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Chaos ensued in Akwesasne’s Frogtown neighborhood early Sunday morning following the alleged stabbing of at least one man. According to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police, a call was made to them at approximately 4:30 a.m. March 2 regarding an altercation at the intersection of Frogtown Road and Melvin Lane. Upon arrival, police found both Jacob Burk, 19 of Akwesasne and John Oakes-Sanparciero, 34 of Akwesasne with serious injuries. They were transported to the Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, VT where they remain in critical c...
Akwesasne shoppers will have just a few extra miles to drive to have access to a new, large, convenient all-in-one 24-hour Super Wal-Mart. The multi-functional store opened Wednesday morning on Stephenville Street in Massena, just off of Route 37 in the Home Depot complex. The new location replaces the existing regular Wal-Mart store location at Smith Road, across from the St. Lawrence Centre. That store has since been closed and shoppers will have 2.5 miles further to drive but will have...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council announced Saturday that they’re in the pre-closing phase of purchasing the First Americans IGA from Sue Jesmer, as well as 609 acres of land in that vicinity. An IGA associate said the store’s closing date is not certain, but they’re expecting it to be sometime in the month of April. “First they said it’s a done deal,” the woman said. “But I guess it’s still up in the air.” Jesmer was away on travel this week and was not available for immediate comment...
With an expansion underway at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino, dozens of new employees are needed. To help fill the surge of brand new positions the casino management held a job fair on Monday and Tuesday. The fair, held at the Hogansburg-Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department Station 1, was primarily to fill jobs for the new sports bar at the casino, set to open on April 15, 2008. The new venue has been called Sticks and will also serve food. Many of the jobs available this week were in the food and...
Mr. Sherman P. Smoke, 70, of 365 McGee Road, Hogansburg, died Monday (March 3, 2008) morning in the emergency room at Massena Memorial Hospital. He had been in failing health for the past 8 years. He was born July 19, 1937 in Malone, the son of Louis Papineau and Ruth Smoke. He attended St. Regis Mohawk and Bombay schools. He also attended the American Barber School in Rochester. He served as a private in the US Army from December 16, 1954 until his discharge on February 5, 1957. While...
I cannot believe 7 years has passed; Still feels like yesterday you left this world to your own place of peace. There’s never a day that goes by that I don’t think of or miss you. I have my loving memories to treasure and those I will keep close to my heart. I love and miss you forever til we meet again. Love Always, Mom....
March 3, 2008 Last week, in Washington, D.C. I testified before the House Natural Resources Committee at the oversight hearings held on the Department of the Interior’s recently released “guidance” on taking land into trust for tribes and its broad ramifications. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe gave testimony because we were tremendously affected by the new “guidance” policy that introduced a “commutable distance factor” in determining land into trust applications for off reservation gaming. The Mohawks received a denial on our trust application tha...
The February 22 decision by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to place 13,000 acres of land in central New York in“trust” for the Oneida Nation is not a cause for celebration but alarm. If there is one undeniable truth in Iroquois-US relations it is this: the Americans will do what they can to eradicate the Haudenosaunee as a distinct people. Whether this means eclipsing our humanity by portraying us as sub-human savages, forcibly removing us from our ancestral lands or destroying our culture by imposing alien values on our children the process of o...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s education session on the proposed government reforms and the April referendum question to change the current 3 Chief System to a 6 Chief Tribal Council was cancelled Wednesday. The education session has been rescheduled for Wednesday March 12th at 5 pm in the lobby of the Tribal Building....
Akwesasne Mohawk Territory - Ennrsko:wa (March) 3, 2008 The Chiefs, Clanmothers, Faithkeepers and people of the Mohawk Nation extend greetings and offer thanksgiving. The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs would like to take this time to report on recent developments concerning the border crossing issue. The month of February has proved to be a pivotal month in the work of the Grand Council appointed Haudenosaunee Documentation Committee (HDC). After narrowing its selection down to two documentation manufacturers, the HDC held final interviews...
As Catholic Mohawks, how can we fulfill our obligation to love, honor, serve and obey God and also fulfill our obligation to love our Christian and Non-Christian brothers? What can we do, how much can we do and how far can we go without compromising our Catholic Faith? First we must be rid of all hatred in our own hearts and allow God’s immense love to trickle in. Secondly, we must make a genuine effort to learn as much as we can about our Catholic Faith. Our Faith is a special gift from God and if we do not nurture it we will lose it. With o...
Dear Editor, I have received feedback on the issue of gasoline-pricing in Akwesasne and wished to share these comments. The interest in general in tax-immune businesses is strong, persistent, and growing, both on and off-territory. Within the community, the ability of tax-immune Akwesasne business-people to exercise collective rights at the commercial level is understood, accepted and appreciated. The sheer number of businesses existing within Akwesasne speaks to this. According to visiting Tribal Nation economic specialists, no other...
WARRANT EXECUTION – On Saturday, March 1, 2008, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service arrested a male individual who was wanted for a parole violation. The male was identified as 25-year-old Adam Louis Martin of Akwesasne, Ontario. Martin was taken into custody and transported to Ottawa Carleton Detention Center. WARRANT EXECTUTION – On Saturday, March 1, 2008, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service observed a male walking Westbound on Island Road. The male was identified as 38-year-old Wesley John Cook of Akwesasne, Ontario who was wanted for a p...
Saint-Anicet, Québec – Last week, an operation by the St. Lawrence Valley RCMP Detachment – Valleyfield Office and the Integrated Border Enforcement Team in Valleyfield, Quebec, led to the execution of a search warrant and the arrest of a 50-year-old man. The man was later charged with possession of a tobacco product not properly stamped, possession of marihuana for the purpose of trafficking and production of cannabis. During the night of February 28, 2008, the police entered a property in S...
CKON announced Tuesday that Smash Mouth will perform at the All-Inn Lounge on March 22. Smash Mouth enjoyed hits through the 90s with international fame coming from songs like “All-Star” and “Walkin’ on the Sun.” Call All-Inn at 518-358-4111 for tickets....
SuicideTALK came to the Akwesasne Seniors Centre, Tuesday, March 4. The two-hour suicide intervention-training program, designed by Living Works, was developed to train those in health-care and related fields to break the silence that surrounds suicide. Last year 48 volunteers attended a one-week training session for this program in New York State. By raising awareness about suicide, they are hoping to save lives. Suicide is a real and prevalent condition that affects humanity at large, the...
The Salmon River Central School District will move forward with their proposed $49.8 million expansion project. On Thursday, Feb. 28, district voters approved the project by a vote of 246 (yes) to 83 (no). A total of 329 district residents participated. “These are very exciting times for the Salmon River School District!” said Salmon River Superintendent Jane Collins. “The Board and I would like to thank the voters for providing us with their support at the polls. We intend to create 21st Century learning environments for the students and p...
AKWESASNE- Starting Monday March 10 a phone canvassing effort will begin to gain direct responses from tribal members on the proposed referendum question to change the current 3 Chief System to a 6 Chief Tribal Council. The effort, which will be directed by a faculty member from SUNY Potsdam, and conducted by non-tribal members, is designed to gain community feedback on the proposed government reforms and better gauge tribal members’ preferences for change. It is anticipated that the brief 4-question phone survey will provide useful, c...
Students across the Salmon River Central School District and across America as well celebrated Read Across America Day on Monday. The national event is held on or around the birthday of the world’s most famous children’s author and poet: Dr. Seuss. Throughout the day at both the Salmon River campus school and the St. Regis Mohawk School different celebrations were held. Starting right in the morning, the students ate green eggs and ham before making their way to their classroom to dress up in pa...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Let’s Get Healthy Program held an open house Tuesday to get the word out about their new location (at the former LBM Lumber building on Route 37) and to inform the community of what programs and services they offer. Representatives from the Let’s Get Healthy Program and the Mohawk Healthy Heart Project handed out free healthy goodies and gave door prizes to guests. “The Let’s Get Healthy Program is a health promotion and health education program for the residents...
1. Wáhta....................................................................................Sugar maple 2. Kerontahrá:raks........................................................I am tapping the tree 3. Kerontahrará:khons ...........................................I am tapping many trees 4. Kahkaratáhkwas.......................I am carving out a spout (piece of wood) 5. Kerontakahrón:tha.....................................I am making a hole in the tree 6. Kátstha...............
Bombay High School 1944-45...
One thing firefighters find out right away is that they’re going to fall down a lot in their fire service career. When I first got in the fire department we were experiencing a spike in structure fires. A lot of fires were put out through the tried and true “Surround and Drown” technique since we don’t risk firefighters lives to put out garage or shed fires. At one shed fire I arrived and it was in my Uncle’s neighborhood and people had lined the road to watch. I had put on my gear and was running over to the fire when I heard someone y...
Since Baby T’s demeanor has changed things have been seemingly too good to be true. I never envisioned myself as one of those parents that could walk through the mall with a smiling toddler who listened to his mommy and who didn’t run away. Not me… I’m the mom who drags her little boy out of a store while he pierces strangers’ ears with his bloodcurdling screams, attracting scowling eyes and judgmental grimaces. But like I said last week Baby T has been so cooperative and polite. Shopping with him has turned into actual shopping not a full ou...
Tsi Snaihne School celebrated mathematics and science by holding a special event on Tuesday, February 26, 2008. The students enjoyed many math and science related activities as they rotated through various stations set up in the gym. They played Math Twister, Eggspert Math Facts, made a whale spout water, and learned how a kaleidoscope worked, to name a few. These activities and many others were manned by grade 7/8 students from Kana:takon School. The staff and students would like to tha...