A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the February 18, 2010 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 39

  • Two women caught with 75 lbs. of marijuana

    Feb 18, 2010

    Two Akwesasne women were arrested last Monday, Feb. 8, after police allegedly found them to be in possession of a large quantity of marijuana. Police said Whitney Roundpoint, 22 and Lacey Jackson, 28 were traveling near Watertown, NY when they were stopped by U.S. Border Patrol and State Park Police. Authorities then reportedly discovered 75 lbs. of marijuana in their vehicle. Roundpoint was charged with 1st degree criminal possession of marijuana and held in custody before posting $5,000 bail. Her passenger, Jackson, was charged with unlawful...

  • Paula L. Hart named Director of Indian Affairs Office of Indian Gaming

    Feb 18, 2010

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs Larry Echo Hawk today announced that he has named Paula L. Hart as Director of the IA Office of Indian Gaming. Hart, an enrolled member of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe in New York, had been serving as the office’s acting director since May 2008. The appointment became effective on February 1, 2010. “I am pleased that Ms. Hart has accepted this opportunity to continue leading the Office of Indian Gaming,” Echo Hawk said. “Her knowledge and exp...

  • MCA holds island by-election; some new nominations made

    Shannon Burns|Feb 18, 2010

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne held nominations for the third time for Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) district chiefs this past Saturday. While MCA’s general election took place in June of 2009, the results of the Kawehno:ke district were appealed successfully leading to a by-election, which was then also appealed successfully. On Feb. 13, nominations were held for the 2nd by-election for that district. In both elections held, the same four candidates were voted into office: Wesley Benedict, Abram Benedict, Cheryl Jacobs and Brian David. All f...

  • Akwesasne Winter Carnival 2010

    Feb 18, 2010

    10th Annual Akwesasne Winter Carnival The 19th Annual Akwesasne Winter Carnival was held this week in the village of Kana:takon (St. Regis) and hundreds of community members took advantage of more than 30 events that were held throughout the 5-day event. This year’s carnival was hosted by the St. Regis Recreation and most events were held on their property, whether it was in their multipurpose room, on their baseball diamond, under their pavilion or in their ice rink. A few events were held o...

  • Akwesasne Winter Carnival 2010

    Feb 18, 2010

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Akwesasne Winter Carnival 2010

    Feb 18, 2010

    Here are additonal pictures....

  • Akwesasne Winter Carnival 2010

    Feb 18, 2010

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Akwesasne Winter Carnival 2010

    Feb 18, 2010

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Parish News

    Feb 18, 2010

    Parish News St. Regis Parish Kateri Circle Youth did a Super Bowl board for the Children of the Kateri Conference 2010. Dion Oakes won the $1,000.00 pay out. The Kateri Circle would like to thank everyone for their donation and support of our Kateri Circle....

  • Community member needs help:

    Feb 18, 2010

    Community member needs help: On Saturday February 6th at around 12:30 pm on Church Street/Helena Road near Mohawk School, a community member driving a black grand prix was pursued by Border Patrol. Two other vehicles were traveling south on Helena Road at the same time. Would the drivers of those vehicles contact us to provide some information that may help clarify details about this incident. Any information will be kept confidential. Please call Tim at 518-651-9718 or 358-2338....

  • To the editor:

    Feb 18, 2010

    To the editor: In the Spirit of Our Taino Ancestors I am writing you to address a statement that Mr. Doug George Kanentiio wrote in the article “Mohawk Perspective on Haiti” and the statement that what was left of the Taino people was a “weak DNA trail.” We the Taino People are the children of an ancestral prophecy. We heard the call of our ancestors in our visions; in the wind; in the mist of our mountains; in the sounds of conch shells that were felt in our veins. It is obvious that he is not aware of the highly percentage of Taino DNA in our...

  • The winner of the Akwesasne Girls Hockey Super Bowl Board

    Feb 18, 2010

    The winner of the Akwesasne Girls Hockey Super Bowl Board was Roger Mitchell $1,000.00. Thank you for supporting girls hockey....

  • Niawen ko:wa

    Feb 18, 2010

    Niawen ko:wa On behalf of the Six Nations Agricultural Society-Mohawk Chapter, I wish to thank the dedicated radio bingo workers and the Akwesasne Communications Society for their unselfish contributions and their genuine community efforts to generate funds for our organization. We appreciate your concerns for this worthwhile endeavor and will use your contributions to make Mohawk year at the New York State Fair Indian Village a Success! Niawen ko:wa Kenneth Thompson, Vice President Mohawk Chapter...

  • Thank You

    Feb 18, 2010

    The family of Mary Arquette wish to thank the community for their gifts of money, flowers and food at the time of her funeral. I would also like to thank Henry’s family for all the help they gave us before and after the funeral....

  • Niawen

    Feb 18, 2010

    Niawen To the SRMT Alcoholism Chemical Dependency Prevention Program and the Let’s Get Healthy Program: Niawenhko:wa for sponsoring the Feb. 12th ski trip to Titus. A wonderful and physically challenging time was had by all. Niawen also for doing your best to keep the use of language going during this sponsored outing. Onenki’wahe, AFS Students, Parents & Staff...

  • The Tekakwitha Conference Today

    Feb 18, 2010

    By Sister Kateri Mitchell, SSA As Executive Director of the Tekakwitha Conference, my role is multi-faceted. Located in Great Falls, Montana, this national office has a staff of two. We are kept rather busy overseeing all the tasks of the office and answering requests on a day to day basis that need attention relating to the organization, the Tekakwitha Conference, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Kateri Circles, resources for Native spirituality, Native catechesis, Native ministry and many other topics. I gather articles and produce the quarterly...

  • Efforts ongoing against smugglers in Central St. Lawrence Valley Area

    Feb 18, 2010

    alleyfield, February 11, 2010 – Operations conducted on a regular basis by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Sûreté du Québec resulted, in January only, in the seizure of illegal tobacco products valued at approximately one million dollars, close to CAN$7,500 in cash and 17 smuggling vehicles. During that period, 22 persons were also arrested. As part of their surveillance operations, as well as the ACCES program involving both the RCMP and SQ, officers of the Central St. Lawrence Valley area continue their fight against illegal trade acti...


    Feb 18, 2010

    The Akwesasne Family Program is proud to host the film screening “FOR THE NEXT 7 GENERATIONS: 13 INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS WEAVING A WORLD THAT WORKS at the Tri-District Elder’s Lodge, Akwesasne, Ontario. DATE: Thursday, 18 February 2010 LOCATION: Tri-District Elder’s Lodge 10 Community Center Road, Akwesasne, ON TIME: Doors open at 5:30pm; the opening ceremony begins at 6:00pm The film reveals the importance of Indigenous knowledge in our world today as shared by 13 Indigenous Grandmothers originating from all four corners of the world. It re...

  • The Star Lab Planetarium visited Tsi Snaihne School

    Darcy OConnell|Feb 18, 2010

    On Tuesday, February 9th, Astrologists Bruce and Alice McClure set up their inflatable planetarium in the school’s gymnasium. They showed students tools that use the stars to tell time and the distance to the North Pole or the Equator. Students then entered the planetarium and were taught many interesting facts about our cosmos. Mr. McClure showed them many of the astrological signs that can be found in the sky and informed them how to find the North Star on a clear night. A planetarium a...

  • Mohawk School makes a special Valentine’s Day delivery

    Mary La France|Feb 18, 2010

    St. Regis Mohawk School’s Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Jock’s Kindergarten classes delivered their special hand-made Valentines Day cards to their parents via the Hogansburg post office this past Feb. 10. Before they began their short journey from the school to the post office they were given a traffic safety talk by Officer Lavigne, the school resource officer. The students bundled up in their jackets, hats, and mittens and armed with their envelopes headed to the post office. They were given an int...

  • Donaldson Funeral Home under new ownership

    Feb 18, 2010

    The Donaldson Funeral Home, Inc., located at 100 North Main Street in the Village of Massena, has been serving families at their most vulnerable time of need for over 75 years. Beginning in 1933, Vernon J. Donaldson, joined Lodus Brookhover at the funeral home at 33 North Main Street. In 1941, he along with his wife, Evelyn, purchased the home of her grandparents, converting it to its now established location. Throughout many years with their sons, David and Gary, longtime dedicated employee, Bruce P. Bombard, and in the most recent ten years,...

  • Ronathahonni opens new art gallery

    Mary La France|Feb 18, 2010

    Ronathahonni Cultural Centre welcomed the opening of the new art gallery to their facility on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island) on Feb. 12. The gallery was designed by the creative team of Barbara Arquette, Darren Bonaparte and Josh Sargent in what used to be a permanent exhibit. The theme is “The Next Generation”, and is the first art show of its kind to be held at the centre. “Kawehno:ke can be isolating sometimes with the border issue and this way we can bring artwork to people who can enjoy...

  • Akwesasne Headstart Program finds many ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day

    Mary La France|Feb 18, 2010

    On Feb 12. each classroom at the Akwesasne Headstart Program celebrated Valentine’s Day in their own unique way: Classroom 1 made special Valentine’s Day boxes for each child to put their cards and goodies that they received for Valentine’s Day; Classroom 2 used materials that were donated by a Clan Mother to decorate their heart shaped cards with their photos and Valentine ornaments to give to their parents, as well as goodie bags for each child; the Transition room wore their pajamas and m...

  • St. Regis Mohawk School celebrates 100 days of school

    Mary La France|Feb 18, 2010

    Students at St. Regis Mohawk School have been working hard this year and on Feb. 12 they celebrated their 100th day of school. 100 is a big deal and to demonstrate just how big each Kindergarten class took the time to count: Mrs. Thompson’s class counted a total of 100 balloons; in Mrs. Jock’s class each student counted 100 items from skittles to raisins and stickers to letters; Mrs. Bradley’s class counted to 100, even Kindergartener Mckenna worked with her mom to creates a collage of 100 p...

  • Tarbell makes Dean’s List

    Feb 18, 2010

    Stephen C. Tarbell II of Silver Lake, New York, the son of Steve and Pam Tarbell has been named to the dean’s list for the fall semester of 2009 at the University of Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Stephen is in the third year of graduate school pursuing a degree in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. He is a 2005 graduate of Letchworth Central School, Gainesville, New York. Stephen is the grandson of Charles Tarbell of Rochester, New York and great-nephew of Roy Tarbell, M...

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