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An earthquake in eastern Ontario was felt for miles Wednesday afternoon, including in Akwesasne. Canadian reports indicate the 4.3 magnitude earthquake’s epicenter was near Hawkesbury, Ontario. The US Geological Society reported it to be a 3.7 magnitude earthquake centered slightly further east, across the Quebec border. Although the rumblings were reportedly felt by thousands, no major damage was immediately reported. The incident, however, was met with apprehension by some, who are still shaken by the country of Japan’s massive earthquake las...
In 1954, eight siblings between the ages of 1 and 15 died in an Akwesasne fire. The children of Paul and Cecelia Cree had been sleeping when a fire erupted in their Cree Road-Phillips Road home. The tragedy is remembered to this day, and on the 57th anniversary this week, the Cree children’s surviving family decided to hold a feast in honor of their memory. On Tuesday afternoon, March 15, a group of about 50 people gathered at the corner of Cree and Phillips Road where a memorial rests on the o...
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Following a public meeting Saturday at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, there still hasn’t been a definite decision made as to whether Tribal Council will move the Mohawk Bingo Palace to a structure connected to the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino. The same proposal includes plans to construct a 7-story casino hotel. Both plans have been criticized by community members. Some patrons of the Mohawk Bingo Palace are loyal customers who want to remain in the same atmosphere they’ve been playing bingo in sin...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe announced this week that they are continuing their partnership with the CITGO Petroleum Corporation in offering free home heating fuel to tribal members this winter. However, this year income guidelines have been established. Applicants for the CITGO fuel are required to fall within a 60 percent of the state’s median income guidelines, outlined in the Low Income Heating Assistance Program’s (LIHEAP) guidelines. Tribal members who wish to receive the CITGO fuel must present a LIHEAP approval letter. This year’s CITGO...
MASSENA – Zane Michael Peck, age 6, of Victory Road, unexpectedly passed away early Thursday morning, March 10, 2011, in the emergency room at Massena Memorial Hospital. Zane was born July 10, 2004 in Massena, the son of Kandi Peck and was currently a kindergarten student at Jefferson Elementary School in Massena. Zane was a fun-loving little guy who loved to play outside, play T-Ball, video games on his Wii and PSP, and skateboarding. He loved to go to the horse races with his Uncle Chuck, watc...
Niawen, I would like to thank the Akwesasne community for their support after receiving my kidney transplant surgery in February. I would like to thank my family and friends who volunteered their time and contributed to the lasagna dinner and dance, I would also like to thank the American Legion Post 1479 for the dance, the band “Unfinished Business” for their great music, and Tony Oakes of 37 Homes for her wonderful hospitality with the lasagna dinner. Thank you to all who purchased a lasagna dinner and to those who attended the dance to sho...
Niawen To our families, relatives and friends for your full support in the loss of our “Cindy Bear.” Thank you for all donations. Our hearts go out to the clan mothers, speakers and singers for the beautiful traditional farewell that she wanted. Cindy Bear will surely be missed and remembered for her vigorous work in journalism in the original “People’s Voice.” She created that paper which let the native people and outsiders know the truths in all areas of her writing. Our thoughts and memories are with Cindy everyday. We love you always. I...
Niawenkowa to Maggie Terrance in Rochester for the donation of the dictionary. It helps are prufreeder due here job....
Dear Editor, There is some opposition to the idea of expanding our casino and with that expansion the addition of a hotel, one that would be owned and managed and operated by us - the Tribe and its membership. All profits from the expansion and the new hotel would go to us in the form of benefits and services. The bulk of the argument goes like this; the Tribe (you and I) should not be in direct competition with private business interests. Mostly the Tarbell Management Group and their allies on Council are fielding this argument. I would like...
Dear Editor, I’ve recently moved with my family from Colorado Springs, CO to Stockholm, NY and am enjoying the hometown atmosphere. As I try to make a go of things here, I’m reminded of the great things my mother taught me where I grew up in rural Vermont. We always had a great family vegetable garden. We worked hard at it, weeding and planting. I loved the flavor of fresh from the garden veggies and herbs. Our new place in Stockholm has 77 acres and more than enough room for a great garden. As I was preparing my plans for this year’s garden, I...
Submitted by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Emergency Measures Over the past week, Environment Canada forecast normal winter temperatures accompanied by rain. This weather has caused river levels to rise from increased runoff. Since water levels are currently below normal for this time of year, flooding is not a concern at this point in time. However, with the rain comes melting snow and ice. Please remain off the ice bridge, especially under these conditions. Residents (children, snowmobilers, ice fisherman, etc.) are advised to stay off ice...
By Gere Jacobs Eight students participated in the Easter Ontario Secondary Skills Challenge at St. Lawrence College, Cornwall on March 2, 2011. This event was sponsored by Smart City Toastmasters Club. The competition started right at 8:45 and ended around 2:00 p.m. Katherine MacGregor, grade 12 from Carlton Place, was the winner in the prepared speech competition. The judges were very impressed on an excellent speech she performed with enthusiasm. MacGregor received a high score for doing her...
It is now official. Kory David, (son of Chucky and Jenny David of Akwesasne), is now employed as a Defensive Line Assistant with NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles. With all his hard work and perseverance he has now achieved his lifelong goal. He never gave up, nor did he let anything stand in his way. After graduating from SUNY Cortland, David helped coach Cortland’s football team and a few years later accepted a position at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. While still at Dickinson, he was inv...
Congratulations to Jade A. Gabri on being the 2010-2011 recipient of the Eugene C. Reichard Scholarship at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse. For the past three years Jade has focused her studies in the field of Natural Resource Management. Jade has gained skills and knowledge in the fields of soils, hydrology, wildlife ecology, forest ecology and silviculture. The basic concept of Natural Resource Management is that of “If you can’t loc...
A Norwood man was thrilled to be the lucky winner at the Mohawk Bingo Palace this past Monday night. Frank Phillips gasped “I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe I won!” Mr. Phillips was one of four participants to play a qualifying game sponsored by VGT in which contestants chose three small stuffed donkeys to reveal their cash prizes along with the opportunity to win the grand prize of a 2011 Tundra 550 Ski- Doo. The four finalists chosen then were called back for the unveiling where M...
Submitted by Heather Pontius In observance of Diabetes Alert Day (March 22), the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) and The Let’s Get Healthy Program are encouraging people to find out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes – including 579 people in Akwesasne that have been treated at the St Regis Mohawk Health Services. It is estimated that nearly one-third of the people with diabetes do not know that they have the disease. An estimated 79 million adults are estimated to have pre...
Do you know someone who just can’t follow a healthy eating plan for more than a couple of weeks? Do you know someone who’s joined every weight loss program in the area and is now in the process of joining them all again? Well, there’s one simple reason this happens and it has to do with a how someone perceives or loves themselves. To the subconscious mind everything that has to do with hitting your full potential is connected to self-love. Exercise is not just exercise, it’s an activity that reflects self love. Organic food is not just organic...
Compassion Fatigue symptoms are normal displays of stress resulting from the caregiving work you perform on a regular basis. While the symptoms are often disruptive, depressive, and irritating, an awareness of the symptoms and their negative effect on your life can lead to positive change, personal transformation, and a new resiliency. Reaching a point where you have control over your own life choices will take time and hard work. There is no magic involved. There is only a commitment to make your life the best it can be. Normal symptoms...
Brownfield Informational Session The Saint Regis Mohawk tribe Environment Division is in need of community involvement in identifying potential Brownfield sites in the Akwesasne community. This session will provide information on what a Brownfield is and why we need your help. WHEN: MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. WHERE: SRMT Senior’s Building “Brownfield funding enables us to identify properties and start the process of getting properties assessed and cleaned up for redevelopment.” -Asst. Director Les Benedict *** The Haudenosaunee Envir...
•• The nights are cold and the days are warmer. This is the weather for tapping the trees-maple. Yes, it’s maple sugaring time. In the area I know of two people tapping, Dave Arquette and Eddie Gray. I’m sure there are others including the Jock family-Edgar’s family. If there are others niawen for carrying on the tradition. Tapping is good this year. Tapping and maple sugaring are going on in all the territories at this time. Soon it will be time for the maple ceremony. Watch for the announcement. •• The Iroquois National’s Lacrosse contin...
Shaià:ta rón:kwe tánon ne roién:’a iatakién:’a nirontókhas, Enniskó:wa tsi niwenhnì:tes, Kahrhá:kon né:’e tsi roné:kas ne orontákeri. Wáhta okwirà:ke iona’tsientónnion. Áhsen nikaná:tsiake ne orontákeri rotihné:kaien. Ienontarotsien’táhkhwa wá:ratste wahahnekótsienhte wahahnekì:ra. Orontákeri nirò:roks. Tenhnihnekónkiehte. Ienhshnina’tsiénhawe. Wahta óhses, wáhta otsikhè:ta enhnón:nia’te. 1. Shaià:ta One male body 2. Rón:kwe One man 3. Roién:’a His son 4. Iatakién:’a Father and son 5. Nirontók...
The traditional teaching on family, children, roles and responsibilities and relationships continues with Tom Porter’s thoughts on the Traditional Women’s Role. Tom Porter is a Mohawk of the Bear clan. He is an elder, a leader, speaker and an author of three books. Tom will be in Akwesasne next week as a speaker at a Nation building workshop. By Tom Porter, Bear Clan, Mohawk Nation In the traditional Women’s Dance, when the men sing, it is to honor all Mothers. The first verse is sung in the honor of our head mother, the Mother Earth. When the...
By Karin Thompson On Wednesday, March 9th, the first grade students at the St. Regis Mohawk School had a few visitors from the St. Regis Mohawk Dental Clinic. Leann and Loretta discussed dental care. The students were shown two different puppets, one that practices good hygiene and one that does not. The students were able to practice brushing each of the puppet’s teeth. Students were surprised by what happens when you don’t take care of your teeth. The students would like to thank Leann and...
With spring just around the corner (this Sunday, March 20), we asked kindergarten students in Mrs. Rautman’s class at St. Regis Mohawk School what the coming of spring means to them....