A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the March 10, 2011 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 41

  • Victim duct-taped, house robbed

    Mar 10, 2011

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department reported they received a call at around 6:00 am on March 9, 2011 of a home invasion at a residence located at 728 Drum St., Akwesasne, NY. It was reported that four to five men entered the residence between the hours of 4:30am and 6:00 am on March 9, 2011 and restrained the lone occupant of the residence by applying duct tape to his hands and legs. The suspects then ransacked the residence and left with several items. Taken from the home were a flat screen television, computer, currency, jewelry...

  • Tribe hopes to move Mohawk Bingo Palace

    Shannon Burns|Mar 10, 2011

    The Mohawk Bingo Palace, as well as a multi-story hotel, could soon be part of the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino if the community agrees with plans proposed Saturday at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe. Tribal Council said that no decisions have been made, but that they’re looking for community feedback and approval for the expansion to take place. The $75 million expansion includes constructing a hotel near the casino’s current valet entrance. Additional gaming floor would also be added in that area. The...

  • Native TV Chef visits Akwesasne, demonstrates healthy cooking

    Shannon Burns|Mar 10, 2011

    Fans of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network welcomed a Native celebrity to the community last week. Native American Chef David Wolfman, who hosts the APTN show “Cooking with the Wolfman”, gave a healthy cooking presentation at the St. Regis Recreation Thursday afternoon. Wolfman is a culinary arts professor at George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology in Toronto and he is now in his eighth season on APTN. He is dedicated to cooking, preserving and promoting traditional Nat...

  • Tribe's ethics officer: Change is needed

    Shannon Burns|Mar 10, 2011

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Ethics Officer Alison Benedict, who began her position this past December, said the tribe’s current Ethics Ordinance makes it difficult, and in some ways nearly impossible, to be effective. “I just feel like there are so many holes in this ordinance,” she said of the document that was adopted in 2007. The purpose of the Ethics Ordinance is to ensure that the members of Tribal Council (elected officials) are making fair and ethical choices or decisions. The ordinance is meant to provide procedures on how communi...

  • Joseph Delormier

    Mar 10, 2011

    Mr. Joseph Delormier, age 64, of 1419 Island Road East Cornwall Island, passed away at the Royal Victoria Hospital Montreal on Tuesday March 1, 2011. Dear father of Randy (Aimeé), Craig (Tammy), Errol, and Leah. Dear companion of Margaret Mitchell. Loving grandfather of 9 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Beloved son of the late Angus and the late Minnie Delormier. Dear brother of Leo (Lillian), Josephine, Antoine (Donna), Amos (Gail), Frank (Lori), Rosemarie (Dave), Laura (Lewis),...

  • Stella Benedict

    Mar 10, 2011

    “Tewateronhiakwa” AKWESASNE, ONTARIO – Mrs. Stella “Tewateronhiakwa” Benedict, 73, of McComber Road, passed away on Thursday afternoon, March 3, 2011 at the Cornwall Community Hospital. Stella was born at dawn on October 17, 1937 in Akwesasne, the daughter of Isaac and Louise McComber Benedict. She is survived by her son and his wife, Paul Anthony and Debbie Pecenka of Cheyenne, Wyoming and a child of her heart and his wife, Nelson David and Rosemarie White of Akwesasne, Ontario. She is also s...

  • Norman B. Hill

    Mar 10, 2011

    Norman B. Hill, age 79, of Basom, died Tuesday (March 1, 2011) at Buffalo General Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was born in Buffalo on September 19, 1931, a son of the late Joseph Hill and Harriet Sundown. Mr. Hill was a Sachem Chief of the Wolf Clan of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation. Doni ho geh weh ”He holds the door open”. Prior to his retirement he worked for the NYS Department of Transportation in Clarence, NY, American Airlines, Ward Hydraulics and Houdaille Strippit. He was an Army veteran of the Korean War and a member of the Myr...

  • Raymond A. Thompson

    Mar 10, 2011

    MASSENA – Mr. Raymond A. Thompson, age 69, of 220 Fregoe Road, passed away Monday afternoon, March 7, 2011 at his home under the loving care of his family and Hospice. Ray was born March 14, 1941 on Cornwall Island, the son of the late Tobias and Anna Peters Thompson. He attended schools on Cornwall Island and in Montreal. As an ironworker with Local 401 in Philadelphia for over 50 years, Ray worked throughout the country, including the building of the International Bridge in Cornwall. He was a...

  • In Memory

    Mar 10, 2011

    MCA extends condolences on passing of Chippewas of Nawash Chief Ralph Akiwenzie The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne expresses its sincere condolences to the friends, family and the community of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nations on the passing of Chief Ralph Akiwenzie on Friday, March 4th. To commemorate his passing, MCA Grand Chief Mike Kanentakeron Mitchell conducted a tobacco burning ceremony and offered the following remarks: “Chief Akiwenzie was a respected leader that never backed down from an issue, whether it was a popular one o...

  • In Memory of Monica Delormier

    Mar 10, 2011

    In Memory of Monica Delormier December 15, 1969 – March 15, 2010 She left us 1 year ago The creator took her to a better place She’s happy and free from pain She doesn’t want anyone to mourn over her grave Just realize the creator took her to a better place She’s smiling, watching down on us from heaven Free from pain and in a better place… Love Mom & Court xoxo...

  • Thank you

    Mar 10, 2011

    Thank you, I would like to take this time to thank everyone in and around Akwesasne for their kindness and consideration during these last few months with my fight against cancer. I would like to thank my family and friends for everything they’ve done. To the community of Akwesasne for their love and support and great words of encouragement that lifted my spirit. To all that attended the fish dinner and dance thank you so much to all who volunteered at these events, all the donations, monetary donations and donations of baskets, the cards, pray...

  • Thank you

    Mar 10, 2011

    Thank you, I would like to thank my family and friends who attend my Surprise birthday party, you made it a very special day for me. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts I received from everyone. Special thank you to my children, Deanie, Kim and Danny. To my special girl Sheri. Thank you Shelby, Cody & Leslie, Sheila, Denean, Tiara, Carlee, Irene, Lynn, Connie, Diane, Leslie & Scott, Marianne & Alesha. Thank you Bryan for the music and thank you Brandon Gambill for your very special song, you really touched my heart! Thanks to the family from...

  • Niawen

    Mar 10, 2011

    Niawen, On behalf of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe Office for Aging I would like to express our gratitude for your generous donation. I t is through the gracious support of individuals and corporate representatives like yourselves that we are able to continue to strengthen our senior programs and develop new and innovative services to help our elders sustain a better quality of life. With this donation we will continue to lead the charge in providing specialized services for our elders. Again thank you for getting us closer to our mission. Cynthia...

  • Letter to the editor

    Mar 10, 2011

    Letter to the editor: MOHAWK NATION OPPOSES SHIPRIDER PROGRAM Akwesasne Mohawk Territory – Enniska (February) 25, 2011 The Chiefs, Clanmothers, Faithkeepers, and people of the Mohawk Nation extend greetings and offer thanksgiving. The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs is the officially recognized national government of the Kanien’keha: ka (Mohawk) Nation by the Haudenosaunee Six Nations Confederacy. At this time, the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs would like to express its concern regarding the proposed Integrated Cross-border Maritime Enf...

  • To whom it may concern

    Mar 10, 2011

    To whom it may concern: The Akwesasne Mohawk Senior Center does a tremendous amount of work with the elders of our community. It is taught from a young age to respect your elders and contribute to their well-being in any way possible. One of the main purposes in forming the Kanien’kehaka Tobacco Coalition (KTC) is to give back to our community, as such; we have decided to give monetary donations to people or groups in need. The KTC is donating $10,000 to the Akwesasne Mohawk Senior Center w...

  • Seaway announces ice clearing activities

    Mar 10, 2011

    Beginning March 15, 2011, the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation’s tug ROBINSON BAY will begin ice-clearing activities in the vicinity of the Eisenhower and Snell Locks in preparation for the Seaway’s upcoming navigation season. All ice fishermen, snowmobile and All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) operators are requested to refrain from using the river in the areas above, below and in between the two locks as icebreaking activities will cause an unstable ice cover. The Montreal-Lake Ontario section of the St. Lawrence Seaway is scheduled to...

  • Ice booms being removed

    Mar 10, 2011

    [Cornwall]: Ontario Power Generation wishes to advise hunters, anglers and recreational boaters on the St. Lawrence River that ice booms will be removed from narrow stretches of the river between March 16 and 29, 2011. These booms, which were placed in the river off Galop Island, in the North Channel, near Johnstown and at Prescott last November, are chain-and-wood devices used to prevent the build-up of ice during the winter. They ensured an even freeze on the river, helping to improve power generation during the winter months. All users of...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk Casino welcomes musician Jimmy Wolf

    Mar 10, 2011

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Casino is proud to welcome Mr. Jimmy Wolf to Rapids Food Court on Saturday, March 19, 2011. Jimmy Wolf is a singer-songwriter-guitarist who brings a new and exciting energy to the world of blues and rock. “Jimmy Wolf is a great musician and we are exciting on his commitment to play the casino” noted Promotion/Special Event Manager Starr Thomas. Jimmy hails from upstate New York and is proud of his roots. “I’ve been to the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino in the past and it’s great,” said Mr. Wolf who has been nominated four times...

  • FIRST Lego League Championships Going to St. Louis

    Sesi King|Mar 10, 2011

    The FIRST Lego League Championship was won by the Jefferson Jaguar “Roarbotics” Team at Clarkson University this past December. The team of grade 5 and grade 6 elementary students has already demonstrated their intelligence, commitment, and ingenuity to win the FIRST Lego League Championship for Robotics. This competition helps elementary students learn and build upon skills in the areas of team work, commitment, math, science and basic engineering principles. The FIRST championship team out of...

  • Annual Girl's Night Out hosted by Coalition

    Mar 10, 2011

    On March 4th & 5th, the Akwesasne Coalition for Community Empowerment hosted a Girl’s Night Out for ages 10 and up. A total of 28 girls attended the event and enjoyed an evening of health displays, a basketball game, cooking, manicures, pedicures, facials, movies, and fun. The tween presentations included puberty, self-esteem and cliques. The teens learned about dating and healthy relationships. All girls woke up to a hearty breakfast and enjoyed getting their exercise with Zumba. Each girl w...

  • Maintaining Healthy Habits

    Mar 10, 2011

    Eating well and being active work together for a healthier you. These healthy habits may help you reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis while providing many benefits such as: Better overall health Lower risk of disease A healthy body weight Feeling and looking better More energy Stronger muscles and bones STEPS TOWARDS BETTER HEALTH AND A HEALTHY BODY WEIGHT INCLUDE: Eating the recommended amount and types of food each day. Limiting foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar...

  • Health & Safety Bulletin - Stay off the ice

    Mar 10, 2011

    Prepared by MCA Emergency Measures Over the past week, Environment Canada forecast normal winter temperatures accompanied by rain. This weather has caused river levels to rise from increased runoff. Since water levels are currently below normal for this time of year, flooding is not a concern at this point in time. However, with the rain comes melting snow and ice. Please remain off the ice bridge, especially under these conditions. Residents (children, snowmobilers, ice fisherman, etc.) are advised to stay off ice covered rivers, as the...

  • It's getting to be that time of the year again…Spawning Time for Walleyes

    Mar 10, 2011

    By Peggy Pyke-Thompson It is getting close to that time of the year again when walleye go up into the tributaries of the larger rivers in order to spawn so that they complete the next cycle of their life. Without the spawning, we would not be able to enjoy the fishing and eating of this type of fish. I am a diehard walleye lover. I love catching them, and even better, I love to eat walleye (as long as someone else cleans them…). For all of my life, and even longer than that actually, members o...

  • Haudenosaunee Confederacy News

    Mar 10, 2011

    •• HETF-Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force met with Great Lakes National Program on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at the Center for Excellence in Syracuse, NY. The meeting was about the amending of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement that has had no changes since the early 1970’s. The Great Lakes National Group is interested in the ideas and thoughts of the groups involved in the Great Lakes area. The HETF is willing to share with the Great-Lakes National Program only if Canada and the USA accept the Haudenosaunee on a nation to nation basis...

  • Oh Ní:ioht Nátste Kakwitéhstsi Nikahá:wi

    Mar 10, 2011

    1. Ietsiakononhwé:ton New Moon (grandmother moon rests for 3 days) 2. Kawisaksá:tha The next new moon after midwinter has finished (its bad ice) 3. Ohén:ton ne onerahtókha Before the new moon of spring 4. Ensewenhniserésha’ne The days are getting longer again 5. Sénha enhskarahkwataríha’te The sun will get a bit warmer 6. Nó:nen iorákote, ensewentaná:wen’ne When it is sunny, it will be mild 7. Ostón:ha son’tariha’tánion It’s warming up again a little 8. Tsiotarihá:ton It is again warm 9. Shé:kon...

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