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The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service is seeking information from the public regarding a “missing person”. Timothy John Benedict-Leaf, 19 years of age is described as 5’4’’, small- framed thin build, approximately 125 -135 lbs, with a medium complexion. He has long, “past his shoulder-length” brown hair. He was last seen on Cornwall Island on February 1st, 2013. Anyone with information, please contact the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service at 613-575-2340. All information may be relevant and...
Akwesasne Territory – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council presented a check for $100,000 to the Akwesasne Freedom School. “This school is important to us because of the value they provide to the community” said Randy Hart, Tribal Chief. “Without them, our efforts to retain the Mohawk language would be much more of a challenge.” The Akwesasne Freedom School (AFS) is an independent school that conducts year-round, full-day classes for grades pre-k to grade nine. Mohawk parents founded the schoo...
Akwesasne Territory— The Compliance Department of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe will hold three special public meetings to present some amendments and new draft ordinances for the Akwesasne Territory. These include amendments to the synthetic marijuana ban, unauthorized dumping and litter control ordinance, the new hotel occupancy fees and the general business license requirements. The Compliance Department will hold the meetings in the lobby of the Tribal Community Building on Thursday February 28, 2013, Thursday March 21, 2013 and Thursday M...
Cailyn Michael Parenton, the infant daughter of Michael (Mickey) and Christine Ransom Parenton of Baton Rouge, died Friday, February 22, 2013, at her home. She was born February 14, 2012 in New Orleans. A private mass was held on Monday February 25, 2013 at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in New Orleans. Entombment will be in Lakelawn Metairie Mausoleum. Services under the direction of Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., Baton Rouge. In addition to her parents she is survived...
Mary Laughing left this world to join her parents Steven “Sam” Millett and Charlotte Garrow Millett on Wednesday evening February 20th, 2013 at the Champlain Valley Physician’s Hospital in Plattsburgh, NY following a short illness. Mary was born August 20th, 1935 in Hogansburg. She attended area schools. Mary worked for the Salmon River School System for twenty one years as a cook for the Saint Regis Mohawk School cafeteria. She retired in 1997. Mary was married to the late Arnold Jock Sr. o...
Indian Time would like to apologize to the Peters-Martin family. In last week’s Winter Carnival photos, we called them just about everything but Peters-Martin! It was the Peters-Martin family who won the fuel prize, were at the obstacle course and Ronkwas Peters-Martin who was tea boiling. We’re sorry....
AKWESASNE – Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Jock, 93, formerly of 17 Angus George Blvd, passed away Wednesday afternoon, February 20, 2013 at the Cornwall Community Hospital, where she had been a patient for the past few days. She had been a longtime resident of Tsiionkwanonhso:te on Cornwall Island. Annie was born June 27, 1919 in Smith Falls, Ontario, the daughter of the late Dave and Marianne Debo Skidders. She worked for many years as a custodian in Syracuse at the Herald American and the Post Standard Newspapers offices. She also worked at one t...
If tears could build a stairway And memories were a lane We would walk right up to heaven To bring you home again, No farewell, words spoken, no time to say good-bye You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why Our hearts still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow What it meant to lose you, no will ever know You and angels around Gods happy throne We would have held you closer if we had only known! From your children, Theresa, Roger, Joey, Deedee, Liz, Wanda & Viola And the...
Letter to the Editor Political Ramifications My interest in politics dates back to growing up and the interest that my father showed in federal, state and local politics. I remember the Democratic Convention when John F. Kennedy won the nomination. Dad was a believer in having a say in whatever laws were being passed and getting his voice heard. He was on the Democratic Committee for Franklin County for many years. In the past for enjoyment I watch leadership conventions and I try to keep up with any political news. When an opportunity arose,...
On Monday, February 25th, the Personal Development and Employment Program invited Indian Time down to their office to get a good look at what they are doing there. The program, led by Linda Lalonde, teaches many skills aimed at getting people working. Key to the goal of securing work for the people who are participating is personal enrichment, or development. In the course, the students learn skills like how to budget for clothing, and how to market themselves. Tina Lazore, a student in the...
Pre-K AM December- Aiden Cox January –Jane Bergeron February- Natalie Gray PM December-Wyatt Holden January- Ava Gray February- Joni Willis Kindergarten Mrs. Durant December-Trinity Jacobs January-Allyssa Pickering February Chloe Cook Mrs. Gonyea December- Jenna Evans January- Hailey Clement February- Cole Stowe Mrs. Jock December- Anna Barnes January- Aiden Premo February- Leyla Snyder Grade 1 Mrs. Howard December-Mataya Arquette- Friendship January-Kaden Bush- Generosity February- Logan R...
Massena Athletes Fight Cancer...
Ryan Hill, originally from Six Nations, is an artist here in Akwesasne. You may have seen him during the summer working on large stone carvings in the parking lot of Mohawk Printing. He recently traded his block of stone for a block of ice when he entered the Public Challenge Ice Carving contest at Winterlude in Ottawa at Confederation Park on Saturday February 16th. The theme was Imaginary Garden and the title of his sculpture was “Native Spring.” This is the first time Hill has tried ice scu...
Akwesasne Territory – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council announced today that Brian Fent, Chief Financial Officer, will retire as CFO after eleven years of dedicated service to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe. His last day will be March 7, 2013. “Since assuming management of the Tribe’s finances in 2002, Brian has worked in conjunction with gaming, administration and accounting departments to establish tight internal controls, resulting in positive yearly audits, and the strongest financial position the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has ever been...
Submitted by Wesley Laughing One young man went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the initial interview, and now would meet the director for the final interview. The director discovered from his CV that the youth’s academic achievements were excellent. He asked, “Did you obtain any scholarships in school?” The youth answered “No.” “Was it your father who paid for your school fees?” “My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my sch...
In an effort to teach my sons how about chores and responsibilities, I’ve really had to crack the whip. My struggle to enforce the clean up after yourself rule is an uphill one. A good example, I could ask Big Brother five times to hang up his jacket before he ever so slowly picks it up and drags it to his coat hook. Little Brother pretends he’s asleep when asked, or asks, “Why?” You really try not to overuse the phrase, “Because I said so, that’s why,” but it fits so well in such situations. Lately, I’ve been leaving their Legos out inste...
Last week, Kana:takon school held Social Dancing Workshops for all students from Headstart through grade 6. Skahendowaneh Swamp and Cheyenne Doxtador-Swamp taught the kids the procedures, footwork and the reason behind some Social dances. They have been doing presentations like these for several years. They had help from two students, Shakorenna:wis and Iateiehkanereh Doxtador-Swamp. Principal Alice King expressed her joy that they are able to have knowledgeable people to teach the students,...
Feb. 19, 2013 – Cornwall - On March 2, 2013, at 7pm, V‑Day Cornwall will present a one-night only benefit reading of Eve Ensler’s award wining play The Vagina Monologues at the Ramada Inn. Last year over 5,800 V-Day benefits were held around the world raising funds and awareness towards ending violence against women. These highly successful events raised over $5 million through performance of Eve Ensler’s award-winning play. For the fourth year in a row Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) for Women SDG & A will present a benefit product...
Did you know... • 1 in 3 seniors fall every year. Half of seniors who fall do so repeatedly. • 1 in 4 falls result in injuries, including sprains, fractures and even death. • Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury among Canadians over 65. • Many older people who survive falls never fully recover. They face chronic pain and reduced mobility to the point where they lose their independence and enjoyment of life. • Many seniors who fall live with an ongoing fear of another fall. • Falls are a serious burden on Canada’s health care c...
I’d like to thank the Winter Carnival Committee for the great time our Elders had during the 2013 carnival. We had a lot of Elders participating in the activities. It was a great four days for everybody. The dinner on the 14th was wonderful, the food was great and the decorations added a great atmosphere for the occasion. Thank You from the Elders of Akwesasne. Judy... January 14, 2013 On December 19, 2012, the full 13 judge US Court of Appeals denied the Onondaga Nation’s request to re-hear the October 19th denial by a 3 judge panel of the same court to overrule the September 2010 dismissal of the 2005 Land Rights Case. The Appellate Court denied the Nation’s request without explanation. On Columbus Day, 2012, the Onondaga Nation had made an argument to the Appellate Court in New York City to overrule the District Court’s dismissal. Although the three judge panel appeared to listen to th...
This belt symbolizes the alliance of an adopted nation. This belt was made to record the time in 1885 when the Akwesasne (St. Regis) Mohawks were taken back into the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. The four lines represent rafters to strengthen the framework of a building (Long House). The Akwesasne Mohawks are as rafters to strengthen and act as a prop or brace to the Six Nations and by doing this, the Six Nations likewise act as rafters or a brace to prop up the Akwesasne...
The Attawapiskat First Nation and the International Indian Treaty Council have sought the support of the United Nations to stop C-38 and C-45. They state that the Harper government failed in their Duty to Consult as guaranteed by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian Constitution Act. In their request for consideration under the ‘Early Warning/ Urgent Action Procedures’ of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), they argue in part that C-45 “removed fish habitat protections” and “ch...
Katsitsiiohstha’s Kindergarten class at the Kanatakon school is doing their Tree Unit. The unit has a science component where students learn the parts and functions of trees, and also a cultural component where they learn what the trees mean in Mohawk culture. This drawing of trees was done by Raientanoron Cree....
Dear Monica, Can you suggest a reputable website that will help me to learn about more than just computer skills? Signed, Curious George Dear Curious George, My absolute favorite website for finding interesting and entertaining online instructions is the website. The website provides pdf documents with images and videos to show you how to garden, cook, sew, and really any topic you can imagine. If you know how to make something unique, you can also create your own tutorial and upload it to the website. The...