A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the February 4, 2016 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 76


    Feb 4, 2016

    (January 27, 2016) HOGANSBURG, N.Y.— On Jan. 25, U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Massena Station responded to a request for assistance from the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police (SRMTP), which was initiated by a phone call from an Akwesasne resident that resulted in the arrest of four illegal aliens. Two of the illegal aliens are citizens of Chile, both have extensive criminal records and also have been previously removed from the United States. The other two aliens are citizens of the People’s Republic of China. The U.S. Att...

  • Petition Created to Change Massena School Mascot

    Kanienthonkie|Feb 4, 2016

    There is a petition on Change.org and it relates directly to everyone in the North Country. Change.org is familiar to many people around the world; its impact has changed the lives of people. It is a tool everyday people can and do use to make a positive change, locally and globally. Change.org mobilizes supporters and directly addresses decision makers to drive solutions. Since its conception, over 100 million people in 196 countries have created change in their communities. On Change.org...


    Feb 4, 2016

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Police is investigating a robbery that occurred on January 31, 2016 at Butter’s Quickstop in Kanatakon. At approximately 8:50 P.M. a male person entered the store wearing a black mask, black winter tuke and a dark winter jacket. The male intruder demanded that the cashier give him the money from the cash register. The male intruder then opened up the register himself, grabbed the money inside and fled the store on foot. The investigation is ongoing and police are looking for any assistance from the community to identify t...

  • Onondaga Nation Calls for Better Cleanup of Onondaga Lake

    Feb 4, 2016

    January 29, 2016. Syracuse, NY. The Onondaga Nation predicted in 2005 that the planned cap over Honeywell’s toxic waste at the bottom of Onondaga Lake would fail. But even they were surprised at how soon their predictions came true. In documents obtained by the Onondaga Nation from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation through a Freedom of Information request regarding the ongoing Superfund toxic waste remediation at Onondaga Lake, the truth came out: the cap had failed three times already. This information was shared w...

  • North Franklin Squirt Green Wins Plattsburgh Tournament

    Feb 4, 2016

    North Franklin Squirt Green came in 1st place in a Plattsburg Tournament over the weekend! Front: Dane Thomas, Jacob Chapman, Kade Herne, Carter Johnson, Kahontiio Lazore and Kollin Stowell. Middle: Louie Diabo, Wyatt Benedict, Matt Gray, Brian Russell, Bronson Bero, Myles Cook and Ryan Bouchey. Back: Coach Bouchey, Coach Benedict and Coach Russell. Submitted by Paulette White....


    Feb 4, 2016

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Justice Department and Communications Unit are excited to announce that they will once again be holding a MCA Facebook Q&A Chat Session. This live chat will be on Thursday, February 4, 2016 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. on the MCA Facebook page. The topic of this chat is the Akwesasne Tekaia’torehthà:ke Kaianerénhsera - Akwesasne Court Law. For a period of one hour, Justice Department staff will be responding to questions live that are posted on the MCA Facebook page. All community members are invited and encoura...


    Feb 4, 2016

    ROCHESTER – Mr. Michael F. Smith, Sr., 92, of Heidelberg Street, formerly of Fort Covington, passed away Sunday afternoon, January 31, 2016 at the Hildebrandt Hospice Center in Greece, New York. He had been in failing health for the past several years. Red or Frank, as he was affectionately known, was born July 20, 1923 in Fort Covington, the son of the late Simon R. and Elizabeth McKillup Smith and attended local schools. At the age of 17, he entered the US Army, where he achieved his GED. H...


    Feb 4, 2016

    AKWESASNE – Mr. Freeman Jacob Lazore, 103, of 23 Oakes Road, Racquette Point, passed away Sunday morning at Iakhihsohtha Lodge in Tsi Snaihne after a short illness. Freeman was born in Akwesasne on September 12, 1912, the son of late Peter and Elizabeth Jacobs Lazore, and attended schools in Akwesasne. Freeman worked as a lumberjack for Gould Paper Company during the Depression and later as a laborer with Local #40 in Syracuse. He was a member of the Akwesasne Death Benefits Group and truly e...


    Feb 4, 2016

    Mae, it was so hard to see you go the day you left us. You took a part of our heart when God called you home; you were such an angel to me, to your mom Annette, Danielle, Randy, and to everyone that knew you. We miss you every day, even though there are times that we feel you nearby, we never stop loving you. Your husband, Dean...

  • In Memory Jerry D. Lazore

    Feb 4, 2016

    Even though you are gone Love and memories of you will always be in our hearts Wife Barbara, Sons DJ & Troy, Daughter Joy & Henry and Grandchildren, Tory, Jerry, Blayke & Jolie...


    Feb 4, 2016

    (January 29, 2016) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, joined by Vice President Joseph Biden, today kicked off the “Strong Families, Strong New York” campaign to push for passage of the Governor’s paid family leave proposal in New York State. The Governor has proposed that New York enact a 12 week paid family leave policy – which would be the longest benefits period in the nation for such a policy – to help working families care for a new child or seriously ill relative. The Governor also launched a new website, www.ny.gov/paidfamilyleave, for New Yorke...


    Feb 4, 2016

    The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and Emergency Services personnel would like to remind parents, residents and children alike that with the recent warm weather, the use of our rivers and ponds is unsafe. Safety on waterways or the decision to use them for any purpose is an adult’s role. We want to avoid any accidents relating to the use of our rivers and ponds. Please keep water safety in mind at all times. Avoid driving on the river. If it cannot be avoided, check ice conditions beforehand. Wear a buoyant snowmobile suit. Carry ice picks a...

  • Dunham Hall Visits Tsi Snaihne School

    Feb 4, 2016

    Submitted by Lynda Brown Dunham Hall, a freshman at Ithaca College who is a Jazz Major, visited Tsi Snaihne School on Friday, January 22, 2016. Dunham volunteered his time to share with the students what he has learned in his music career so far. He plays the saxophone and is one of the top high school students in New York State as well as one the top five in the country among high school students. He has had offers of full academic scholarships to Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New...

  • Gerald McDonald Wins $10,000 in Citifinancial BEST. LOAN. EVER. Contest

    Feb 4, 2016

    One of the 10 lucky winners of Citifinancial's BEST. LOAN. EVER. Contest was Gerald McDonald. A release from Citifinancial stated: "A resident of Akwesasne, Ontario, Gerald is a new face at the Cornwall CitiFinancial branch, and became a customer in 2015. He was automatically entered to win the BEST. LOAN. EVER. – the loan he wouldn't have to pay back. When Gerald found out he was winning the full $10,000 - the highest prize amount in the contest - he says he was 'in disbelief.' Gerald plans t...

  • 2016 Winter Carnival Buy Local Coloring Contest

    Feb 4, 2016

    Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Economic Development Program is partnering up with local artist Victoria Ransom to host a Buy Local Coloring Contest. Age Categories: Child ages 5-12 Youth ages 13-17 Adult ages 18+ Each age group coloring page can be picked up/dropped off at the following businesses/locations: Economic Development CIA #3 Building, Cornwall Island Experience Akwesasne Welcome Centre, Peace Tree Mall, Cornwall Island Admin #1 Building, St. Regis Three Feathers Café, Hogansburg Starting January 22,2016 until February 12, 2016 Please...

  • Tsi Snaihne School Student Council Hosts Minute to Win It

    Feb 4, 2016

    Submitted by Lynda Brown The Tsi Snaihne School Student Council Activity for the month was "Minute to Win It" on January 22nd. Five teams consisting of one student from grade 1 to 5 competed in five different competitions: Oreo Cookie Slide, Tallest Stack of Legos, Cotton Ball Race, Basketball Shootout and Ping Pong Toss. Everyone enjoyed the activities and cheered on each participant during the games. Nia:wen to the Student Council for arranging a fun activity for everyone to enjoy on a Friday...


    Feb 4, 2016

    (February 3, 2016) Governor Andrew M. Cuomo launched a new web-based service that will help connect New Yorkers struggling with addiction to treatment. The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services’ Bed Availability Dashboard application collects bed availability from State-certified alcohol and substance use disorder treatment providers daily and makes it available in real-time on the agency’s website. This new platform will help allow all New Yorkers to easily determine treatment bed availability all across the sta...

  • Tsi Snaihne School Readers Rewarded With Winter Dance

    Feb 4, 2016

    Submitted by Lynda Brown Photos by Tia Terrance, Gracie Laughing and Jayliegh McDonald Students at Tsi Snaihne School are expected to read for 20 minutes at home from Monday to Thursday each week. After reading, the students are expected to complete a read and respond and have their parents/guardians sign the form. We recognize how busy everyone is with various activities and family responsibilities, so students who complete their read and respond are rewarded with a fun activity or incentive....

  • Three Nations Celebrate One River

    Feb 4, 2016

    (January 27, 2016) Cornwall, ON - The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) and the 2016 Akwesasne Winter Carnival Committee is extending an invitation to friends from both sides of the St. Lawrence to join in on a special family event that focuses on the Great River. The mighty St. Lawrence River (Kaniatarowanen:neh or The Big River in Mohawk) is the lifeblood that runs through the heart of three nations. That heart is celebrated once again, appropriately enough, this Valentine’s Day, Sunday, February 14th, from 9 am to 4 pm, when the 3rd A...

  • Meeting to Appreciate Local Fiber Artists

    Feb 4, 2016

    Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) will host a Fiber Show and Tell at the Extension Learning Farm on State Highway 68 in Canton on Saturday, February 6 from 10:00 am to Noon. Sheep, alpaca, rabbit and goat farmers are welcome to bring their fiber projects and share ideas with the group. There will be a go around the table to show off each person’s creations and also plenty of time to talk and look at things participants have brought with them. Please feel free to bring fiber, yarn, roving, etc., to share, sell, trade and any interesting e...

  • Reader Comic

    Feb 4, 2016

    Reader Comic...


    Feb 4, 2016

    The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to inform the community about the Ontario Sixties Scoop Claim. The term Sixties Scoop refers to the Canadian practice, beginning in the 1960s and continuing until the late 1980s, of taking First Nation children in Canada and placing them in foster homes or adoption. This Claim is about the forced assimilation of aboriginal children and the loss of their cultures. The Ontario Sixties Scoop Claim holds Canada to its constitutional responsibility for the protection of the cultural identity of First...

  • The Relationship Between Your College Application and Facebook

    Feb 4, 2016

    The percentage of college admissions officers who visit applicant’s social media pages has hit a record high of 40 percent. In a study by Kaplan Test Prep, nearly 400 admissions officers were surveyed. Results show that the amount of admissions officers who check the social media profiles of applicants has quadrupled since 2008. It found that most admissions officers turn to social media to verify an applicant’s noteworthy award, ensure an individual is fully deserving of a scholarship, or to check criminal records. One college student says she...

  • Brayden White, SUNY Canton's NASA President

    Andy Gardner|Feb 4, 2016

    As students at SUNY Potsdam strive for more Native American cultural inclusiveness on campus, SUNY Canton students, led by Brayden Sonny White, are working toward similar ends. White, a 21-year-old freshman studying early childhood development, says their work to raise awareness of Native American culture has been well received by faculty and administrators. “They are open-minded and want to help ... I commend them and highly respect them,” White said, who is president of the school’s Native American Student Association. “What we’re trying to...

  • Winter Carnival Photo Contest

    Feb 4, 2016

    February 12-20, 2016 St. Regis Recreation Center If you have an eye for photography, or you like taking pictures for fun, then this contest is for you! *Please do not submit if you are a professional photographer. Categories: • Nature - “The 4 Seasons” • “What’s wrong with this photo?” Nature “the 4 seasons”: Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place in each age group The contest will be separated by age group: Youth ages 5-12 Teens 13-17 Adults/Seniors “What’s wrong with this picture” No age group. Prize ONLY awarded for 1st and 2nd...

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