be eligible for the Dean’s List at St. Lawrence University, a student must have completed at least four semester units and have an academic average of 3.6 (based on a perfect 4.0 scale) for the semester. Treptow graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter. He is majoring in History and E...
Here is the continuation from last week’s article followed by some of the things we can use to replace dangerous chemicals. Office areas typically have little or no windows. The following plants grow well in these conditions: Pothos, Aglaonema, Dracaena ‘Janet Craig’ or ‘Lisa,’ ZZ Plant, and parlor palm. All of these should do well as long as the lights are left on for about 8 hours, 5 days per week. These plants will grow slowly because of the limited light so they should not be repotted, fertilized, or watered very frequently. If you have sma...
1. À:there Basket 2. Ahsá:ra Handle 3. Teiaken’ennahráhkhwa Rim 4. Teie’nonnakwahthóhstha Splint that is bent over (between the rims) 5. O’nónhkwa Bottom 6. Teka’nónhkwane It has 2 bottoms 7. Ionte’nonhkonniá:tha Mold (used to make the bottom) 8. Teiehwatasé:tha Binding 9. Atenontékstha Cover 10. Okonhrétsha Basket form 11. O’neróhkwa Basket mold (box) 12. O’nón:na Splint 13. Wenserákon óhonte Sweet Grass 14. Oratskèn:ta A braid 15. Teioronhwén:te Gaps between the splints 16. Kanén:wa Strips (...
Clans and Consanguinity 42. Among the Five Nations and their posterity there shall be the following original clans: Great Name Bearer, Ancient Name Bearer, Great Bear, Ancient Bear, Turtle, Painted Turtle, Standing Rock, Large Plover, Deer, Pigeon Hawk, Eel, Ball, Opposite-Side-of-the-Hand, and Wild Potatoes. These clans distributed through their respective Nations, shall be the sole owners and holders of the soil of the country and in them is it vested as a birthright. 43. People of the Five Nations members of a certain clan shall recognize...
Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the same building as CKON Stop letting your photos gather dust in the basement and bring them in for us! All photos are returned to their owner....
In celebration of the 100th day of school for them, students in the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Early Childhood Development Program (Head start) were invited to make a project with help from their family. Students created a number of 100-day themed crafts and posters. One student had 100 pictures of himself, one had 100 stickers, and students and their families found all sorts of other creative ways to celebrate “100.” The posters were displayed throughout the hallways of the building for the y...
Nearly thirty men from the ironworking and construction trades received mandatory training and certification in scaffolding last week, demonstrating an increase in safety requirements throughout North America in the trades. “The new era that’s out there in the training, it’s all about safety now,” said Mike Swamp, Business Manager of Ironworkers Local 440 Union. “It’s all about being certified in everything you do.” The course was required by the United States Department of Labor’s Occup...