A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the February 21, 2008 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 44

  • Police still need public’s assistance in fatal crash investigation

    Feb 21, 2008

    The Cornwall Community Police Service is again looking for the public’s assistance in identifying the driver that may have been involved in a fatal collision that occurred on Pitt Street shortly after 1 a.m. on the 16th of November, 2007. An ongoing investigation has revealed that two vehicles exited the Player’s Club located at 713 Pitt Street and traveled south bound at a high rate of speed.  At one point the driver of the 1999 Ford Taurus, red in color, lost control of her vehicle and subsequently struck a tree directly in front of polic...

  • Tribe denies petition; supporters upset over procedures

    Shannon Burns|Feb 21, 2008

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s election board rendered a decision regarding a petition submitted in November 2007. According to the board, whose members are Katrina M. Jacobs, Christine Horn and Marlene Bero, the group behind the petition failed to gather enough signatures in order for the petition to be valid. The petition, which was submitted by Melvin White, asked signatories if they believed the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Constitution was valid. “The Election Board has accepted receipt of the Petition formally presented to us on Nov...

  • Elderly woman dies in fire

    Shannon Burns|Feb 21, 2008

    A 90-year-old Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) woman died Thursday, Feb. 14, during a tragic fire at her home. Police taped off the gutted house of Mary Ann Lazore and fire inspectors thoroughly searched the home for clues as to how the fire started. Lazore was deceased when emergency crews arrived at the scene. Police have not yet released information as to the cause of the fire or any investigation that may be taking place. Lazore lived in a modest sized red home on the east end of Cornwall...

  • Man critically injured following snowmobile crash

    Feb 21, 2008

    A Sunday crash in the town of Fort Covington has left a Hogansburg man with severe injuries and several traffic tickets. According to state police, Bruce Leaf, 60 of Beaver Meadow Road, Hogansburg, was operating an Artic Cat snowmobile through a field when he allegedly failed to yield while crossing Rt. 37. David M. Woodward, Jr. 43 of Burke was operating a Chevy Impala on Rt. 37 and crashed into the snowmobile. Leaf suffered several injuries including a fractured skull, a fractured leg, a fractured sinus cavity, and injuries to his lungs. He...

  • Akwesasne Mohawk Police seize 120 lbs. of marijuana

    Feb 21, 2008

    On Sunday Feb. 17, 2008 at 8:00 pm the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Joint Investigative Team were patrolling Snye, Quebec and observed a 2002 SLV Chevrolet dark colored pickup truck westbound on River Road.  Police initiated a traffic stop and a search of the vehicle resulted in locating 120 pounds of Marijuana with a street value of $464,600.00. The vehicle was also seized as a conveyance of the marijuana. The driver of the vehicle was identified as Richard Kociper, 33, of Montreal Quebec and he w...

  • Waria nen-Karenentha

    Feb 21, 2008

    Mary Ann (Jacobs) Lazore, age 90, of 1339 Island Road, Akwesasne, died unexpectedly at her residence on Thursday, February 14, 2008. Mary Ann (Jacobs) Lazore of 1339 Island Road, Akwesasne. Beloved wife of the late Angus Lazore. Beloved daughter of the late Thomas Jacobs and the late Christie (Mitchell) Jacobs Jocko. Dear mother of Evelyn David of Cornwall Island, Norma Ann Lazore of Fayetteville, N.Y, Veronica Henry of Buffalo, N.Y and Gloria Lazore at home. Dear grandmother of Christopher and...

  • Jessie C. Diebow

    Feb 21, 2008

    Mrs. Jessie C. Diebow, age 91, of 30 Herne Road, Akwesasne, died early Wednesday morning (February 20, 2008) at her home under the loving care of her family, friends, and Hospice of the North Country after a long illness. She was born May 30, 1916 in Akwesasne, the daughter of Nelson and Adeline White. She attended Akwesasne schools and attended a nursing program in New York City for a short time.   She married Thomas T. Diebow in July 1935 at Holy Cross Church in Buffalo.  He predeceased her o...

  • More Shame on Canada: FNTI Placed at Risk

    Doug George Kanentiio|Feb 21, 2008

    The past few months have not been good ones for Canada’s relationship with aboriginal people. First, the Conservatives who are in power in Ottawa rejected the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights despite the approval of over 140 other nations. If Canada had endorsed the Declaration it would have pressured the country to respect aboriginal territory and culture while undermining the “doctrine of discovery” as the basis for its current legal relationship with the first nations. Tens of millions of hectares of land stolen Native peopl...

  • 21 Enniska/February 2008 TO THE COMMUNITY OF AKWESASNE:

    Feb 21, 2008

    This is to inform you that it was not I (Bernice Lazore) who wrote the article that was in February 7th, 2008 Indian Time Newspaper “in Support of the Priest”. The person that wrote it is Mrs. Russell (Beatrice) Lazore. She apparently is a supporter of the Pastor of St. Regis Mission Church and certainly is entitled to her own opinion as everyone else is. I have always had a lot of respect for Beatrice and will continue to do so even with our differences of opinion. My position is still in support of the St. Regis Mission, which I consider bei...

  • The “I Don’t Care” Generation

    Feb 21, 2008

    An urgent call from a school liaison at a local high school states, “We are having a problem with our Native students. The lack of respect and motivation towards themselves and others around them is becoming a big problem. They are behaving very disrespectfully toward their teachers. Attitudes in class are so disruptive making it difficult for other students to learn. Grades are on a downward slope. There is a growing concern with alcohol, pill popping and frivolous sex behaviors. When we address the students on such issues, the common reply i...

  • To the editor:

    Feb 21, 2008

    On the evening of February 11, 2008 I saw my very first Black Helicopter. Well sort of. You see, we live quite close to an imaginary line, a boundary that exists only in the minds of police and politicians. This imaginary line passes through the Mohawk Territory of Akwesasne and the outlaying areas, where I live. The small patch of land we call our own, where we practice natural living and are generally self reliant, runs parallel to this imaginary line. I was in my office this evening, helping my sister with a project on the computer, while...

  • Open letter to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Chiefs: Lorraine M. White Barbara A. Lazore James W. Ransom

    Feb 21, 2008

    Open letter to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council Chiefs: Lorraine M. White Barbara A. Lazore James W. Ransom 412 State Route 37 February 19, 2008 Dear Tribal Council Chiefs: Re: Border Crossing I.D.’s – update at the February 2, 2008 Tribal Meeting I attended the February 2, 2008 Monthly Tribal Meeting. During discussion of agenda item three regarding “Border Crossing ID’s,” Chief Ransom gave a presentation on the Tribe’s interaction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), scheduled to begin implementation of the Western Hemisphere...

  • Dear Editor:

    Feb 21, 2008

    Recently we have had bad luck with dogs.  We had a Yellow Lab (Kody) that we have had for 8 years and he took off one day and never came back.  Only in our dream to say goodbye. He grew up with the two older children.  He watched over them when they played outside. The kids could never play hide and seek because where he was one of the kids were.  He was a very good dog.  He even would let the baby who was one at the time sleep on him.  So you can see we were heart broken when he didn’t come home. So I guess we tried to move on and we got a ne...

  • The following letter was received by Debbie Cook-Jacobs from a grateful hometown soldier

    Feb 21, 2008

    The following letter was received by Debbie Cook-Jacobs from a grateful hometown soldier 4 Feb. 08 Thank you so very much, the package was great please send my thanks to everyone who was involved. My name is Austin Boots. I’m from Cornwall Island; my parents are Emily Boots and Barry Montour. I have been in the Army since 2002; my home duty station is Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. This is my second deployment; my first was 12 months in Afghanistan in 2004. I am currently in my second month of a 1...

  • A Big Niawen Kowa “Thank-You” from the Family of the late Sue E. Arquette

    Feb 21, 2008

    A Big Niawen Kowa “Thank-You” from the Family of the late Sue E. Arquette for coming out to support our benefit dance fundraiser “ To Bring Our Grandchildren Home”. Thank-You to all who donated baskets for the raffle. Thank-You to Little River Mohawks, Roger Mitchell, Laura Thompson, Gina Thompson, Kateri Lazore, Luanne Lazore and Cory Benedict. To those we did not mention, we appreciate everything you have done....

  • Scavenger Hunt winners thank you

    Feb 21, 2008

    Nekon & Michelle would like to thank these people and to anyone who we may have missed on our list. Beverly Papineau, Renee Roundpoint, Sally Ann Adams, Paul Jackson, John Adams, Isaac McDonald (CKON Ball Cap), Kanatakon Kids who ride bus #8 (Michelle’s Bus) to spell CKON in the snow. The Wolves hockey team for photos. CKON Staff. Our dog “Digger” who winked for a photo. The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Officers who gave permission to do the activities with us. Margaret & Sidney Laffin from Florida, and my kids Kahonwine and Onieh...

  • Police Blotter

    Feb 21, 2008

    PROHIBITED WEAPONS On Saturday, February 2nd 2008, at 10:22 pm the Akwesasne Mohawk Police responded to Canada Customs Port of Entry Cornwall and was advised that a male subject had been found to be carrying a Prohibited Weapon. The male subject was also found to be on a Prohibition Order for Weapons. Tyler Angus Gray from Akwesasne, New York was subsequently arrested and charged with Possession of a Prohibited Weapon, Prohibited Weapon in Motor Vehicle, Breach of Probation and Possession of a Weapon contrary to Prohibition Order. The male was...

  • Tractor trailer loaded with over 900 cases of contraband cigarettes

    Feb 21, 2008

    (Kingston, Ontario. Sunday February 17, 2008) The Kingston Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Customs and Excise Section in conjunction with the Cornwall Canada Border Security Agency (CBSA) seized over 900 cases of contraband cigarettes after a brief investigation commencing in the Cornwall area. The cigarettes are valued in excess of $1,000,000.00 With the assistance of the Prescott Ontario Provincial Police, a tractor trailer was stopped while westbound on Highway 401 near the junction of Highway 416. A 47 year old Cornwall resident was...

  • Twenty-year-old found with 125 lbs. of marijuana

    Feb 21, 2008

    The U.S. Border Patrol made a traffic stop Sunday that lead to the alleged discovery of 125 lbs. of marijuana. According to police, USBP agents conducted a traffic stop in the town of Westville. Upon investigation, 125 lbs. of marijuana was found in the vehicle. Steffan Lyons, 20 of Cook Road, Akwesasne was subsequently charged and arraigned Westville where he was remanded to Franklin County Jail without bail. Along with the drugs, police also seized Lyons’ vehicle. He is to appear in court on April 1st....

  • Tribe won’t pursue legal action against Empire Resorts

    Shannon Burns|Feb 21, 2008

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council said Wednesday that they will not pursue legal action against their former casino development company, Empire Resorts. Following a review of contracts, Council said they agree with Empire that their relationship was only legally bound until December of 2007. Two weeks ago, Empire Resorts notified the SRMT that it was abandoning the Sullivan County/Catskills Mountains/Monticello Raceway casino project they had been jointly working on. Empire Resorts said they were teaming up with another company to build an...

  • Chiefs sue NY Post for libel

    Feb 21, 2008

    Akwesasne- St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Chiefs Lorraine White, Barbara Lazore and James Ransom are named as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against the New York Post newspaper for libelous statements made over the course of a year. The New York Post ran two unsigned editorials, the first of which appeared in February 2007, and another, published on January 8, 2008 concerning the Tribe’s efforts to build a casino in the Catskills. The editorials contained false and defamatory statements that charge the Chiefs with serious crimes, suggest misconduct, m...

  • Aboriginal Language Initiative meeting includes local keynote speaker

    Shannon Burns|Feb 21, 2008

    A national program created to help aboriginal communities save their Native languages held a conference last week that included an Akwesasne keynote speaker. The Aboriginal Language Initiative program coordinators and participants meet regularly to discuss new methods of preserving languages, to share success stories, to brainstorm, and to address the Canadian government’s involvement in preserving aboriginal languages. Margaret Peters, the Kanienkeha Language Specialist of the Ahkwesahsne M...

  • Nations Next Top Model visits AMS

    Feb 21, 2008

    Nations Next Top Model Teioswathe Cook visited the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School’s Kanien’keha Classroom and sang with the students.  Teioswathe is a Kanien’keha teacher at the Ahkwesahsne Freedom School and is part of the Ahkwesahsne Women Singers. During her time off from AFS Teioswathe visited AMS and spoke Kanien’keha and sang with some of the students....

  • Students of the month for January at Tsi Snaihne School

    D OConnell|Feb 21, 2008

    The January Students of the Month enjoyed a pizza lunch with the principal. They are: Front(L-R): Kanenhstatsi Oakes, Karontakweniio Lazore, Kahawis Lazore, August Johnson. Back: Rylee Garrow, Kierra Smoke, Principal Wahienha:wi Lahache, Sha’tekaierha Point, Trinity Jock-Cole, Rachel Wolphagen. VERY BACK: Deklen Jacobs (black shirt), Iawentanawen Mitchell (red shirt). Missing from the photo: Tvaras Mitchell, Jaida Square & Teioniserathe Kyren Lazore....

  • Cornwall Civic hosts Bridal Show

    Chrissy Cook|Feb 21, 2008

    On Sunday, Feb. 17, the Cornwall Civic Complex became filled with brides and their families who were planning a wedding for a bridal show. Each person was given a goodie bag upon arrival which included magazines, candy samplers, and gift certificates. Wide arrays of services were offered to brides from Cornwall and the surrounding areas. There were vendors from Cornwall, Akwesasne, Ottawa and Montreal. Bridal shops brought wedding dresses, tuxedos, flower girl attire and other formal wear. Among...

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