Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 69
Akwesasne Territory -- The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is very pleased to announce the successful completion of a $110 million financing package with Key Bank, NA to continue expansion of the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino and Mohawk Bingo Palace. Despite the slow economic recovery apparent to the greater Northern New York economy, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has established the strength of both its business model and its banking relationship with Key Bank, NA, as shown through this new...
(February 6, 2012) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne has recently concluded negotiations with the Canadian Federal Government regarding the Kawehno:ke/Easterbrook Specific Land Claim, which is a “Loss of Use Claim” that was accepted by Canada for negotiations on July 18, 2006. The basis of the Claim was breaches of the Crown’s fiduciary responsibility to the Mohawks of Akwesasne during the period of 1816 to 1934. The breaches were failures to protect the interests of Akwesasne for 188.5 acres...
The Kateri Circle in Akwesasne is hosting monthly meetings to help plan and prepare a local group from Akwesasne to attend the Canonization of the Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha in Rome. They will also be hosting a Conference this July in Albany NY for those that cannot travel overseas to Rome. About 15 or 20 members attend their monthly meetings and help organize the Conferences. A specific date is not set yet, but the big event is expected to happen this October 2012 in Rome at the Vatican City....
The Lady Raiders had just come off a great win over Franklin Academy and hoped to avenge their previous loss to the Lady Shamrocks. However it wasn’t in the stars as the Lady Shamrocks shut down the Lady Raiders and claimed a 42-19 NAC interdivisional victory at home. At the end of the first quarter the Shamrocks were leading by only two points. In the second and third quarters the Shamrocks really went to work and limited the scoring of the Raiders to four points and six points respectively. I...
In Loving Memory David “Jerry” Lazore 09/12/35-02/07/11 Our Family Chain We knew little that morning That God would call your name In life we loved you dearly; In death we do the same It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories Your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, You are always by our side. Our family chain is broken And nothing seems the same, But as God calls us one... Full story
Niawen ko:wa The Kateri Conference fundraising committee would like to announce its winners for the (2) Super Bowl boards that they had: Board #1: 1st Quarter - $125.00 Winner – Carson Mitchell 2nd Quarter - $250.00 Winner – Carson Mitchell 3rd Quarter - $125.00 Winner – Michelle Laffin Final Score - $500.00 Winner – Cason Cook Board #2: ½ Time - $300.00 Winner – Harold Caldwell Final Score - $700.00 Winner – Buck Cook Congratulations to all of our winners. We would like to send a Nia wen ko:wa to everyone that purchased a square, and to all w... Full story
Letter to the Editor, regarding: control over Onkwehonwe on Reserves. February 5, 2012 Watkwanonweratons: The Law (Kaieneresakowa) clearly states that “those who wish to destroy the Great Peace shall be deemed guilty of Treason and called Enemies. It shall be the duty of the Chiefs of the League to warn the offending people. They shall be warned once then driven from the Territory”. The offending People or Nation will lose their right to stand under the Great Tree. The loss of that right includes any association to, any part of, all pri... Full story
On January 31, 2012, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police patrol officers were monitoring traffic at the intersection of Island Road and International Road when a vehicle heading South bound failed to stop at the stop sign and proceeded West bound on Island Road. The Officers activated the emergency lights attempting to stop the vehicle. The operator of the vehicle accelerated to flee from police and cut off another vehicle when turning onto Tewesateni Road. Police activated the emergency lights and sirens. The operator of the fleeing vehicle refused... Full story
Akwesasne Territory – Colleen Thomas, Construction Manager for the tribe’s Planning and Infrastructure Department has been assigned to the construction management team to represent the tribe to provide tribal oversight on the day-to-day operations of the casino expansion. Thomas, a Mohawk tribal member, has an extensive background in architecture, construction and project management. “I have been assigned to this project by Tribal Council to help ensure successful completion of the casino expan...
A view taken January 30th. 2012, from underneath the North Channel Bridge that spans from Cornwall Island to Cornwall, Ontario. Photographer is standing under the bridge on Cornwall Island looking across the river towards Cornwall, Ontario.... Full story
The Salmon River High School awarded its January Students of the Month. The Student of the Month is based on the character trait from the book of the month. The book of the month for January was Ruby’s Wish by Shirin Yim Bridges and the character trait identified in the book is Self-Discipline. Megan Bushey from St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency Prevention Program awarded the Students of the Month with iTunes and Italian Affair gift cards....
• The Mohawk Nation completed Midwinter Ceremonies on Friday, February 3rd with the Peach Bowl Game. The Peach Bowl Game has the Wolves/Turtles playing against the Bear and et al. The Wolves/Turtles won the game for 2012. The dances were done, Howard Thompson gave the day to day events speech, the soup was served and the closing was done bringing this year’s Midwinter to an end. It was a good Mid-Winter with many people attending each day. Have a great year. • The Haudenosaunee Peace and Trade Committee will be meeting on Friday, Febru... Full story
1. Karonhia’kéhshon Throughout the sky 2. Tsi niiorihò:ten ne karonhia’kéhson The type of business of the skyworld 3. O’tónhkwa Light (ie. from the sun) 4. Karonhià:ke Tsi Tekatsistohkwahiá:ton Solar System 5. Tsi nahò:ten konwatiiátshon ne ó:ni niiohontsio’tèn:shon What the names are of the other planets 6. Karonhià:ke tsi iohontsiaténion The many planets in the sky 7. Watorià:nerons It moves 8. Teiotonhontsiatasè:ton ne kiokiehnékha karáhkwa The earth goes around (orbits) the sun 9. Tei... Full story
We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to all the Stars. When we give thanks, we often say that we once knew the names and stories of all the stars, and we no longer know them today. But we navigate by the stars at night, and for that... Full story
3 generations of Faddens’ at the Six Nations Indian Museum in Onchiota, NY The young Dave Fadden, along with his grandfather Ray and father John Fadden during a presentation of the Everlasting Tree Belt.... Full story
There is a young lady, Beatrice Lazore, soon to be 80 years old on March 13th. She was born on St. Regis Island in 1932 and this week will share some stories from her life on the Island before moving to the village of Kanatakon. “Don’t believe that “13” is an unlucky number,” said Beatrice, referring to her birthday. She shared many stories about her childhood and growing up on the Island and the differences she saw when her family moved to the mainland. All her stories were so interesti... Full story
My boys make a mess and drop food on the floor. Sometimes we’re in a rush and don’t sweep before we’re out that door. Other times they are sneaky and quiet. I know better than to trust that they are pretending to be a pilot. Most times they try to fake me out, Getting into things they shouldn’t while the other plays lookout. They dump their toys across the floor and don’t you know it, someone is at the door. I take a shower and they always manage to flush the toilets. When its time for bed they say “aww you spoiled it!” About five is the n... Full story
Follow these simple tips to keep your home in great condition: • Keep it dry by preventing water from entering your home through leaks in roofing systems, rain water due to poor drainage and check your plumbing for leaks. • Keep it clean by controlling the source of dust and contaminants, creating smooth and cleanable surfaces, reducing clutter, and using effective wet-cleaning methods. • Keep it safe by storing poisons out of the reach of children and properly labeled. Secure loose rugs and k... Full story
This past Saturday, February 4, 2012 the county of St. Lawrence held an All County Festival Concert. Several students from each of the 17 schools within the district were selected to perform in the concert. We had several Akwesasroron selected to participate, and they are; from Jefferson; Keely Thompson-Cook and Teres Jacobs. From Massena Central High School, Collin Jacobs playing the Clarinet and Brandon Gambill singing Tenor.... Full story
Name: Aeris Dymin Phillips Born: Monday, December 12, 2011 Weight: 7lbs 10oz. Length: 19in. Parents: Delia Herne and Matthew (Harry) Phillips Siblings: Amari, Ashton, Anson, Quentin, Jordin, and Jesika Maternal Grandparents: Reginald and Josephine Herne Paternal Grandparents: Joseph and Joan Phillips Godparents: Reginald Herne Jr. and Dawn Day... Full story
Club Member of the Month is a new incentive undertaken by Miss Steevi King, Sports and Recreation Coordinator. Each month coordinators and program assistants will choose a Club member of the month from each age group. These outstanding Club members were chosen for their wonderful behavior, willingness to help out and overall wonderful character! Each Club member chosen receives a certificate, Be Great Bucks and an ice cream party!...
Google provides one of the most comprehensive research tools for students, teachers and everyday people. You can quickly access online tools including earthquake databases, weather reports, and so much information that your friends will start calling you the Oracle. Check out all the amazing shared knowledge for yourself by visiting the website link at the end of this article. Flu Vaccine Finder Search for “flu” during flu season will provide you with a list and map to show you nearby loc... Full story
Do you have hidden cash in your house? Is it in your bedroom, your attic or your storage bins? Read on and see if any of these ideas can get you some hidden cash. January has just passed and February is here. The winter months are still with us and some people may have the winter blues. So be able to find some extra cash will make one feel good. 1. Gold jewelry: the price of gold is sky high – projected at $2,000.00 an ounce. Look in that jewelry box and if you have gold chains, broken gold jewelry or old high school/college rings then sell t... Full story
Division: St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Health Services, Outreach Salary: $10.08 31-1011 Status: Per Diem, Non-exempt Deadline: Enníska/February 24, 2012 Description of Position: To provide personal care, housekeeping, ROM (Range of Motion) exercises, assist with medications, laundry, and most importantly provide companionship to the elderly and medically ill patients. Qualifications: High School diploma or GED. Must be at least 21 years of age, have and maintain a valid driver’s license with a clean drivers abstract in accordance with the Saint Regi...
This is to certify the substantial completion of a contract and the release of associated holdbacks for the supply of services and materials: Between: Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Running Deer Construction dated the 22nd day of June 2011. The contract provided for the supply of the following services or materials to the following improvement: Tsi Snaihne Phase 2 Watermain Construction and Domestic Water Service Connections Of the premises at: Akwesasne Mohawk Territory; District of Tsi Snaihne; Eastern Portion Date of Certification: January...