A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the February 26, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 57

  • Tribe to Initiate Electricity Assistance Pilot Project

    Feb 26, 2015

    Akwesasne, NY - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is proud to announce the initiation of a one-time pilot project to provide monetary support assisting Tribal elders with their electricity costs. With rising costs of home heating and electricity in the northeast, Tribal Council has responded to elders’ requests for additional assistance. “Our elderly relatives rarely ask for help, so when we are made aware of a need, we take it seriously,” acknowledged Tribal Chief Beverly Cook. “For months, we have searched for a sustainable source of fund...

  • Jenna Herne Earns Title of Rez Media Fashion Blogger

    Feb 26, 2015

    Jenna Herne is a Deer clan woman from the Akwesasne Mohawk Territory. Her Mohawk name Kaienteri translates to "She Knows Things Ahead of Time". Living up to her name, she has always been ahead of her time with her bold fashion choices. Known for her eccentric outlook on style, Jenna is a force to be reckoned with. She is not afraid to speak her mind. Growing up in Akwesasne she found her creative outlet in poetry, music, and art. Jenna comes from a long line of hardworking and philanthropic...

  • Obama Vetos Keystone XL Pipeline

    Feb 26, 2015

    Statement by President Obama on the Keystone XL Pipeline “Earlier today, I received the Secretary of State’s recommendation on the pending application for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. As the State Department made clear last month, the rushed and arbitrary deadline insisted on by Congressional Republicans prevented a full assessment of the pipeline’s impact, especially the health and safety of the American people, as well as our environment. As a result, the Secretary of State has recommended that the application be denie...

  • Freezing Weather Marks Final Ride for Two Friends

    Feb 26, 2015

    AKWESASNE - After a seven-day search, the body of Kirk Ransom, Akwesasne, whose snowmobile fell through the ice was recovered from the St. Lawrence River Sunday afternoon. Participants in the search included friends, families and relatives who would leave in the early morning hours and return to shore in the evening, each day presented the searchers with extremely harsh weather conditions. The worst weather yet was on Friday, February 20, 2015 with wind gusts up to 25 mph and temperatures as low...

  • Spirit Week at Tsi Snaihne School

    Feb 26, 2015

    Submitted by AMBE February 17th to 20th was "Geek Week" at Tsi Snaihne School. The Student Council planned a fun filled week that celebrated all things geeky. A call was put out for all brainiacs, gamers, sci-fi, superhero and anime fans for a week of trivia, scavenger hunt and a movie celebrating the new "cool". The students and staff members dressed in stylish glasses, bows, ties, suspenders and plaids, and had fun with their dress for a week....

  • Tragic House Fire in St. Regis

    Feb 26, 2015

    On February 24, 2015 shortly after midnight, Akwesasne Central Dispatch was notified of a residential structure fire at a residence located on Johnson Rd. in the Village of St Regis, Quebec. Akwesasne Mohawk Police Services responded with the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department to find the residence filled with smoke billowing from the upper portion of the residence. Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department contained the fire and a person believed to be the homeowner, was located inside deceased. The Akwesasne Mohawk Police...


    Feb 26, 2015

    AKWESASNE – Mrs. Mary R. Hall Allen, 84, of 569 State Route 37, peacefully passed away Saturday morning, February 21, 2015 at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital after a brief illness. Mary was born October 22, 1930 in St. Regis, Quebec, the daughter of the late John B. and Margaret Oakes Hall. She attended schools in St. Regis and the Mohawk School in Hogansburg. In July 1949, she married Alex W. Peters at the Hogansburg Methodist Parsonage. He predeceased her on February 3, 1973. She later m...


    Feb 26, 2015

    AKWESASNE – Mr. Kirk Michael Ransom, 38, of 471 River Road, tragically passed away February 15, 2015 as a result of a snowmobile accident. Kirk was born February 2, 1977 in Cornwall, Ontario, the son of Cecil A. Ransom and Lorrie Thomas. Kirk first attended schools in Akwesasne before graduating from Cornwall Collegiate Vocational School where he excelled in small engine repair. He later attended St. Lawrence College earning a certificate in small engine repair. On December 12, 2012, he m...

  • Niawen

    Feb 26, 2015

    On behalf of the Massena Central School Girls’ Varsity Hockey players and coaches, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their support. Coming home from the New York State Public High School Athletic Association’s tournament in Buffalo as champions was exciting, but it was made even better with the warm welcome we received from both the Massena and Akwesasne communities as well as the North Country. A huge thank you to the New York State Police, the Massena Police Department, the Massena Volunteer Fire Department, the...


    Feb 26, 2015

    Friday February 27th 6:00 Registration 7:00 Trivia Quizmaster-Reen Cook Music by Roger Mitchell Camouflage Theme Mohawk Raffle Baskets 50/50 tickets To register your team please contact: Guzzy @ 315-705-8618 Lorraine @ 613-575-2694 Or the Legion@ 358-9976 Anyone wishing to donate a basket contact Scott Jock @ 358-9763 or drop off at the legion Prize for best dressed No smoking during trivia...

  • Medical Marijuana and Hemp Farming in Akwesasne

    Feb 26, 2015

    Featherhead Tech was established in 2008, located in Kanatakon at the shore of the St. Regis River in Akwesasne. We’ve been involved in aquaculture practices for some time now. Both my partner and myself have Aquaculture Technician Certificates from New Brunswick Community College and Aquaponic & Tilapia Shortcourse Certificates from the University of the Virgin Island. Aquaponics is growing fish and plants together using no soil and a small footprint compared to regular in-ground farming. Medical marijuana is something I want to include in a...

  • Akir Presents Plan Push Play Workshop at Anowarako:wa Arena

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Feb 26, 2015

    On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, a workshop was held at the Anowarako:wa Arena that was hosted by MCA and SRMT Economic Development Departments. The workshop was titled "Plan, Push, Play" and it was created and presented by Akir, which stands for Always Keep It Real. Akir is a NYC based independent hip-hop artist, producer, songwriter and teaching artist. So, what brought Akir to Akwesasne? He and Chris Thompson were schoolmates at Northfield Mount Hermon prep school. Working in the Economic...

  • I will teach you to make an ice hut

    Feb 26, 2015

    Mohawk Lesson...

  • Circle Wampum: Rotinonhshonni Teiotiokwaonhaston

    Feb 26, 2015

    The original of this wampum record was made at the time of the Founding of the League and has been handed down through a line of Wampum Keepers until the present time. This circle of white wampum represents the seating plan of the fifty chiefs of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee we liked to be called) Confederate Council. Each strand stands for a Confederate Chief's name. They are bound together by intertwined strands representing the Unity of the Laws of Peace, Kaianerenko:wa. The circle of white...

  • Winter Survival Tips: Bird-Brained Ideas

    Feb 26, 2015

    Paul Hetzler, Cornell Cooperative Extension of St. Lawrence County Given the prolonged deep-freeze we’ve been having, it’s hard to believe vacationers are flocking to the North Country for its comparative warmth. When the mercury (or whatever that red stuff is in today’s thermometers) drops down and stays there a while, several arctic and sub-arctic bird species shift farther south to “tropical” climes such as ours. The first time I saw a gray jay, I thought a blue jay must’ve gone through the wash with a little bleach. Dark gray above with...

  • Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club "Staycation"

    Derrick Lafrance|Feb 26, 2015

    Last week the kids in the American schools had mid-winter break so the Rooseveltown club gave them stuff to do. The ABGC hosted "Staycation Week" with all kinds of activities stretched over the week. They made arts and crafts, played indoor hockey, held cooking classes and went to Salmon River as part of their week-long Public Skate. Other activities included a trip to the Aquatic Center in Cornwall, Snowshoeing at Robert Moses State Park and a movie outing in Massena. The children were given...

  • Free Snowmobiling Weekend March 7-8

    Feb 26, 2015

    A free snowmobiling weekend will be held in communities across New York on March 7 and 8 for all out-of-state and Canadian snowmobilers. Registration fees will be waived for properly registered and insured out-of-state snowmobiling enthusiasts wishing to explore New York’s 10,400 miles of trails....


    Feb 26, 2015

    In light of several recent tragedies and mourning throughout the community, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has decided to postpone the MCA General Meeting that was scheduled for this Thursday, February 26th. The General Meeting has been rescheduled for March 12, 2015 at the Snye Recreation Centre beginning at 6:30 p.m. MCA Council and staff extend their deepest sympathies to all grieving families....

  • Akwesasne Mohawk School Celebrates January Awards

    Derrick Lafrance|Feb 26, 2015

    After several delays, the Akwesasne Mohawk School handed out awards to the dedicated students. As usual, the ceremonies went over the entire day last Friday, February 20, with the early years, grades 1 through 5 and grades 6 through 8 divided up throughout the day. The character trait for January was Perseverance. The monthly Stanley Cup went to the class with the highest percentage of readers in the grades one through five classes, as well as Pizza parties. The Fill Your Bucket challenge...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk School Celebrates January Awards - Part 2

    Feb 26, 2015

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Akwesasne Mohawk School Celebrates January Awards - Part 3

    Feb 26, 2015

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce Signs Partnership Agreement with North Country Chamber of Commerce

    Samantha McMillon Wilkinson|Feb 26, 2015

    On Monday February 23, 2015, the Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce signed a partnership agreement with the North Country Chamber of Commerce in the Winter Ballroom of the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort. Garry Douglas, President of the North Country Chamber of Commerce, started by welcoming everyone to the event and said about the Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce, "You're doing great work and great things, especially how young you are. It's as if you have been around for years." Then he and Dwayne...

  • Salmon River Middle School Honor Roll

    Feb 26, 2015

    PRINCIPAL’S LIST 2ND MARKING PERIOD 2014-15 GRADE 6 Myranda Collette, Kayla Cunningham, Zachary Durant, Emily Healy, Kendall Jock, John Miller, Kierra Morey, Meadow Tarbell, Talynn Wylie GRADE 7 Timothy Cook, Shannan Cree, Ian French, Rylie Gray, Olivia Moulton, Shannon Ryan, Sarah Tremblay, Cady Wells GRADE 8 Jillian Benedict, Cameron Cartier, Madison Collette, Mirabella Lazore, Brooke Martin, Natasha Mitchell, Hannah Oliver, Morgan Phelix, Jasmine Pyke, Viola Rourke, Gina Seward HIGH HONOR ROLL 2ND MARKING PERIOD 2014-15 GRADE 6 Naliyah B...

  • 3rd Annual Rotinonhsión:ni Language Gathering 2015

    Feb 26, 2015

    Theme: Sharing Our Successes and Discussing Our Issues in Language Revitalization...

  • Youths Arrested with Contraband

    Feb 26, 2015

    CORNWALL, ON, Feb. 19, 2015 /CNW/ - On December 9, 2014, Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) members were conducting surveillance of the St Lawrence River in the Bainsville area. Officers observed a vessel travelling eastbound in the channel of the St Lawrence River at a high rate of speed, without navigation lights and two individuals on board. The vessel approached the Ontario shoreline near County Road 2 in Bainsville. Shortly after, the boat left the area with the two people on board, and...

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