Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 71
The Kanienkehaka Kaianerehkowa Kanonhsesne will begin addressing this issue by acknowledging the existence of your, so-called “order” in spite of your pretend authority and failure to follow any proper protocol for addressing our people or communicating your concerns. The fact that you are unable to do so goes to the heart of who, and what, you are. While we claim no dominion over the Territory of Akwesasne, we absolutely reject any claim by you, any agency you attempt to empower or any outside authority that attempts to empower you, to hav...
I heard a rumor that the St. Regis Mohawk School had a fire and had to evacuate all the students quickly this past Monday. The local grapevine shared stories from concerned parents wondering why their children were rushed out into the cold winter air for an evacuation. Sharlee Thomas, the principal for St. Regis Mohawk School is grateful that the community worked together with St Regis Mohawk School staff and students during the school evacuation on Monday. Sharlee Thomas confirmed that a...
Akwesasne, NY—(January 31, 2012)—Standing Rock Boxing Club is proud to announce that two of their boxers; 16-year-old welterweight open class fighter Ronnie Robidoux and fierce light weight 17-old-year female contender Robbi Cook won their fights against their opponents at the Bully Beat Down, an amateur boxing event, that was held at the Three Feathers on Saturday, January 28, 2012. Ronnie Robidoux, 145 pounds from St Regis, Quebec won his fight against Niagara Falls opponent Jeremy Gra...
January 30, 2012 In 1999 Mohawk Council of Akwesasne entered into this process of Nation Building. Part of this process is to negotiate new arrangements with Canada to create a government-to-government relationship. The first areas being addressed are governance and lands & estates. These negotiations are comprised of working groups: Akwesasne team includes Nation Building staff (I – Wendy Adams – Coordinator; Angie Barnes – Senior Negotiator; Gilbert Terrance – Policy Analyst and Sarah Herne – Jr. Policy Analyst; Portfolio Chiefs; Akwesasne...
Rosemary Bennett, age 58, of Malone, NY, died early Tuesday morning, January 31, 2012, at her home, while under the loving care of her family and Hospice of the North Country, Inc. Born in Little Falls, NY, August 15, 1953, she was the daughter of the late Jacob and Natalie Burns Stegich, She graduated from Little Falls High School, Mohawk Valley Community College with an AAS Degree with Honors in Nursing and Syracuse University with a Bachelors Degree with Honors in Nursing. Rosemary was a Board Certified Neuro Science Nurse, Cardiac Nurse...
Thank you, The family of Abram Gray Jr. would like to extend our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to friends and family during our time of sorrow; for the beautiful flowers, cards, calls, donations of money and food. A special thank you to the Pall Bearers for their services. Thank you to the Brass Horse Lounge and Snye Rec. Committee for the dinner. And also thank you to the Fire Department for their kind words of sympathy and everyone who attended Mass. Thank you for the words of comf... Full story
THANK YOU The Hogansburg Post Office would like to thank the HAVFD for an outstanding community service! Our flagpole was in need of a new flag rope. They volunteered their time on a wintry Saturday to raise our flag! Thank you to Jerome and Isaac McDonald.... Full story
One of the privileges of being from Akwesasne is the ability to attend, and witness, the conducting of the 13 communal ceremonies, which mark the lunar year. This, rather than the Gregorian calendar, was how the Mohawk people have always observed the passing of the seasons and is an extension of the Skywoman epic in which a part of the body of Tekawerahkwa (the daughter of Iotsitsisen (Skywoman) was elevated into the nighttime sky. This event is not simply myth but the description of a physical act. Our native ancestors somehow knew that the... Full story
Dear Editor, Take a quick survey of the northeast corner of St. Lawrence County and the northwest corner of Franklin County and one would see and hear from residents that the only real economic activity that is taking place these days is happening on our reservation. Much of this activity is directly related to the success of our Akwesasne Mohawk Casino and the activities that spin off from it. Reservation residents are still buying cars and other high-ticket items. Homes are being built, businesses are expanding and hiring and people are... Full story
WARRANT Cornwall, ON- Paul Buckshot, 39 of Akwesasne was arrested on the 29th of January, 2012 under the strength of two outstanding warrants. It is alleged that he failed to attend court on the 18th of December, 2008 as well as on the 19th of January, 2009. He was released to appear in court on the 14th of February, 2012. UNLICENSED OPERATION - MASSENA - Village police ticketed Catherine Martin, 21, of Hogansburg for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and operation of an uninspected motor vehicle following a traffic stop at 1:48 p.m. Satu... Full story
Each week the Consumer Corner looks for information that will help the readership in some way whether it be big or small. Saving money, a healthy body (physical, mental, spiritual), healthy foods and good buys for the money are just a few of the Consumer Corner articles that have been brought to you. We are starting a new year and most people (at least statistics show most) have made New Year’s resolutions. Usually topping the list is losing weight. This week the corner will give you some choices on eating “skinny” potato chips. We all love... Full story
It was an interesting visit with a very gifted man this past week. Solomon Cook was born January 8, 1920 at the home of his parents, Kahawihson McDonald and Angus Taieroniote Cook. Solomon grew up with 7 siblings, including one more that his parents raised. He and his sister, Cecilia Konwakenni, who is now 90, are the only survivors of the family. His other siblings who have all passed away are: Christine, Ann Kaniharonkwas, Lillian Skawennetsi, John Kanonwatase Jimmy Tehonieien, and most... Full story
• The Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, Clanmothers, Faithkeepers and the people will have completed six (6) days of the Midwinter Ceremonies by the time you read Indian Time newspaper. Every day the Longhouse was filled with children, adults and elders. The days have been good and the Creator must be happy. Friday is the final day of the ceremony and then the False Face ceremony will take place and the 2012 Midwinter will come to a close. • The Haudenosaunee Peace and Trade Committee will meet on February 10, 2012 at the Onondaga Nation Coo... Full story
1. Iothó:re It is cold 2. Io’kerén:’en It is snowing 3. Iota’kera’ténion Snowflakes are flying around 4. Iowerá:no The wind is cold 5. Teionien’kwatá:se It is a blizzard 6. Teiao’tsískwa It is slippery 7. Ó:wise Ice 8. Iowisén:ton Icicle 9. Iowisentónnion Icicles 10. Owisóskon It is covered in ice 11. Iowisáhrhon It is icy 12. Onenniò:kwa A snowball 13. Óniehte Snow 14. É:so kaniéhtaien There is a lot of snow on the ground 15. Ioteniehtáhere ne kà:sere There is snow on the car 16. Ioteniehtáhere ne kanónhsa There is snow on the house 17. Ioten... Full story
Onen non:wa ehnon:we nentsitewate? Nikonraie:ra?te ne tsi karonhiat:te rorihwato:ken ehtho tehaiahiakhons ne tsionkwahtsi?a kionhkenekha karahkwa. Ne tehoswa?the:ton tsi niaonkwenonhakie tanon? ‘ee ro?ariha?tonhakie ne tsi ionhontsia:te ne ne sken:nen tsi akontonha? ten:ti ne tsi naho:ten shonkwaientho:wi. Ne tsi nentsitewa:iere ensk tsi entewahwe? non:ni onkwa? nikon:ra tanon tentshitewanonhwara:ton en tshiokwahtsi:?a kionhkehnekha karahkwa. Ehtho niiohtonha?k ne onkwa?nikon:ra. We send greetin... Full story
Akwesasne Cultural Center groundbreaking 40 years ago. Those identified in the front row (left to right): Noah Cook, John Cook, Minerva White, David Abeel (with SLU), Father Arsenault, man with little girl is Dr. Wells. Identified in back row: Marlene Garrow, John Jacobs and Theresa Terrance Thank you to Jessica Sargent for sharing this photo from the Library.... Full story
Snow and ice create a hazardous situation for everyone but especially for seniors and people with disabilities. Shoveling and using salt, sand or other substances with ice melting properties will help reduce the potential for slip and fall incidents, which can and do cause serious injuries. Safe snow shoveling requires proper preparation, the right tools, good technique and knowledge. PREPARATION Talk to your doctor about this activity and your health status before winter season arrives. THINK TWICE IF YOU: -have had a heart attack or have... Full story
Indian Time is lucky to receive many visitors every week. Whether it’s a parent bringing in a new baby for a photograph or an elder who wants us to look at photos with him, our doors are always open and we love our visitors. We love them so much we want to share them with you. “We Love Visitors” series is simply a way to share members of the community with you. So, don’t be scared to come and visit us (we’ll only photograph those willing) but if you have something special you want to show us,... Full story
Harvey Arquette, of Snye eagerly waits to begin his trek to Yellowknife, NWT. This will be his first time trucking on the ice roads of the Arctic. He isn’t worried much about the competition but is concerned about delivering loads to Diavik mines from Yellowknife on time. Diavik mines are diamond mines in the North Slave Region of Northwest Territories of Canada. 3 to 4 of the mines he must deliver to are located in the Arctic Circle. Yellowknife itself sits on Great Slave Lake, which is the 5...
The yearly ‘Wear Red Day’ community celebration is 9 a.m. to Noon on Friday, February 3rd. A few local buildings will be lit up with red spotlights and many local restaurants will be providing heart healthy specials all day. The entire Akwesasne community is encouraged to wear red this Friday and visit the lobby of the St. Regis Mohawk Health Services building on Route 37 to receive educational information, giveaways, and play some games. A nurse will also be available to provide blood sugar and...
Senior games are coming to Akwesasne once more, the dates for the games are May 14 to 17, 2012. Senior games started about 10 years when I worked at Iakhihsohtha. I was the Activity Director for 15 years there and was always looking for things to do for Elders in the home. We used to get this book called “Creative Forecasting.” In there were all kinds of things for each month. Then I came across May as being Seniors Month. The light bulb came, and this was how Akwesasne Senior games were started...
As painful and headache-inducing as it is, parents always have this ongoing battle with the “rules”. As parents we make the house rules, enforce the rules and limits, set consequences and listen to the cries of a child facing a consequence. Every parent is different and raised a certain way. I know there is no right or perfect way to raise a child; we just do the best we can with what we have and love them little terrorists the only way a mother could. One parenting rule I do stand by is ‘don’t be afraid to make them cry.’ It’s okay to tel... Full story
Claiming your dependent children has many dimensions, it’s important to understand what constitutes a dependent, if they qualify as an exemption and credits. Each situation if different and consulting with a tax professional regarding your personal situation will give you the most comfort in determining your child’s status on your tax return. Here are tips from the Internal Revenue Service for parents. Your kids can be helpful at tax time. That doesn’t mean they’ll sort your tax receipts or refill your coffee, but those charming children may he... Full story
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples signals a new means to change federal law and policy to restore safety to Native women, to strengthen Indian nations and advance their jurisdiction over crimes within their territories, and to end the cycle of violence in Native communities. The right to be safe and live free from violence is one of the most fundamental and important human rights recognized internationally. It is a right that many in the United States simply take for granted, but not Native women, who are two-and-a-half... Full story
Indian Time is looking for an editor to ensure the smooth and complete operation in the production of the newspaper. Duties include: - Meet weekly with staff to discuss and schedule news stories and other articles for publication. -Provide direction and guidance to editorial staff including reporters, photographers, typesetters and layout artists. -Meet deadlines, review materials for publication, correct all articles and work with community to help develop newsworthy articles. -Write editorials that stimulate thought while maintaining...