A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the March 11, 2010 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 40

  • Tribal members discuss alcohol regulations

    Shannon Burns|Mar 11, 2010

    Semi-Dry Nation? Alcohol sales only for on-premises consumption? No new bars? All of these were ideas suggested and considered by community members and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal (SRMT) Council when a special meeting was called to discuss the issue of alcohol sales in Akwesasne. The meeting, held last Thursday evening at the Tribal Community Building, was scheduled after the issue of alcohol licenses was brought up at last month’s monthly tribal meeting. A 21-year-old Akwesasne man had recently been killed by an alleged drunk driver who c...

  • Luck of the draw decides outcome of MCA by-election

    Shannon Burns|Mar 11, 2010

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne held a by-election Saturday for four Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) district chiefs. When two of the candidates, Wesley Benedict and Cheryl Jacobs, tied for the fourth spot, their names were put into a hat and Benedict’s name was drawn out by the chief electoral officer Leona Benedict. MCA’s Election Code calls for a coin toss or luck of the draw in the event of a tie during an election. Louise Thompson received the most votes Saturday with 122. Brian David rec...

  • Mohawk officers attend 2010 Winter Olympics

    Mary La France|Mar 11, 2010

    As the excitement of the 2010 Winter Olympics begins to settle down the memories of the historic event continue to live in the minds of those who were there. Especially for two members of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service who spent the duration of the Olympic games representing Akwesasne by serving as security for the event. Officers Edward Thompson and Peter La France traveled to Vancouver, BC, in late January and early February to begin their intensive 4 week security detail and were...

  • New team in pro hockey league announced: Akwesasne Warriors

    Mar 11, 2010

    Thursday at the A`nowara`ko:wa Arena in Akwesasne, the Akwesasne Warriors officially launched their franchise with the official signing of league documents and their lease agreement. Basem Awwad, the Warriors Team President announced that the club would be playing in the inaugural season for the Federal Hockey League (www.thefederalhockeyleague.com) which starts play in November of 2010. At the press conference the team announced the name (Warriors), colors (red, black and white), and unveiled...

  • March 11, 2010 In Loving Memory of My Dear Uncle Dwayne

    Mar 11, 2010

    It’s been five years you’ve been gone you’ve been missed all along, things just aren’t the same without you mostly everyday I think about you. There is a positive side to you and many people out there didn’t get to see, the loving and caring that you’ve given me. You were like a rock that everyone went to, now people are struggling trying to get through. You were the light in everyone’s day now we sit in sorrow each and every single day. We reside on Jocko Lane and without you here things j...

  • Nia:wen

    Mar 11, 2010

    Nia:wen I would like to thank everyone who came out for the Saturday breakfast and for my family who donated the various food items. Thank you to Uncle Mike, my rakeni-John, Auntie Leona, and my ista-Carolyn for cooking in the kitchen. Thank you to my siblings, who got up very early to help-Tahentishon, Rohahes, Kahentenhawe, Katsitsiaroroks and Chantelle. Also thank you to Tsionatiio and Rosemary Bonaparte for helping. I have too many numerous people to thank, I know who you are and I’ll be writing many thank you cards. Thank you once a...


    Mar 11, 2010

    APPRECIATION FROM KANATAKON SCHOOL Kanatakon School operated the concession stand at the St. Regis Recreation on Friday, Feb. 12 from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. This Trivia event was part of the 2010 Akwesasne Winter Carnival. We raised approximately $600.00. All proceeds will be applied toward the end of the year class field trips and activity fund. Niawen to everyone from Akwesasne who supported our efforts. Special thanks to student volunteers: Kahonwine Adams, Lacey Jacobs and Louie Thomas, you all did an excellent job. Appreciation to staff...

  • Thank You

    Mar 11, 2010

    We would like to congratulate the 2010 Winter Carnival Committee, community programs and volunteers on a great job they did in putting together such fantastic activities for families of Akwesasne. The people that came out to the various activities enjoyed the fun and it was truly community activities for all. The Elders, once again, enjoyed their fabulous dinner and being treated like royalty. Everything was pulled together so well, we just had to publicly thank you. Your time, effort and dedication did not go unnoticed into making this years...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Mar 11, 2010

    Dear Editor, I would like to submit this letter for consideration for this week’s issue. My concern is with the absentee ballot system and its effect on the outcome in the last referendum. Obviously, judging by the number of appeals from the last article in the Indian Time, many enrolled residents were not happy with the outcome of the voting. Let’s face reality, Akwesanoron who live on the reservation full-time clearly were not in favor of the Sullivan County proposal. I am not stating that these absentee voters were not sincere; in fact, it...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Mar 11, 2010

    Letter to the editor: Reaching Out ... The Native American Indian program is reaching out to the Mohawk community of Akwesasne for donations of items that can help meet their religious needs by encouraging its members to understand the principles and tradition of the Haudenosaunee way-of-life. The group is in need of the following items: • horn rattles* • wooden “water drum” w/stick** • Iroquois Social Dance tapes on cassette*** • old VHS Videos • Native American books - if possible, Longhouse teachings • old Akwesasne Notes or other native pu...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Mar 11, 2010

    Letter to the editor: Hello, the Salmon River Health Club is pleased to announce the return of the National Save a Life Tour campaign. In addition, we invite your newspaper to attend this event to share with your respect communities the powerful message that will be provided to the young adults at Salmon River. Scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 30th from 9am until 2:30pm, in the High School Gym, the Save a Life tour is a high impact alcohol awareness program. This program utilizes a multi facet approach to educate the students of the dange...

  • Akwesasne Cultural Center upholds traditions with basket making classes

    Mary La France|Mar 11, 2010

    Basket making is a long time tradition in Haudenosaunee culture and the Akwesasne Cultural Center upholds that tradition by holding basket-making classes. Classes are offered as part of community outreach and education. The class is 6 weeks long and it began on Mar. 1. The participants meet every Monday and Wednesday from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the center. The basket making class is one of the longest running classes offered by the center and is taught by well known basket maker Henry Arquette....

  • Thirteen people arrested for possession of contraband tobacco

    Mar 11, 2010

    Between January 25th, 2010 and March 3rd, 2010, the Cornwall RCMP Detachment working with law enforcement partners from the Canada Border Services Agency, Cornwall Community Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and the Ministry of Revenue arrested thirteen people for possession of contraband tobacco. The interception of twelve vehicles by the RCMP and our partner law enforcement agencies resulted in significant seizures in the following regions: 8 vehicles...

  • Author Ashley Wolff to visit St. Regis Mohawk School

    Mar 11, 2010

    St. Regis Mohawk School to Host Children’s Book Author/Illustrator Ashley Wolff. Nationally acclaimed children’s book author and illustrator Ashley Wolff is coming to Akwesasne on March 18, 2010 to tell students at the St. Regis Mohawk School about her work making picture books for children. Wolff has illustrated over 50 books for children, including “Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten” and six other books in a popular series about a classroom of animal characters taught by a multi-tasking border collie. She illustrated “Raffi...

  • Girls Night Out!

    Mary La France|Mar 11, 2010

    The Akwesasne Coalition for Community Empowerment is a group of programs working across “borders” to combine their resources and provide better services for the entire community. Members of the coalition include the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Family Support Program, Teen Women Health Mental Health, Indian Child Welfare Act, the Let’s Get Healthy Program, Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Prevention Program and St. Regis Mohawk Police. The Mohawk Counsil of Akwesasne’s Holistic Health and Wellness,...

  • Seaway plans to begin icebreaking

    Mar 11, 2010

    Beginning March 17, 2010, the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation’s tug ROBINSON BAY will begin ice-clearing activities in the vicinity of the Eisenhower and Snell Locks in preparation for the Seaway’s upcoming navigation season. All ice fishermen, snowmobile and All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) operators are requested to refrain from using the river in the areas above, below and in between the two locks as icebreaking activities will cause an unstable ice cover. The Montreal-Lake Ontario section of the St. Lawrence Seaway is scheduled to...

  • Protecting the future of Akwesasne’s wildlife

    Mary La France|Mar 11, 2010

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) Environment Division is pursing a 3 year Tribal Wildlife Grant (TWG) that will “provide a means for the tribe to reduce losses of wildlife that are of tribal priority through habitat management and regulatory activities.” A wildlife program would greatly benefit Akwesasne because it has been identified as a corridor for wildlife moving from the north to the Adirondacks and back depending on the season and there are currently no plans in place to protect the wil...

  • We Love Visitors!

    Mar 11, 2010

    Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it’s a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open and we love our visitors. We love them so much we want to share them with you. Our new “We Love Visitors” series is simply a way to share members of the community with you. So, don’t be scared to come and visit us (we’ll only photograph those willing) but if you have something special you want to s...

  • March is National Poison Prevention Month: 1-800-222-1222

    Mar 11, 2010

    EPA Pesticides: Health and Safety www.epa.gov/health/poisonprevention.htm Every 13 seconds the poison control center receives a call that someone is being poisoned or exposed to poison. Out of this, 40% of these calls pertain to a child under 3 years old. More than 50% of the calls involving exposure are children under the age of 6 years old. Most of these incidents are with household chemicals and pesticides. Here is a list of some household chemicals that should be locked up and out of reach...


    Mar 11, 2010

    We are of our Mother, the Earth. Everything we need to sustain us, She provides. And as She provides nourishment to all life that dwells upon the Turtle’s back, we should never fail to be grateful, but more importantly, we have to do our part to keep our Mother healthy. On Ennisko:wa/March 27, 2010, please join in as the World’s population observes “Earth Hour 2010.” At 8:30 pm, Saturday March 27th, let’s all turn out our lights, shut off the TVs, radios and computers. Mark your calendars...

  • Wine lovers unite at tasting event

    Shannon Burns|Mar 11, 2010

    A six-course meal and several different wine varieties were the rewards enjoyed by several dozen people who attended a wine-tasting event hosted by the Brass Horse Banquet Hall last Friday event. Individuals paid to attend the event and were promised a sampling of fine wines and delicious food and attendees had little to complain about. With each course, staff introduced and explained the exotic menu items and which wine was being served with each course. Breads and cheeses were also served and...

  • Kindergarten students celebrate Barbie’s 51st birthday

    Shannon Burns|Mar 11, 2010

    Students in Mrs. Thompson’s and Mrs. Bradley’s kindergarten classes at the St. Regis Mohawk School were excited at the opportunity Tuesday to celebrate the birthday of a well-loved doll - Barbie. The Mattel-made plastic doll was first introduced on March 9, 1959. In celebration, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Bradley told their students that if they wanted they could bring in their Barbie dolls and dress up in princess and Barbie clothing. Some students came to school suited head to toe in clothes fit...

  • The American Legion

    Mar 11, 2010

    Submitted by Joanne N. Reyome, Membership Chairperson The Andrew W. Cook/Saint Regis Mohawk Post 1479 has been in the Akwesasne community since 1947. Since there is a new generation living now it is time to explain what the organization is and does. The founding caucus was held in Paris on March 15-17, 1919 with a subsequent organizational caucus held on May 10, 1919 in St. Louis, MO. On September 16, 1919, the Congress of the United States chartered The American Legion. During the Paris caucus in the minds of the veterans of the American...

  • “Weight Loss and Health Secrets with Jason Christoff”

    Mar 11, 2010

    What is your knee jerk reaction to sun block? Today many citizens are unaware of the mass benefits unprocessed sunlight can provide. A history of sunlight and its’ beneficial properties have been the subject of wide investigation throughout the ages. In 1903 the Noble Prize for Medicine went to a doctor who studied heliotherapy (the art of healing with the sun) Many ancient cultures routinely took advantage of this low cost and completely natural method to increase vitality and fend off disease. The Greek word “gymnasium” means a place for n...

  • Am I in a Healthy Relationship? Part #3

    Mar 11, 2010

    Submitted by Wholistic Health & Wellness Program WHY ARE SOME RELATIONSHIPS SO DIFFICULT? Ever heard about how it’s hard for someone to love you when you don’t love yourself? It’s a big relationship roadblock when one or both people struggle with self-esteem problems. Your girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t there to make you feel good about yourself if you can’t do that on your own. Focus on being happy with yourself, and don’t take on the responsibility of worrying about someone else’s happiness. What if you feel that your girlfriend or boyfriend n...

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