Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 37
At the Utica Memorial Auditorium on March 9, 2008, the President of the Coaches Association, Bill Plante, announced the “Coach of the Year”. While the Massena Raiders were still on ice, Coach Joe Phillips’ name was announced as the winner of the “Coach of the Year” award. All the attention was turned on Phillips at that moment as he modestly received his award. Phillips was never a show-off type of person but he was grateful for the honor bestowed upon him on this day. He extended his...
Fourth-grade students from the St. Regis Mohawk School experienced the grand Akwesasne tradition of taking a school trip to Titus Mountain on Tuesday. The 9- and 10-year-olds spent the day skiing, falling, mastering the art of ski lift riding, and dining in the lodge. While some of the children zoomed back and forth with clear skill and precision as they descended the mountain others preferred the general safety of the Bunny Hill for their first time skiing. With this winter’s massive amount o...
New York State’s top administrator has been accused of having relations with a high-end prostitute and a federal investigation is underway. Governor Eliot Spitzer paid more than $4,000 for a couple of hours with a prostitute named Kristen, according to the New York Times. The alleged act took place on Feb. 13, 2008 in Washington D.C. and the Times reported that the governor paid to have the prostitute transported across state borders from New York to D.C. Reports following the NY Times a...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe announced late Wednesday that it is exploring the possibility of keeping the First American IGA open as a grocery store following their purchase of it next month. “In reviewing its options in regards to the store, the Tribal Council has asked Tribal staff to undertake an analysis to keep the IGA store open as a Tribal entity,” they said. “It believes the store offers an important service to the community and Council would like to see that continue.” The SRMT is in the process of purchasing the store and surroun...
The Akwesasne Mohawk Casino’s construction of a lacrosse-themed 90-seat restaurant and 20-seat bar is approaching the final stages and is slated to open on April 15. Sticks Sports Bar & Restaurant will be open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s the casino’s first full-service food venue and will co-exist with the Native Harvest Buffet. Sixty-five new hires were made for the sports bar operation, including that of Sticks’ manager Billy Black....
Mr. John Benedict, age 61, of Olean Blvd, Port Charlotte, Florida, formerly of Akwesasne, died early Friday (March 7, 2008) morning in Venice, Florida from injuries he received in a motor vehicle accident on Interstate 75. He was born December 2, 1946 in Cornwall, Ontario, the son of Joseph and Mary Boots Benedict. He attended schools in Akwesasne. He was an ironworker with Local #440, Utica until his retirement. When he was younger, he worked at a glass factory in Canada. He enjoyed bei...
Matthew passed away Sunday evening (March 9, 2008) at Massena Memorial Hospital from injuries following an snowmobile accident. Matthew was born in Ogdensburg on May 23, 1995, son of Robert J. and Susan M. Scott Caldwell. He is presently in the 7th grade at Madrid – Waddington Central School. Matthew is survived by his parents, Robert and Susan; by two sisters and one brother, Darren J. Caldwell, Denise J. Caldwell and Kortnie I. Caldwell all of Chase Mills; his niece, Olivia Anel Irene Caldw...
Letter to the Editor Akwesasne Contractors Organization Holds Third Meeting (Akwesasne) March 7, 2008 - She:kon. The third meeting of the Akwesasne Contractors Organization united for the purpose of employment was held at the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) STATION 1 Building on Thursday, March 6, 2008. Twenty-two community members were heard and participated in the meeting. Niawen:kowa Akwesasronon. The meeting agenda focused on the organizational mission statement, formation of by-laws and governance structure. The...
Open letter to the community: This Community Notice comes to you from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe: The Tribe would like to share with the readers that the phone canvassing effort on governance reforms is underway and the SUNY Potsdam group has already gotten some good feedback from the community. The Governance Committee would like to encourage people to participate in the phone survey as one measure of expressing your views on proposed governance reforms at the Tribe. The Tribe realizes that not everyone today has a landline or they may not b...
To the Editor W.W.K.D. What would Kateri do? When Kateri had been living in Kahnawake for some time, she asked her pastor if she could start a religious order with other holy native women. Her pastor did not grant Kateri’s request. Kateri did not bad-mouth her pastor. Kateri did not spread vicious lies about him. Kateri did not incite the parishioners to demonstrate or riot. So W.W.K.D.? Kateri accepted her pastor’s NO with humble obedience. Thank You, Helen Cole...
Letter to Editor and Staff, I would like to thank you guys at Indian Time for your donation of the paper for all of us here at Bare Hill Correctional Facility. I really enjoy reading Indian Time. I’m Cherokee and since being here at Bare Hill I’ve been practicing long house traditions and ways. If it wasn’t for my wife “Stillwater”, she’s Lakota, leading me in the direction of our traditional ways, I’d probably still be lost spiritually with no direction. Tom Porter has taught me so much. I don’t even know if Tom knows the magnitude in...
Thank You I’d like to take this time to thank everyone who braved the treacherous ice conditions to help celebrate my (39th) birthday. To Louie and our children for being so thoughtful and generous. To my friends from out of town, love ya! To my friends here, for being so dedicated to our friendship. To my family for your love and support. To my aunts and cousins for doing such a good job on my “surprise skit” from 1971--good job! To my sisters, Andria and Marilyn, and friends, Johanne and Marianne, for the Roasts! To Marsha for all...
The family of the late Mary Ann Lazore would like to share our deepest gratitude and appreciation to: The Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department and the Bombay Fire Department for their speedy response to the fire scene and giving it your all. The Mohawk Council Ambulance, Cornwall Rescue Ambulance and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service for your assistance and control of the situation. The Thompson Memorial Center and Staff, all those who sent cards, food, donations and flowers. The Kateri Circle for singing and praying at the w...
Thank You We would like to express our appreciation to the Mohawk Council Ambulance for their promptness and assistance on Feb. 16th. A special thank you to Tom, Brenda and Stan. Without your help, Vernie would not have had the attention that he needed. Thank you. Toni & Vernie Herne...
Cornwall, Ontario – Between February 27th and February 29th 2008, the Central St. Lawrence Valley RCMP Detachment- Cornwall Office along with their partner, Canada Border Services Agency and with assistance from the Ontario Provincial Police, Cornwall Community Police Service and the Ontario Ministry of Revenue Special Investigations Branch made eleven contraband tobacco seizures resulting in several arrests under the Excise Act 2001. A total of 2,790,000 contraband cigarettes and 309.58 kilog...
WARRANT EXECUTION – On Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 5:48 p.m. while on general patrol of St. Regis, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service conducted a traffic stop on a white Ford Taurus with a male driver. The male driver was identified as 29-year-old Ronald Lazore Jr. of St. Regis, Quebec. Lazore was arrested for outstanding warrants and was held pending a bail hearing in Valleyfield, Quebec. WEAPONS SEIZED – On Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 8:04 p.m. the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service received a complaint of gunfire near Chiefs Road on Cornwall Isl...
On Monday, March 3, 2008, Mr. Scott Peters from the Department of Environment-Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, made a visit to Miss Pilkington’s grade 4 class. They discussed the characteristics of local rivers and creeks. Mr. Peters’ presentation integrated culture and history into the students’ Freshwater Trails Unit. Niawenhko:wa to Mr. Scott Peters for volunteering his time....
On March 8, 2007, Joyce King received the Harriet Tubman Humanitarian Achievement Award. The inscription reads: “Presented to Joyce Tekahnawiiaks King for her Championing and Service on Behalf of Improving Upon the Quality of Life Available to The Poor, The Powerless and The Persecuted. You are Truly Extraordinary. With all our respect and admiration, Harriet Tubman Humanitarian Achievement Award Jubilee, Inc. at Wilborn Temple First Church of God in Christ, Albany, NY March 8, 2008” The pla...
SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls 13-17. Through dynamic sessions, highly participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults. The program will begin Thursday, March 13th, 4:00-5:00 at t...
Three Australian boys straight from Australia paid a visit to the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena Monday afternoon where they put on skates for the very first time. The boys are staying in Cornwall for one year with their parents as part of a teacher exchange program. The family traded houses with a Cornwall family and the adults are teaching in one another’s country. The Haslam family, who arrived in Cornwall in December, lives near Sydney. Joseph Sampson of Cornwall befriended the boys who are stayi...
Vatican City - The Vatican has officially announced Pope Benedict XVI’s April 15-20 trip to the United States. The pontiff will visit Washington, D.C. and New York City, with a Visit to the United Nations in New York. It will be Pope Benedict’s eighth apostolic journey outside Italy. The pope’s six-day trip will include an April 16 meeting with President George W. Bush at the White House, a prayer service that same day with U.S. bishops at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and an April 17 Mass at the new Natio...
Akwesasne, NY – The Mohawk Bingo Palace Class II Casino held the 2008 World Series of Poker (WSOP)* Super Satellite on Sunday, March 2, in the Poker Room. Over 40 players competed for the chance to win their seat into the tournament held in Las Vegas, Nevada, held on July 3-15. PJ Susice, Massena was the lucky player to win the $10,000 seat plus round trip airfare to Las Vegas, hotel, and spending money, a package totaling over $14,000! A poker player for seven years, PJ pick-up the game while i...
As a young girl, Kateri was known as “she who bumps into things.” Born in Auriesville, N.Y. in 1656 to a Mohawk Chief and Catholic Algonquin mother, Kateri’s cause of sainthood continues to generate a call to sanctity through prayer circles. The Akwesasne Kateri Prayer Circle recently brought their message to the Tsiionkwanonhso:te Chronic Care Facility on Cornwall Island. Circle member Terry Steele donned the garb of Tekakwitha to recite a monologue recounting her life and struggles with faith...
1. Shaià:ta...................................................................................One male 2. Rón:kwe..................................................................................One man 3. Roién:’a.....................................................................................His son 4. Iatakién:’a......................................................................Father and son 5. Nirontókhas........................................................They are tapping...
Back row standing: Dale Francis, Harriet Jackson, Christina Jacobs, Margaret George, Sarah Leaf, Maggie King, Rhonda Jacobs, unknown, Francis Jackson, Wilma Square, teacher Sister Mary Agnes, Wallace Oakes, Yvonne Hall, Angela Jock, Billy Francis. Seated: Dennis George and Arthur Benedict. Front row kneeling: Darlene Thompson, Mona Oakes and Agnes Lazore. Seated: Betty Lou Phillips, Cecilia Jacobs and Mary Joan Sunday. Our thanks to Sarah Leaf for submitting this photo for our readers...