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Join ACT NOW Thursday, March 20th from 6-8 pm at the St. Regis Mohawk Senior’s Center Spring Into Health 2014! Come make the healthy body pledge to put yourself first! Speakers – Interactive Activities – Raffles – Door Prizes Informational booths on Mental, spiritual, physical & emotional Health FREE EVENT! Refreshments & appetizers Special Guest Speaker-Tommi Hill, National Aboriginal Youth Council on HIV/AIDS...
Sunday, March 16 @Route 37 Homes starting @11 am until all is sold to Benefit Iakokwenienstha “Iastha” Porter of Akwesasne, participating in the WAIPIO International Soccer Cup in Honolulu, Hawaii in August 2014 with team NIFA. $10. Chicken, Salt Potatoes, Salad, dessert & drink Delivery on 5 or more orders. Contact Sherri or Henes @518-521-4279 or 518-521-5260 NIFA stands for Native Indian Football Association, and the girls U19 team consists of all native/aboriginal girls throughout Canada that will compete against teams from all over the...
To all those taking Kanien’kéha classes, or just want to strut your stuff in the language call the school and confirm your attendance ! Confirmed performances are Karonyawake (Jeff) Doreen from the Tyendinaga Territory, the Ahkwesahsne Freedom School students, Dance Performances by Filfred Tahy and of course our own Skahwatsí:ra Students featuring Rati’Sorahró:non (Duck Dynasty). So if you want to confirm your performance contact Kaweienon:ni (Margaret) Peters, AMBE Kanien’keha Specialist, Kana:takon School 613-575-2323 Tóhsa Ionkwá:ti...
This is to inform the community that the Akwesasne Membership Board has received a submission from a community member in response to the Residency Application submitted by Earl Harris. Therefore the Akwesasne Membership Board will be conducting a Hearing to consider all documents and presentations in relation to the application. The Hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. If individuals would like to make additional submissions they must be submitted to the Office of Vital Statistics by Friday, March 14, 2014. The Office...
The Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative (ALDI) will be hosting a training session for a group of government employees who are currently employed with the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and who are seeking to further their leadership skills, develop Public Service leadership competencies, and build peer networks. The ALDI is seeking the help of one elder from Akwesasne who has previous skills as a leader within the community of Akwesasne, who is willing to speak of their personal experiences and journey to...
The Akwesasne Library has a new passcode for Wi-Fi users. Please call or stop in to renew your library card or update your contact information and receive the new access code. 358-2240. The handicap access door is still out of order and will be until further notice....
Ottawa vs. NY Rangers Game on March 18th! For The Akwesasne Epilepsy Support Group $10 each or 3 for $25!! Look for tickets at the Brass Horse, Truck Stop #9, Wild Bills & various other locations. Also available at Twin Leaf on Thurs. March 13th from 11-2pm Drawing Date is March 16th! This is to benefit the Akwesasne Epilepsy Support Group’s effort to participate in this months National Walk for Epilepsy in Washington DC! For more information or to buy a raffle ticket, contact Carrie 315-705-1130. We are also on Facebook!...
TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE –All Akwesasronon are invited to attend an informational session this Thursday regarding the Residential School Personal Credit. A representative from the Assembly of First Nations will provide helpful information on how to apply for the personal credit that’s available through the Residential School Settlement. The meeting is geared toward residential school survivors who have received the Common Experience Payment, or to the heirs of those survivors, or the children of the living survivor. The invitation is also ext...
Akwesasne, Mohawk Territory, February 11, 2014: Lacrosse, one of the words synonymous with Akwesasne, is still growing with no signs of stopping. Lacrosse is more than just a sport to Akwesasne, it is a sense of pride and honor. To add to the sense of pride, vigilant entrepreneurs have worked tirelessly to help create Traditional Lacrosse (TLAX). Carey Terrance, Evan Cree, and Colin Hall are proud to announce a new line of lacrosse equipment and apparel, Traditional Lacrosse (TLAX), to the community. With our original stick head designs, we...
Thursday March 13 Turtle Room: 6-8 pm Hoop Dance 1-3 Free Public Skating 3-5 Sticks and Pucks 6-7:30 Bolts 7:30-9 Competitive Conditioning Skate* Friday, March 14 11-12noon M. Stone 1-3 Free Public Skating 3:15-5:00 Sticks n Pucks 6-9 Free Public Skating Saturday, March 15 10-11:20 Novice C 2 12-1 Novice 1 2-3:50 Public Skating 4-5:50 Glen Walter Hockey Club 6-6:50 Express Gas Sunday, March 16 Turtle Room: 3-7 N. Jacobs Party 10 Novice2 1-2:50 EO Wild 3:30-6 N. Jacobs Party 8-9:30 J. Ritchie Monday March 17 Turtle Room: 8 am-12 noon MCA...
The commitment of the Salmon River girl’s lacrosse parents to provide quality lacrosse for the girls to equal the success of the boy’s program is an ongoing process. This will mark the fourth year that the Akwesasne Attack Girl’s booster club has had to fundraise to make sure that the girls at Salmon River have an opportunity to play lacrosse. “We had to hurry and raise funds so the girls would have a team at Salmon River,” said Shari Bigtree-Adams. “We were hoping that the team would be in the Salmon River budget and we wouldn’t have to fundr...