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Akwesasne Territory – On Wednesday February 22, 2012, the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) will be present at the Tribe’s Seniors Center to recognize staff for their work in the area of Protective Services for Adults (PSA). The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Department of Social Services nominated the Senior Center’s staff as outstanding partners in the PSA Delivery Network. The director of the Seniors Center, Cynthia Tarbell, along with staffers Mary Grow and Jann Da...
On August 11th 2011, Kanietekeron (Larry Thompson) was arrested after he drove a backhoe onto the GM Superfund site that sits adjacent to homes in Akwesasne. He was attempting to remove toxic waste that he insists was illegally dumped and continues to leak into the environment today. Larry was arrested on August 11th, 2011 and indicted on February 6th 2012 as a result of his attempts to remove the toxic waste and gain attention for the issue. He still hopes that it will be removed to a secured...
The Wayne Castor Memorial Fan Appreciation Award was awarded to Phil Leroux on February 1st during the Salmon River vs. Potsdam game. This award is given out to a fan dedicated to the Salmon River Boys Varsity Hockey Team. Mr. Kenny Kane and Bill Plante created this award to help keep Wayne’s memory alive. Wayne’s sons, Kevin, Peter and foster son Logan Kane played hockey for the Shamrocks. Wayne’s widow Elaine, his sons, grandchildren and many of his family members were present for the award...
From February, 2012 through May, 2012, the SRMT Environment Division will be conducting fly-overs of the Akwesasne Territory to assess timber and potential wildlife habitat in Akwesasne. A low-flying plane will travel across Akwesasne several times. The purpose is for Tribal staff to identify habitat that supports deer and other wildlife. These fly-overs are part of the Environment Division’s efforts to manage wildlife resources in the community. Please call the Environment Division at 518-358-5937 for any questions....
AHKWESAHSNE – Mr. Paul Edgar King, Jr. age 64, of 772 River Road, unexpectedly passed away on Sunday morning, February 12, 2012, at the Cornwall Community Hospital. Paul was born November 11, 1947 in Ahkwesahsne, Quebec, the son of Paul Sr. and Agnes Square King. He attended St. Regis and Salmon River Central School. On August 7, 1965, he married Cecelia C. Swamp at St. Regis Catholic Church with Rev. Michael Jacobs, officiating. Paul once worked as an ironworker and at Alcoa for a short t...
An email came across my desk about how we shouldn’t forget our elders on Valentine Day. So I thought what if I get my nieces and nephews together to make some cards. So they came together on Saturday to make Valentine’s Day cards for the residents of Tsi ion kwa non so te Adult Care. Niawenhko:wa to the children from Auntie Leona Barnes. Also, thank you to Elaine for letting us use her home to do the craft. Naliyah Barnes, Nya Barnes, Kanakwinetha Lazore, Karonhiahawe Lazore, Teh... Full story
Thank you, We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who helped our family during the time of our father’s passing. We thank all who came to support us, to share our sorrow, and to just be there for us. It did not go unnoticed. There are so many of you who provided countless meals, drinks, coffee, and your long hours in the kitchen or of simply being available when needed. There are those of you who dug the gravesite, donated money, prepared the last meal, sent flowers and cards and more. Special Thanks to dad’s nephews who served... Full story
Thank you, Thank you to all who attended our Indoor sale to benefit our son, Nolan Terrance who will be traveling to Spain with the Massena Central High School Spanish Club in April 2012; it was a huge success! Nolan is currently a 9th grader at MCHS where he is on the JV football team and the varsity wrestling team. He also plays football in Cornwall for the Wildcats. Over the weekend, he became the Division 1 Section 10 Champion for Massena Varsity Wrestling and we could not be more proud of him! Thanks to the following for their generous... Full story
Letter to my customers, I am writing because I did not get a chance to say goodbye or thanks for all the help. It is against FedEx’s policy for me to mention their names so I won’t. I can remember the very first day I started on the Rez nearly 20 years ago. My first stop was the Day’s home on Raquette Point. I remember thinking I never knew anyone with that name, so if most names were unfamiliar with me maybe I could memorize all houses and families! Not knowing that would be 6,000 or so, and I soon found out there were things I had not planned... Full story
February 15, 2012 To The Editor, The Adirondack Community Trust (ACT) is grateful to be able to offer nearly $200,000 in scholarship awards this spring. Students and families seeking financial aid for higher education can learn more by contacting their school guidance counselor or by visiting , where there is a list of the wide variety of scholarship grants available to Adirondack students, application information, and deadlines for submission. Please don’t hesitate—deadline for most applications is April 15. These sch... Full story
February 7th 2012 Letter to the Editor I have been following the pomp and ceremony surrounding Queen Elizabeth the II‘s, 60 years of regal service, and Prime Minister Harper’s Celebration in honour of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. I must admit to being disgusted with the whole thing. First listening to Canada’s Governor General David Johnston was a revelation, “Today we affirm our bond with the Crown which helps us to define our country and what it means to be Canadian”. I have been a Canadian all my life; I have travelled from one end of the... Full story
A Haudenosaunee orator and representative to Nations has said that, “Sovereignty is the act thereof.” Sovereignty is action, and it’s through our actions that people come to understand our sovereignty (our original free and independent existence). In a state of liberty, individuals choose what actions will define their personal existence. But, governments do not have that luxury. Governments are not free, nor endowed with liberty and are not individuals. They make way for freedom and clear the way for individual liberty… or, they get in the... Full story
January 21st, 2012, Bradley COOKE (age 39) from Akwesasne, Ontario, was charged under the Excise Act, 2001 after being stopped at Cornwall’s Port of Entry with nineteen (19) cases of contraband cigarettes. COOKE’s 2011 Ford F-250 pickup truck was seized. On January 26th, 2012, while conducting surveillance in the South Glengarry, Ontario area, members of the Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) observed a vessel drop off a load of contraband along the shores of the St. Lawrence River. As members... Full story
On February 12th the local girl scouts hosted the 2nd “Girl Scouts Give Back Valentine’s Skating Party” at the Salmon River Central arena during public skating. Girl Scouts and their parents gave out free hot cocoa, tea, treats and goodies for all who attended skating on that day....
Kenneth Thompson and Glen Lazore stopped in for a visit. They are members of the Six Nations Agriculture Society - Mohawk Chapter, the longest continuous gathering of Iroquois people at the New York State Fair. The Six Nations Agricultural Society has been in existence since 1924. Keep up the great work and come back to visit.... Full story is one of the websites I use to help me plan my gardens in Akwesasne. It takes the guesswork out of gardening because I just enter my zip code and the website gives me a list of what to plant, how to start seedlings, how to garden, and I can choose to use my own seeds or purchase seeds from the website. The instructions for how to start tomatoes from seeds is helpful with detailed pictures. Some of the groceries that we can plant anytime in Akwesasne for our indoor kitchen...
[Cornwall, Ontario]: In accordance with the operating regulations of the International St. Lawrence River Board of Control, Ontario Power Generation’s Ottawa/St. Lawrence Plant Group advises users of the St. Lawrence River, including recreational boaters and anglers, that gates at the Iroquois Control Dam are currently raised but may be lowered again if conditions change on the river. This will go on for an undetermined period to assist with the management of water levels on Lake St. Lawrence. Ontario Power Generation would like to remind a...
• The Iroquois Nationals 19 and under coaching staff have reduced the 36 man roster to 30. A practice was held at Syracuse University Manley Field House on February 5, 2012. Tom Porter was the guest speaker, speaking to the young men about Haudenosaunee culture and traditions. • The Haudenosaunee Standing Committee on Repatriation and Funerary Items met on Monday, February 13, 2012 at the Onondaga Cook House. The committee had a lengthy agenda so business started right away. 1. The first three issues concerned the human remains found in an exc...
1. Oh nikentsiò:ten? What type of fish? Ohí:karon (Kiokia’kton’kó:wa) nikentsiò:ten It is salmon? 2. Tsikáhkwara Bass, Rock 3. Tsiskawí:ia’k Bass, Small Mouth (Black Bass) 4. Rabahbót Bullhead 5. Onawa’tstokón:ha Bullhead 6. Skentstén:ri Carp 7. Kiawerón:ko Eel (freshwater) 8. Kaniión:ta Minnow 9. Kanò:tsiot Muskellunge 10. Oiahè:ta Perch 11. Tsikónhses Pike 12. Teiokién:taron Sturgeon 13. Atenà:tara Sunfish 14. Kiokià:kton Trout 15. Skakahráksen Walleye 16. Kentsiowá:nen ne skakahra...
Reprinted from WORDS THAT COME BEFORE ALL ELSE Environmental Philosophies of the Haudenosaunee We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring Teachers. Our Creator has sometimes chosen to use messengers to bring his word to people, as well as to act to protect the people. There have been several messengers to the...
Provided by Bessie Mitchell Front Row L-R: Esther Mitchell, Florence Cook, Cecelia Cook, Kathy Secor, Betty Swamp, Mary Herne, Bessie Mitchell and Irene Caldwell Back Row L-R Sheila Cook, Instructors Reg & Marg, and Bernice Lazore...
On Saturday, February 11, 2012, the Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club (ABGC) sponsored a field trip to Lake Placid for our youth to go Dog Sledding. While in Lake Placid, the kids were able to go on their first dog sledding venture, play in the Ice Castle that is constructed annually in Saranac Lake, and were able to witness the Annual Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Parade, of which there were over 80 floats and organizations that participated. The kids were filled with excitement from the time they...
SEMESTER 1- NOVEMBER 2011 The minimum grade point average for Honour Roll is 80, while the range for Principals’ List is an average between 75 to 79. CCVS Honour Roll: Montana Adams Brett Baird Breanne Caldwell Robbi Cook Steven David Quinlyn Jacobs Kaitlyn Lazore Autumn Tenasco-King Justice Thompson PRINCIPALS LIST: Sandra Bigtree Serena Boots Kuylin Chaussi Tianna Francis-Forgues Kawehras George Mitchell Green Rachel Jacobs Joel Jocko Feryn King Mackenzie Oakes Kelly Pierce Tommi-Lee Thomas Carl Van Every SEMESTER 1 - FEBRUARY 2012 The m...
Last night as my body rested, my spirit was taken back to my homeland to a time about 200 years ago. The place was the same, but there were no manmade roads, only dirt paths. I was searching for my way back home. The structure that kept me safe and warm for so many years was built along the Kanien’tarako:wa’nenhne, (the place of the big water, otherwise known as the St. Lawrence River.) In the winter, the river would freeze so thick, that a herd of elk can cross to the other side without cra...
Will Lafrance is his stage name and locals in Akwesasne know him as Ross Lafrance. Will recently had a starring role in a live play at Carleton University titled “Yerma”. Yerma is a play written and first performed in 1934, by Spanish poet and playwright, Federico Garcia Lorca. Yerma is about a childless Spanish woman that is so desperate to be a mother that she commits a horrific crime. The following is my interview with Ross Lafrance about his acting career, in his own words. Monica: What is...