A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the February 4, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 48

  • AFN, MCA attend meeting working toward 'Distinctions-Based Health Legislation'

    Feb 4, 2021

    Ottawa, ON – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Perry Bellegarde welcomed an announcement by Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller to engage with First Nations and Indigenous leaders to transform the health system in Canada. Minister Miller announced efforts toward the co-development of distinctions-based health legislation, starting with pre-engagement consultation with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit taking place over the next few months. “I welcome this initiative and step toward addressing the inequities and dis...


    Feb 4, 2021

    February 1, 2021 Mohawk Council of Akwesasne's Department of Health (DOH) is providing the community with the priority framework, which lays out priority for COVID-19 vaccine distribution. The framework lays put the four tiers of priority: High Risk Population, Frontline Health Workers/Essential Health Worker, Adults, and Akwesasne/First Nation members living/residing in the city of Cornwall. If you fall in the four tiers indicated, and are interested in receiving the vaccine, please call...

  • Salmon River, Massena players and coach go in front of county legislature to argue in favor of high-risk sports

    Andy Gardner|Feb 4, 2021

    By Andy Gardner CANTON – A handful of high school athletes, a parent and a coach spoke out during Monday night's St. Lawrence County legislature meeting to call for high-risk winter sports to return. Despite approval from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the 24 school districts that make up Section X have opted not to move forward immediately with high-risk winter sports. The Board of Legislators and St. Lawrence County Public Health didn't make the decision to shutdown high-risk sports, but some of the speak...

  • Bell's Let's Talk Holds First Virtual Event

    Mahlon Smoke|Feb 4, 2021

    By Mahlon Smoke As the first month of the new year comes to a close, the mental effects of the previous year still linger on in a lot of people. On January 28th, 2021, Bell acknowledges this with, ‘Let’s Talk Day’, an event dedicated to fighting the stigma of mental health issues. Especially during the pandemic, where these issues have been exacerbated for a lot of people. This panel, a first-time virtual event which had about 150 people registered and attended on Zoom. The purpose of this was to give a voice to people who have been suffering f...

  • Gerald Angus Laughing

    Feb 4, 2021

    Gerald Angus Laughing, 76, of Adolphus, KY passed away Thursday, January 28, 2021 at the Medical Center at Bowling Green. The Hogansburg, NY native was a retired U. S. Navy veteran. He was a son of the late Angus Jake Laughing and Ida Curotte Laughing. He is survived by his wife: Debbie Laughing, Adolphus, KY; 4 sons: Robert Angus Laughing, Augusta, GA; Hawk Laughing, Morgantown, KY; Jason (Wolf) Laughing, TX and Gerald Keith Laughing, Bentleyville, PA; 1 brother: James Laughing, Sanborn, NY; 2...


    Feb 4, 2021

    FORT COVINGTON - Dalton D. Cook, 24, son of Julius and the late Audrey (Burns) Cook, unexpectedly passed away Monday morning, February 1, 2021 at Alice Hyde Medical Center. Arrangements are with the Donaldson Funeral Home, Massena. Services will be announced once finalized....

  • Mohawk Asbestos Specialist opens in Akwesasne

    Feb 4, 2021

    A new business has opened in Akwesasne based on expertise and a passion for a clean environment. Thunder Anderson recently opened “Mohawk Asbestos Specialist”, or MAS as Anderson calls it. According to Anderson, he is the only New York State certified specialist in the area. NYS certified asbestos workers must keep their training current by completing annual refresher training. Training is specific to each discipline and valid for one calendar year. Asbestos companies and contractors are issued a license through the New York State Dep...

  • Identity problems - the pretendian

    Kaniehtonkie|Feb 4, 2021

    By Kaniehtonkie’ ‘Pretendian’, a label for a person who dishonestly claims to be of Native American, First Nation, Indigenous ancestry. Or were they deceiving and intentional? In the recent wake of Michelle Latimer’s identity crisis, First Nation filmmakers in Canada are pushing for new legislation to penalize people who falsely claim a heritage not their own. Latimer was the writer and director of the successful, but now canceled series, ‘Trickster’. In December, Ka’nhehsí:io Deer and Jorge Barrera wrote an investigative article for CB...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Terminates Lease Agreement with MMJ BioPharma Inc

    Feb 4, 2021

    AKWESASNE – Based on information that has come to light within the past twenty-four hours, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and its Section 17 Holding Company, the Tewathahonni Corporation are taking steps to terminate their agreement with MMJ BioPharma Cultivation Inc. to lease land to the company that is in pursuit of a pharmaceutical cannabis research license with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. The Tribe, its Tribal Council, and the Tewathahonni Corporation’s Board of Directors immediately acted to investigate serious allegations reg...

  • Sipekne'katik Files Action Against Attorney General of Nova Scotia for Infringement on Treaty Right to Sell Catch

    Feb 4, 2021

    Sipekne’katik, FN. Pink Larkin, counsel for the Sipekne’katik First Nation received confirmation of a court filed Action against the Attorney General of Nova Scotia late yesterday challenging a Provincial regulation that limits the purchase of fish products and infringes on the community’s Treaty Rights. The regulation places a legal limitation on the Mi’kmaq people and the community members of Sipekne’katik to fish and trade in support of a moderate livelihood. “As we said at the launch of our livelihood season, we could not allow another yea...


    Feb 4, 2021

    Reprinted with approval from the Native North American Travelling College. Continued from last week The Old Women’s Dance Karennaka:ion Tsionahthonwisenhneha The Old Women’s Dance, a sacred dance, is a little bit different from the New Women’s shuffle dance. The footwork is a shuffling motion in a sideways position instead of a forward shuffle. There are two types of women’s dances done at the ceremonies in the Longhouse. The first, the sideways shuffle, is done only at Harvest and Midwinter ceremonies. The second Tsionahthonwise...

  • Winter Safety Tips

    Feb 4, 2021

    • When winter storms strike, do not drive unless necessary. • Use caution on bridges as ice can form quicker than on roads. • Wet leaves on roadways can cause slippery conditions, making it important to drive at slower speeds when approaching patches of them. • Make sure your car is stocked with blankets, a shovel, flashlight and extra batteries, extra warm clothing, set of tire chains, battery booster cables, quick energy foods and brightly-colored cloth to use as a distress flag. • Keep your gas tank full to prevent gasoline freeze-up...

  • Katsheronniánions

    Feb 4, 2021

    1. Kateniióntha - Apron: I am putting an apron on 2. Wakatení:ionte - Apron: I am wearing an apron 3. Kakia'táhnhaks - Belt: I am putting on a belt 4. Wakakia'táhnhen - Belt: I am wearing a belt 5. Kakia'karóntha - Blouse: I am putting a blouse 6. Wakakià:karonte - Blouse: I am wearing a blouse 7. Tekatenon'táhnhaks - Bra: I am putting on a bra 8. Tewakatenon'táhnhen - Bra: I am wearing a bra 9. Kathniotahkóntha - Brooch: I am putting on a brooch 10. Wakathniotáhkonte - Brooch: I am wearing a...

  • A Less Than Ideal Partner

    Feb 4, 2021

    By Isaac White. Reprinted with permission. 01.29.21. Who is MMJBiopharma? This question came to be immensely important on January 1, 2021, when news of a press release by the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe came to light that stated, “On December 17, 2020, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe’s holding company entered into a Joint Development Agreement with MMJ BioPharma Cultivation, Inc. to lease and develop approximately twenty acres of Tribal trust land, previously designated by the Tribe as a Business Park.” MMJBiopharma and MMJ International Holdings are...

  • Higher Risk Sports in St. Lawrence County

    Feb 4, 2021

    Canton, NY. On Friday, January 22, 2021, Governor Cuomo announced that effective February 1, 2021, participants in higher-risk sports may participate in individual or distanced group training and organized no/low-contact group training and other types of play, including competitions and tournaments, if permitted by local health authorities. New York State’s Interim Guidance For Sports And Recreation During The Covid-19 Public Health Emergency categorizes sports and recreation activities as lower risk, moderate risk, and higher-risk. W...

  • ASPCA Cold Weather Safety Tips for Pets

    Feb 4, 2021

    Exposure to winter’s dry, cold air and chilly rain, sleet and snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin, but these aren’t the only discomforts pets can suffer. Winter walks can become downright dangerous if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off of bare paws. To help prevent cold weather dangers from affecting your pet’s health, please heed the following advice from our experts: • Repeatedly coming out of the cold into the dry heat of your home can cause itchy, flaking skin. Keep your home humidified and towel dry your pe...

  • To Help Save Bumble Bees, Plant These Flowers in Your Spring Garden

    Feb 4, 2021

    Reprinted with permission from EcoWatch In an effort to aid North American bumblebee conservation, a group of California researchers has identified which flowers certain bee species prefer. There are nearly 20,000 known bee species in the world, 4,000 of which are native to the U.S., according to the U.S. Geological Society. Bees pollinate roughly three-quarters of all fruits, nuts and vegetables grown across the country and one of every four bites of food can be credited to bee pollination. But bees are in major decline as nearly 40 percent...

  • Indigenous Services Canada announced 1.2 billion investment

    Feb 4, 2021

    Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services highlighted a $1.2 billion in investments made through the Fall Economic Statement (FES) in additional support for the ongoing public health response to COVID-19 in Indigenous communities. According to their release made in January, “Providing communities with the flexibility needed to respond to COVID-19 is essential. Since the beginning of the pandemic, action has been taken at all levels to protect the most vulnerable and support those who need it most. Collective measures have been undertaken b...

  • OH, RATS!

    Feb 4, 2021

    Submitted by Paul Hetzler It must be hard to foster a decent public image if your family was responsible for spreading the plagues across Europe, Asia and North Africa that killed between 75 and 200 million people. If rats were able to launch a rebranding campaign, it would never work. I imagine that even NetReputation.com would throw up their hands and give a refund. But in spite of the many problems they cause, rats do have a few entries in the positive side of their ledger. In a CBC Radio interview, Bobby Corrigan, a renowned NYC rodentologi...


    Feb 4, 2021

    Submitted by Angele D'Alessio, Mental Health Promoter Feeling low? Stressed? Anxious? The BounceBack program can help! Find out how below. BounceBack- reclaim your health is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. It offers two forms of help. Telephone coaching and workbooks: (Referral required) BounceBack is a guided self-help program in which a coach supports you in working through a series of workbooks. The program...


    Feb 4, 2021

    (FEB 2, 2021) The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program reports two (2) new active cases of COVID-19 in the northern portion of the community, as of February 2, 2021. There is now a total of 14 active cases, 164 total cases, and 150 resolved since the start of the pandemic. (Total cases include Tsiionkwanonhso:te active cases.) MCA extends its best wishes for a speedy recovery to all those infected, as well as appreciation to those isolating and quarantining to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. We express our c...

  • Tribe's EOC Reports Zero New COVID-19 Cases: 9 Total Active

    Feb 4, 2021

    7. AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is reporting no new cases of COVID-19 today, which leaves nine (9) total active cases under the Tribe's jurisdiction. We are pleased that one (1) of our relatives has resolved however, the number of family and friends in quarantine remains at 64. Please extend them kindness and wishes for a safe recovery. Public Health Departments are doing their best to keep pace with the number of individuals being r...

  • Tribe's EOC Reports 4 New COVID-19 Cases: 64 Quarantined

    Feb 4, 2021

    6. AKWESASNE – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is reporting four (4) new cases of COVID-19 today, which makes ten (10) total active cases under the Tribe's jurisdiction. We are pleased that nine (9) of our relatives have resolved over the weekend however, 64 of our family and friends remain in quarantine. We ask that you extend kindness and understanding to anyone who has been impacted by COVID-19. We will get through this together. The slight decrease i...

  • First Nations, Canada Wide, United States COVID-19 Update

    Feb 4, 2021

    First Nations Epidemiological summary of COVID-19 cases in First Nations communities as reported to Indigenous Services Canada from January 24 to January 30, 2021. Quebec – 27 Cases Ontario – 40 Cases Manitoba – 187 Cases Saskatchewan – 86 Cases Alberta – 52 Cases British Columbia – 207 Cases Canada Wide The latest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Canada as of Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Canada: 786,417 confirmed cases in Canada. Quebec: 264,526 total cases, 13,127 active cases (including 9,862 deaths, 241,537 resolved) Ontario: 27...

  • Franklin County COVID-19 Case Statistics Update

    Feb 4, 2021

    Case Statistics for Wednesday, February 3, 2021: New Positives: 17 New Probable: 0 Active Cases: 294 New Deaths: 0 New Recovered: 27 Individuals in Isolation/Quarantine: 562 Active Cases By Correctional Facility: Bare Hill Correctional: 22, Franklin Correctional: 143, Upstate Correctional: 3 Cumulative Totals: Cases: 1788 Confirmed Positive: 1659 Probable: 129 Deaths: 10 Recovered: 1484 Case Statistics for Tuesday, February 2, 2021: New Positives: 13 New Probable: 0 Active Cases: 304 New Deaths: 2 New Recovered: 11 Individuals in...

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