A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the February 7, 2008 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • Empire Resorts drops SRMT’s casino project

    Shannon Burns|Feb 7, 2008

    The St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Council learned on Feb. 5 that the Mohawk casino they were planning to construct at the Monticello Raceway site in Sullivan County will no longer have a development company. Empire Resorts has notified Council of their plan to abandon the $600 million project. “The Tribe received the letter from Empire…informing the Tribe of their intentions to ‘shut down’ their Monticello development office and to immediately cease funding of necessary pre-development expenses associated with the Mohawk project,” the Tribe said in a...

  • Local U.S. Customs lenient with ID requirement

    Feb 7, 2008

    Despite the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s recent push for strict identification requirements at land border crossings, locals have found passing through the Massena/ Rooseveltown Port of Entry to be only slightly out of the ordinary. As of Jan. 31, 2008, the DHS requires everyone passing through U.S. Customs to present two forms of identification that indicate citizenship. But, thus far they have only been issuing warnings to those without the proper ID, said St. Regis Mohawk Tribal C...

  • Salmon River officials looking for Akwesasne voters to approve $50 million renovation

    Shannon Burns|Feb 7, 2008

    A multi-million dollar expansion project at the Salmon River Central campus school will go before voters later this month and Salmon River officials are urging everyone in the district to approve the renovation. The $49.8 million project includes the construction of a middle school for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, along with updates to several other areas of the school and the implementation of 21st century technology at both Salmon River and the St. Regis Mohawk School. On Saturday, SRMS...

  • Ella E. Cole

    Feb 7, 2008

    Mrs. Ella E. Cole, age 85, of 169 Racquette Point Road, St. Regis Reservation, died Sunday morning (February 3, 2008) on arrival at Alice Hyde Medical Center, Malone.  She had been in failing health for the past year. She was born March 3, 1922 on the St. Regis Reservation, the daughter of Mitchell and Emma Lazore Oakes.  She went to school for the hearing impaired in Malone.  She married Antoine Cole on April 29, 1946 at St. Regis Catholic Church.  Mr. Cole predeceased her on March 7, 2003. S...

  • Warren S. Conners

    Feb 7, 2008

    Mr. Warren S. Conners, 63, of 25 Conners Road, Hogansburg, died Monday (February 4, 2008) afternoon at his home.  He had been in failing health for the past year. He was born August 22, 1944 in Hogansburg, the son of Louis Stanley and Pearl Garrow Conners.  He attended Mohawk and Salmon River Central School.  He attended a police school in Plattsburgh and also took courses at Mater Dei, Hogansburg Location.  He married Victoria Armstrong on January 30, 1965 at the Hogansburg Methodist Church...

  • Tribe apologizes for water system malfunction

    Feb 7, 2008

    January 31, 2008 Dear Community Members, At the end of the second week of January, the Tribe’s water system experienced a computer malfunction that led to a short-term discoloration or cloudiness of the water, called turbidity. The increase in cloudiness in the water was a result of severe weather conditions, including high winds, high waters, and flooding. Because of these conditions, additional treatment chemicals were required to be added to the filter process at the water plant to keep the water quality high. This is normally done by the w...

  • Haudenosaunee Documentation Committee

    Feb 7, 2008

    News Release Onondaga Nation Territory - January 30, 2008 Delay of WHTI land border rules until 2009 In late December, US Congress passed a law requiring the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to wait until at least 2009 before implementing its new rules for land border crossing under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). This new delay is a victory for the Haudenosaunee as it removes the immediate threat of a US crackdown on Indigenous peoples’ documentation. The Haudenosaunee Documentation Committee (HDC) suggested this delay i...

  • Dear Editor

    Feb 7, 2008

    Dear Editor, This letter comes in response to Influenza activity that is NOW wide spread in New York State.  Franklin County is no exception. Getting the flu means feeling achy and feverish for a week or so and while for some, this is unpleasant, for others the flu can be more serious and even deadly. Each year an average of 36,000 people die and 200,000 are hospitalized due to the flu or flu complications such as pneumonia. There are three things that the community can do to prevent the spread of infection.  The first is to get your flu sho...

  • Request for Donations

    Feb 7, 2008

    January 24, 2008    Dear Editor, Hi, I am a Mohawk from Akwesasne.  I am presently incarcerated in a state facility.  We have a Native group here and practice the ceremonies, traditions of the Iroquois, Haudenosaunee.  The Native group here needs a lot of assistance and possibly donations of tapes of our songs and traditions; videos, DVD, history books, beads, relating to us, the Iroquois.  We are also looking for speakers, spiritual advisors or anyone who could help us better educate ourselves in getting in touch with the creator and teachin...

  • Letter to readers

    Feb 7, 2008

    Letter to readers: We are the Kanienkehaka, People of the Flint, the foundation of the Mohawk Nation.  We are issuing this press release to clarify our stance on the issues of identification cards and the ‘border’ at our territory of Akwesasne. First, all people should know that the Mohawk Nation has never ceded any of it’s aboriginal territory to the U.S. or any other entity.  Our homeland stretches from the St. Lawrence River to the Delaware River and from the West Canada Creek to the Champlain Valley.  Within this area we have resided sin...

  • Show Support for your Parish Priest

    Feb 7, 2008

    To the editor: My fellow parishioners of St. Regis, it is with sadness and trepidation that I write this letter.  As most are already aware of the numerous media reports regarding the scandal attributed to some of the clergy in the Roman Catholic Church, it almost seems the church teaches and promotes this kind of sick behaviour. Obviously this kind of publicity comes from none other then the evil one! As Catholics who believe in the established Church of Christ, “the gates of hell will not prevail against her,” but we Catholics must do our p...

  • Results of the hockey pools for the Akwesasne Girls Novice Hockey team

    Feb 7, 2008

    Board #1 $1,000.00 Donna Herne Board #2 1st Quarter $250.00 Richard Laffin 2nd quarter $250.00 Karoniase Swamp 3rd Quarter $250.00 Karoniase Swamp 4th Quarter $250.00 Karrie Benedict Thanks to all who bought squares to support girls hockey....

  • Teen hospitalized after hit and run

    Feb 7, 2008

    A Cornwall Island teenager was transported to an Ottawa children’s hospital this weekend following an alleged hit and run accident. According to the victim’s family, the teen girl was struck by a plow truck on Cornwall Island. They believe that an Akwesasne male has since turned himself into police. The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service said they are preparing to release information on the incident and expected to issue a statement by Tuesday of this week, but hadn’t yet as of Wednesday. The victim suffered internal injuries and remains hospi...

  • Protecting Elders from Fraud

    Feb 7, 2008

    Everyday we hear stories of elders and others falling victim to fraud. Our community of Akwesasne is not the exception. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from becoming a victim is to be aware and to practice prevention. The top fraud complaints from NY Seniors are about: Internet auctions, Prize/Sweepstakes and Lotteries, Shop-at-home/Catalog Sales, Internet and Computer services, Telephone services, Foreign Money Offers and Advance-Fee loans/Credit Protection and repair. These are the top scams and schemes that our elders...

  • Cornwall School bus driver charged with possession of child pornography

    Feb 7, 2008

    Cornwall, Ont. – Robert Ashkewe, 37 of Cornwall was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography on the 25th of January, 2008. It is alleged that child pornography was found on a computer and police were called.  As a result of an investigation by a member of the Criminal Investigation Division’s Sexual Assault and Child Abuse unit, a man was found to be in possession of child pornography including pictures and videos downloaded from the internet.  The man was subsequently located...

  • New tribal clerk will be elected to 1-year term this June

    Shannon Burns|Feb 7, 2008

    At Saturday morning’s monthly tribal meeting at the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, a community member addressed a recent announcement made by Council. With the resignation of Tribal Clerk Patricia Thomas (due the health reasons), her deputy clerk, Corleen Jacco, was appointed to take on the tribal clerk duties until Thomas’ term runs out in June of 2009. Tribal member Randy Hart said Council showed a lack of respect for its membership when they appointed a new tribal clerk, rather than holding an election. Hart added that voting for a tribal cle...

  • Notice to the Community

    Feb 7, 2008

    This is to inform the community that the following persons have applied for Akwesasne Membership. Lana Ivany, age 17, daughter of Marlene Thompson of Akwesasne and Todd Ivany, a non-native. Samantha Benedict, age 17, daughter of Lloyd Benedict of Akwesasne and Donna Kosinski Benedict, a non-native. Juan Alvarez, age 17, son of Valerie Cree Cook of Akwesasne and Juan Alvarez, a non-native. Michelle Thompson, age 17, daughter of Jonathan Thompson of Akwesasne and Jill Simser Thompson of Moose Cree First Nation. Meshkweb Akiwenzie, age 17, son of...

  • Kenkiohkwa Sewatahonhsi:iohst...(People listen well)

    Feb 7, 2008

    There is going to be an all Kanien’keha Language Nest Program opening in Tsi Snaihne called IAKHINORONHKWA (We Love Them). We will be accepting 5 toddlers between the ages of 15 months and 3 years old. These are the earliest stages of first language acquisition. The program is a unique and intense 52 week Mohawk Language revitalization Pilot Project funded by the Ahkwesahsne Area Management Board and is co-sponsored by the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education. The toddlers will be exposed to Kanien’keha on a daily basis in a loving, safe and...

  • Massive fire destroys chunk of downtown Massena

    Feb 7, 2008

    A part of Massena’s long history was changed last Thursday when a brutal fire took down three buildings in the heart of downtown. The blaze erupted at approximately 8 a.m. in the building that houses decades old Tony’s Pizza – one of the town’s best loved eateries. The exact origination of the fire is not yet known, and fire officials aren’t certain they’ll ever know. By the end of the fire, three buildings had been destroyed which had housed Hair Saloon, Novosel Associates and the former La B...

  • Mohawk Healthy Heart Project hosts local Red Dress event

    Mohawk Healthy Heart Project|Feb 7, 2008

    On Friday Feb. 1st, the Mohawk Healthy Heart Project, in support of the National Go Red for Women campaign, hosted their community version of this important national campaign. Tribal employees, clinic staff, and patients wore red clothing to show their support. The participation was considered a success and the education booth set up at Health Services met with many people throughout the day, offering education, recipe cards, Red Dress pins, and raffles. Every year the American Heart...

  • Beware of scam artists!

    Marina Restinetti and Katrina Bonisch|Feb 7, 2008

    St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Detective Sgt. Matthew Rourke visited the St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center to warn local seniors about the works of a scam artist. He discussed the safety precautions to take if and when individuals feel uncertain with any person(s) or telemarketer who is trying to acquire personal information. Some of the local seniors discussed their concerns and Rourke was more than happy to inform them of what to do in a variety of situations. Some of the precautions one could...

  • “Beginning With Books”  Program held at the St. Regis Mohawk School

    Christine McKane|Feb 7, 2008

    The St. Regis Mohawk School library was full of activities on January 23rd.  Several parents/caregivers along with their toddlers and preschoolers gathered to participate in the “Beginning With Books” Program.  The “Beginning With Books” Program provides an opportunity for preschoolers to attend a literacy hour at the St. Regis Mohawk School.  During the hour, participants read books, worked on crafts, sang songs, did finger plays, and had a healthy snack together. On January 23rd., Ms. Christin...

  • Massena Central High School Honor Roll

    Feb 7, 2008

    GRADE 9 - HIGH HONOR ROLL Brandon Albert, Julianna Alfano, Jamie Anderson, Jacob Ashley, Britney Beckstead, Samantha Benedict, Connor Besaw, Leigha Burkhalter, Colin Burley, Rebecca Burns, Joshua Cameron, Ryan Cartin, Brady Condlin, Kelly Cooke, Jonathan Dobbs, Adelle Fregoe, Jacob Hurlbut, Matthew Jenack, Nyssa LaClair, Lee Logsdon, Delia McDonald, Nathaniel McDonald, Kristen McKeel, Keven Morris, Alexandra Pesold, John Paul Prashaw, Conor Riley, Taylor Russell, Christina Schriver, Ethan Snider, Emily St. Pierre, Emily Sullivan, Kenneth Taber,...

  • Salmon River Central Elementary School Principal’s List/Honor Roll

    Feb 7, 2008

    Principal’s List K. Alexander/M. Post- Grade 4 Reardon, Adriana Smith, Tianna Smith, Zachary Honor Roll K.Alexander/M. Post- Grade 4 Boardway, Cheyenne Brooks, Brittany Cassavaw, Brittany Cree, Lexi DeArmayero, Isabella Humiston, Isaiah Jacobs-Dumas, Jehnsen Lapage, Patrick Russell, Caroline Warner, Ashley Honor Roll C. Merry - Grade 4 Bigness, Jordan Durant, Sarah French, Jenna Herne, Sage Jacobs, Reese Lafrance, Carly Paquin, Chantell Phillips, Kiakowisonkies Silver, Aanzhenikwe Sisto, Tyler Snyder, Sandra Square, Waylon Principal’s List Mrs...

  • Kahriohkawí:nes ne owisà:ke (I am ice fishing)

    Feb 7, 2008

    1. Wa’kahriohkawinéhsere ne owisà:ke I am going fishing on the ice 2. Kahriohkawí:nes ne owisà:ke I am ice fishing 3. Kontí:riks ne kéntsion The fish are nibbling 4. Wakahriohkawinehsónhne I went fishing 5. Wa’kheié:na é:so skakahráksen I caught a lot of walleye 6. Ónkenawe I caught fish 7. Tóhsa ensaterá:ko thi kéntsion Don’t keep that fish 8. Satshiá:tka Let him go 9. Sótsi ne iohskièn:tare It is too boney 10. Sótsi ken’nihwá:’a thi kéntsion It is too small 11. Kahská:neks á:keke ne kéntsion I want to eat fish 12. Kitsiahserón:nis I am p...

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