A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the March 5, 2009 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 37

  • Police warn motorists to stay off dangerous ice

    Shannon Burns|Mar 5, 2009

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service has been investigating a large number of incidents in the past few weeks of vehicles going through the ice in Akwesasne waters. At least five are believed to still be in the water this week, said Jerry Swamp, Acting Deputy Chief of the AMPS. Community members who live along the river or motorists passing by have been reporting incidents to police in which people are seen walking back to shore away from a large hole where their vehicle went through. While...

  • Tribal Council disappointed in Paterson’s NYPA actions

    Mar 5, 2009

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council reacted strongly on the news that the New York Power Authority (NYPA) plans on diverting nine megawatts of electrical power to a Long Island business concern.  The electrical power had previously been committed to the Akwesasne Territory in a 2002 relicensing agreement. “The action by NYPA is not a total surprise, but the lack of consultation with us is.  As a neighbor, they should have had the courtesy to reach out to us before they went public with their announcement.  That is shameful on their part an...

  • Suspicious fire guts Akwesasne businesses

    Shannon Burns|Mar 5, 2009

    Local firefighters responded to a blaze early Saturday morning at a building housing three Akwesasne businesses. The one-story brick structure at 346 State Route 37 was ravaged but firefighters were able to partially salvage at least one business, Rez Ink Tattoo Shop. The other two businesses, Harv’s Fish Fry and Sportsman and Hookers B&T were severely damaged. The business owners were unable to be reached and a phone number for Rez Ink has been temporarily disconnected. St. Regis Mohawk Tribal...

  • Cecelia “Goma” Johnson

    Mar 5, 2009

    Mrs. Cecelia “Goma” Johnson, age 73, of Johnson Street, St. Regis, Quebec, died Saturday evening (February 28, 2009) at her home.  She was transferred to Cornwall Community Hospital, McConnell Site, where she was pronounced dead.  She had recently been in failing health. She was born August 20, 1935 on Cornwall Island, Ontario the daughter of Peter and Louise Foote Johnson.  She attended St. Regis Mohawk School.  She married Peter Harlow Homer, who predeceased her on February 18, 1976. She o...

  • Thank You

    Mar 5, 2009

    On behalf of the former residents of Iroquois Village Building “A” we wish to thank you for your tremendous community support that was shown us during our demise. The help lifted our spirits and we wish to thank the community members who came to our aid during the result of this misfortunate event. Our most urgent needs were met with your generous donation of clothing and household items. We are blessed by our good fortune to have such thoughtful and considerate neighbors and friends. From the bottom of our hearts, Niawen:ko...

  • A Big Thank You

    Mar 5, 2009

    I would like to extend a great big thank you to Theresa Square for organizing the Akwesasne winter carnival this year. She did an excellent job, I believe because of her exceptional organizational skills, along with her great personally and positive thinking, made the winter carnival such a success. I would also like to thank the rest of the committee members who helped organize the different events that made the winter carnival so much fun and kept the community busy for 5 days of events. Without such committed volunteers the winter carnival...

  • Thank You

    Mar 5, 2009

    To the editor: Hello my name is Carvin Lewis and I’m the new Sports, Recreation & Fitness Coordinator at the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club.  This letter is just a thank you to Sean Martin and the Street Ball Legends who took time out of their busy schedule to not only play a basketball game at Salmon River, but also stopped by the Boys & Girls Club to enthusiastically sign autographs and speak with members.  The community, staff and most importantly the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club members would...

  • Niawen

    Mar 5, 2009

    Niawen: I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those involved in making the Akwesasne Winter Carnival of 2009 a success in the district of Kawehnoke. I hope that I do not forget anyone and if I do, that they will forgive me. I would like to thank the Organizing Committee and the volunteers who coordinated events. I’d also like to thank the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council and the Akwesasne Area Management Board for their donations toward the Carnival. Thank you to: The runners in the T...

  • Akwesasne’s Hard Lesson

    Doug George Kanentiio|Mar 5, 2009

    Our community is learning a number of hard lessons this winter. On February 24 the US Supreme Court once again slapped down a Native people when it ruled the Narragansetts of Rhode Island cannot place their lands into trust since they were not a “recognized” tribe at the time of the passage of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. A very effective trap if you are an Iroquois nation since we rejected the IRA at Akwesasne and therefore are precluded from expanding our existing lands under current American law. This ruling will effect the St....

  • Dear Editor

    Mar 5, 2009

    Dear Editor, The Nature Center at Robert Moses State Park would like to express its gratitude to the GM Massena Powertrain plant. In 2000 our staff was chosen to set up a 250 gallon aquaria and environmental display for their Earth Day celebration. Since then we have maintained the exhibit and GM has always supported our Environmental Education work. We are saddened by the turn of events and wish this plant could have been kept open. We would like to thank GM, as well as all of the great people we were able to work with over the years. We...

  • Dear Editor

    Mar 5, 2009

    Dear Editor, I just read your column “Frozen River: The Film We Don’t Like to Talk About.” It was reprinted in the Daily Courier Observer on Friday, February 20, 2009. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Based on what you have written, I agree with you that the film just isn’t worth watching. I believe that the people of Akwesasne will be harmed by that film. I wish there was something I could do to help, but don’t know what to do. I never enjoyed watching the academy Awards programs because the Hollywood people seem to be so...

  • Fifteen arrested in tobacco operation

    Mar 5, 2009

    Between February 16th, 2009 and February 23th, 2009, the Cornwall RCMP Detachment coordinated a High Intensity Enforcement Project in the Cornwall area to disrupt the contraband tobacco supply chain.  Resources were temporarily deployed from RCMP Detachments located in the provinces of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to support this operation.  Officers from the Canada Border Services Agency, Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit, Integrated Criminal Intelligence Section, Cornwall Community Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, Ont...

  • Haudenosaunee update on border crossing

    Mar 5, 2009

    Border Crossing On January 1, 2009, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) instituted a new “informed compliance” policy. This policy gives border agents new instructions about informing travelers about the border crossing rules that will take effect starting June 1, 2009. Our current Red Cards will still be recognized until at least June 1. If you or anyone you know is told by a CBP agent that your Red Card is not acceptable for passage into the US by land or sea, please take the name of the agent and contact Cherri Morris of CBP in Washington, D...

  • Tsi Snaihne School Science on the Wall Winners

    Mar 5, 2009

    On Wednesday, February 18th, Tsi Snaihne School held its Science on the Wall competition. Students in grades 1 and 2 displayed their science posters on the walls in the hallways throughout the school. Pictured above are students whose posters will be moving onto the SD&G science competition in Cornwall. Congratulations to all students who submitted a poster. Their hard work was rewarded with a beautiful final product. ...

  • J.W. Leary Junior High Second Quarter Honor Roll Listed

    Mar 5, 2009

    Grade 8 High Honor Roll: Brianna Barley, Alicia Becraft, Robert Cameron, Kristen Canales, Kenneth Chapman, Dylan Desbane, Danielle Fleury, Tonya Gardner, Jordan Hart, Hannan Khan, Joseph Labelle, Emily Lambert, Waheson Lazore and Narissa Manley. Also, Margaret Mauch, Rachael Mott, Sarah Murphy, Emily Pease, Elizabeth Peete, David Phfflips, Molli Richards, Zachary Robert, Stephanie Rogers, Brooke Russell, Jaclyn Spinner, Michael Stenlake, Tyler Sunday, Dominique Valancius, Alison Whitton and Anthony Yang. Honor Roll: Lindy Chap­man, Alisha...

  • Female Heart Attacks

    Mamie David|Mar 5, 2009

    I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I’ve ever read. Women and heart attacks (Myocardial infarction).  Did you know that women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing heart attack ... you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in the movies.  Here is the story of one woman’s experience with a heart attack. I had a heart attack at about 10:30 PM with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotion...

  • PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULED Community Input Sought on Tribal Ordinances

    Mar 5, 2009

    AKWESASNE TERRITORY – A public meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 5:00pm in the lobby of the Tribal Community Building.  The Tribe is seeking input from community members to review the following proposed Tribal laws and ordinances: Draft Animal Control Ordinance The Animal Control ordinance was drafted in response to community concerns regarding the well-being of animals in our territory as well as the safety of our members. Final Draft Land Dispute Procedures Ordinance The land dispute procedures ordinance was presente...

  • Indigenous Peoples at the Parliament of the World’s Religions

    Mar 5, 2009

    Proposal summary: The December 3-9, 2009 Parliament in Melbourne, Australia, will be the major site of the Congress for the Parliament of the World’s Religions. The once in every five years Parliament event in 2009 will incorporate a major emphasis on the local and global struggles of indigenous peoples in the Parliament and pre-Parliament gathering. This will be the largest assembly of spiritual leaders/teachers/students in the history of the world. A special pre-conference gathering of Native peoples/ to be hosted by the indigenous nations o...

  • Mohawk School students celebrate 100th day of school

    Mar 5, 2009

    As part of their calendar routine, students at the St. Regis Mohawk School count the number of days they have school and then on the 100th day of school a big celebration is held. This year, the students participated in a variety of 100th day activities. Some of the activities included: making a 100 day headband, making/sorting/counting a 100 day snack, placing 100 paper feet in the hallway to see how far it would go, placing 100 small hearts on a big heart, creating a collage of 100 pictures...

  • It is time to start your garden seeds indoors

    Dr Barbara Gray|Mar 5, 2009

    It is now the time to start your seeds indoors. The rule of thumb is to start most seeds eight weeks before the last frost date. Most charts will list the starting time for our area as anywhere between April 30th and May 30th. To be safe, I would guesstimate our last frost date to be May 30th, if not even a bit later than that. Most seed packets or the different Web sites online will tell you how long before the last frost to plant your seeds as some of the times varies. Every year I start s...

  • New talks

    An Anonymous Mother|Mar 5, 2009

    A while back I wrote a column about Baby T’s quotes and even did a follow up one of even more. Well I thought it was time to share some more of the things that we have heard in our household. These are some particular ones that had me laughing so hard that medically I was “not taking it easy” like the doctor ordered. Any woman who has had a c-section knows what I am talking about. Since the birth of baby #2, I feel like I take more notice to the things that come out of Baby T’s mouth because I can see how much he’s grown since he was as small...

  • It’s a Girl!

    Mar 5, 2009

    Name: Kameko Isabella Johnson Born: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Weight: 7 lbs. 8oz. Length: 19 ½ inches Parents: Kasey Thomas and Kristopher Johnson Grandparents: Nora & Gabe Cook Sr., Ronald Boots Sr., Lisa Johnson, John “Perry” Thompson Great Grandparents: Shirley & Lloyd Pitts, the late Edward Thomas, The late Jonas Boots, Pauline Boots, Thomas “Baseball” and Linda Johnson...

  • We love Visitors!

    Mar 5, 2009

    Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it’s a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open and we love our visitors. We love them so much we want to share them with you. Our new “We Love Visitors” series is simply a way to share members of the community with you. So, don’t be scared to come and visit us (we’ll only photograph those willing) but if you have something special you want to s...

  • Students and families create science projects together

    Mar 5, 2009

    On Wednesday, Feb. 25, young students at Tsi Snaihne School participated in the annual Early Years Science Fair. While many schools require students in sixth grade and higher to compete in a science project fair and those a bit younger to compete in a science poster competition, for years there wasn’t anything science-related for the youngest of students to compete in. Despite being too young to create a project all on their own, the youngest students in the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of E...

  • Students and families create science projects together - Part 2

    Mar 5, 2009

    More pictures....

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