Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 72
On January 18, 2013 the St. Regis Recreation Center was host to a large number of people who met to discuss the formation of an Artist Guild. Historically, a guild was a group of artists, masons, carpenters and glass workers who controlled the practice of their crafts in a particular town. The earliest guilds were organized in a manner something between a trade union, a cartel and a secret society. The concept of an ancient guild still exists today in the form of a lifetime progression of appren...
Akwesasne Territory – On February 17, 2013, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police arrested Charles J. Billings, 20, of Akwesasne, and charged him with one count of Making a Terrorist Threat. The charge stemmed from an incident that occurred on January 13, 2013, wherein a male caller phoned the police station claiming he had placed a bomb in the Tribal Community building. A K-9 unit was dispatched to the Tribal Community Building and conducted a sweep of the building with negative results. Billings was arraigned around 3:00 p.m. at Bombay Town C...
For a couple years Monica Peters has been writing Computer Corner for Indian Time, trying to make navigating around a computer a little easier for us computer illiterate folks. We are so very proud to announce that she has now taken her technical skills to help with the revival of the Mohawk language. She has created an app called “Talk Mohawk 2012.” She worked on the app for 3 months and Apple just recently approved it. And, so everyone can understand just what the app is and what it does, we s...
The St. Regis Recreation held a moccasin making class on January 15th and 16th with Alicia Cook as the instructor. Alicia started out with some information about herself and how she got started with beading and making moccasins. Alicia has been beading since she was eight years old. “When I was a student at the Onondaga Nation School, a Clan Mother would come into my class to teach us how to sew and bead. It was basic techniques but I took it from there and got better. I remember when I was y...
Here are additional pictures....
HOGANSBURG – Lawrence Michael “Larry” Garrow, age 39, 148 St. Regis Road, passed away on Friday, January 18, 2013, at his home unexpectedly. Larry was born on April 19, 1973 in Cornwall, Ontario, the son of Sam J. Oakes Jr. and Carol Garrow. He attended Salmon River Central School. He was an avid Yankees fan and liked trivia, reading and listening to music. When he requested songs on the radio with Teddy Peters, he was known as “Hey Man.” He was known to his close friends as “Shark.” He was rais...
AKWESASNE – Sheila M. David “Ka tsi tsa ka tse”, age 58, of 28 First Street, St. Regis, Que., passed away on Sunday afternoon, January 20, 2013, at the Cornwall Community Hospital, where she was admitted Tuesday evening with pneumonia. She had been courageously fighting cancer since last fall. Sheila was born September 9, 1954, in Cornwall, ON, the daughter of John K. and Mary A. Barnhart David. She attended schools in St. Regis Village, St. Columban’s in Cornwall, and General Vanier High in Cor...
Submitted by Jessica Cree Jock Akwesasne, NY, January 22, 2013 — The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club is pleased to announce that we have been selected as an official partner of Payless GivesTM Shoes 4 Kids, an annual giving program from Payless ShoeSource. We are among several charitable agencies representing all 50 states in the United States, as well as Canada, Puerto Rico and 11 Latin American countries. The Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club will be distributing merchandise certificates for children’s shoes to the families of current Club mem...
Letter to the Editor With response to the letter submitted by Bonnie McDonald in the last issue of the Indian Time, I found it to be misleading. I would like to begin by pointing out that there was a legal will regarding that property and she knew right from the start that she had no entitlement to the estate. I gave her one and a half years to find another place to live before she was removed from the property. This property was handed down from generation to generation and to this date remains within the family. She also stated that we were...
Letter to the editor: Idle no more - In house. The White family would like to thank the community members for taking the time to attend our family information gathering and viewing the facts on the Estate of Matthew Elmer White. The true facts from the Examination for Discovery were presented revealing the deceitfulness, fraud, errors, and the failure to properly exercise the administrative process. We believe it is clear that the property at 435 Island Road belongs to the White Family. We would once again like to thank those community members...
Letter to the Editor I’m writing this letter regarding the deer hunters locally and in the surrounding areas. It thoroughly disgusts me how hunters think that Beaver Meadow is the established dumping site for deer carcasses. Hunters will spend countless hours day and night to kill as many deer as possible. They have heavy duty 4x4 trucks, four wheelers and bright spot lights so they can jack deer all night long. If this is what they choose to do, it’s entirely up to them, don’t get me wrong, if you eat that much venison I don’t care. My issu...
January 23, 2013 - Salmon River Central School officials completed a walk through and preliminary security audit with Senior Investigator Bill Ritchie from the Franklin County District Attorney’s office, Deputy Director of Franklin County Emergency Services John Bashaw, Mike Lahey from March Associates, the district’s architect firm working on plans for the upcoming capital project, and Nathan Van Wie of C&S Associates, the district’s construction management firm. Superintendent Jane Colli...
January 18, 2013 - Robert C. Oliver, Sr., 53, of Burke, New York, and Jody Swamp, 48, of Hogansburg, New York, pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Utica, New York, to federal charges relating to illegally manufacturing cigarettes on the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation. Each defendant pled guilty to one count charging Manufacturing Cigarettes Without Filing the Bond and Obtaining the Required Permit, (Count 1), and one count charging Failure to Maintain Records Concerning the Shipment, Receipt, Sale, and Distribution of Cigarettes, (Count 2). The...
On Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Fire Station # 1 was the scene of the Gun Buy Back Program, which was sponsored by the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Franklin County District Attorney’s Office, New York State Police and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department. They were offering a unique opportunity to turn in guns with no questions asked. Chief Ron LaFrance said, “In the aftermath of Newtown, Connecticut we want to get unwanted guns off the streets. We just...
On Saturday January 19th the North Franklin Shamrocks Bantam Team played host to the 2013 Winterblast Bantam Hockey Tournament. The tournament featured the North Franklin Shamrocks, Chazy Flyers, Norwood/Norfolk Icemen and the South Glenville Rangers. The tourney started at 8:00 with North Franklin Shamrocks playing the Chazy Flyers. That game ended in a tie with both teams sharing the points. Norwood/Norfolk played South Glenville with the Icemen downing the Rangers. North Franklin Shamrocks...
Name: Sheree Lynnlee Skidders Born: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Weight: 8lb 4oz Length: 21 ½ inches Parents: Nichele Jocko and Rakhas Siblings: Kanonkwatsherake Maternal Grandparents: Theresa Benedict and the late Jimmy Jocko Paternal Grandparents: Sheree Bonaparte and Richard Skidders...
Little brother is my little cuddler. He always has needed to be held or have to be right next to us to fall asleep. The only times he’s fallen asleep alone is in his car seat. On rare occasions from sheer exhaustion he would just drop where he’s playing. Since he was a baby I tried everything. There were times that he slept in his crib but he’d wake up about an hour later and scream for us. Then at eight or so months he scaled the crib to get out. After that it was safer to let him sleep with us than sleep with one eye open, waiting to hear...
Frostbite occurs when the skin is exposed to cold temperatures. The formation of ice crystals in the skin and blood vessels can lead to severe tissue injury and even tissue death. The first symptoms are a “pins and needles” sensation followed by numbness. Later the area becomes insensitive. The skin will become pale and may feel hard. Any part of the body may be affected but hands, feet, nose, face, and ears are the most vulnerable. Hypothermia occurs when exposed to cold temperatures; your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be pro...
…Continued from last week TELL PEOPLE WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND – being honest and to the point is a great way to accomplish things quicker. When you beat around the bush things don’t get accomplished as fast. Just think about your last meeting at work, people are hesitant to say what is on their mind, which causes meetings to drag on forever. But be polite, telling your co-worker that red dress makes her look fat might not be a good idea. Be kind. Be to the point. HAVE SOME FUN – all work and no play is a good way to make you feel depressed...
Dear Monica: Why are you on LinkedIn? I don’t see the point of using LinkedIn, am I missing something? Signed: I hate LinkedIn Dear I hate LinkedIn, is a social network for business professionals that want to generate leads, conduct market research, establish themselves as leaders in their industry, improve their own reputation and find dream projects to work on. Most of my work as a software developer comes from LinkedIn and similar social networks. LinkedIn is a great resource for most any industry professional though. Here a...
At the beginning of the Revolutionary War the Iroquois tried to remain neutral, but it did not take them long to realize that neither the English nor the Americans intended to leave their country out of the war. One Indian compared his people to a piece of cloth between a pair of scissors, the scissors being the contesting white people and the Indians being the cloth that was cut. Such was to be the case, and it was not the first or the twentieth time that the Indian found himself in that...
In a surprising bit of luck, a Hiawatha belt made for the St. Regis Recreation Center and thought to be gone for good, was returned by a good Samaritan recently. The belt, part of a set of two, was made of stainless steel by Ian Seymour, and originally adorned the gazebo outside of the recreation center. The belts were there until one day the landscaper pointed out that they were missing, and that was over two years ago. The thief or thieves even left the bolts that fasten the belts to the...
1. Shaià:ta oskenón:ton rá:tsin 1 male deer 2. ítrate He is standing there 3. Akohserá:ke nikahá:wi Winter time 4. Entákta Saturday 5. Ohrhon’kéhstsi Early morning 6. Shontakarahkwineken’ne When the sun came out 7. Tsiá:ta niiohwistá:’e 7 o’clock 8. Kahentá:ke On the ground 9. Ohskawákta Near the woods 10. Ahkwesáhsne konwá:iats Akwesasne is the name 11. Tsi nón:we tkaná:taien Where they have a town 12. Né:’e tsi tehotstikawhenhákie’s Because he is traveling along 13. Shako’nikòn:rare He is mi...
Join The Let’s Get Healthy Program in the fight to save our women from heart disease! In celebration of the 10th National Wear Red Day on February 1, 2013, there will be a Wear Red Day celebration at the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Health Services Lobby on February 1, 2013 from 9:00am-12:00pm. Heart Disease is the number 1 killer of women. Don’t forget to wear your red! Photo submitted by Heather Pontius....
CUOMO ENTERS 3RD YEAR, MANY STATE OF THE STATE PROPOSALS HAVE VERY STRONG SUPPORT As he starts his third year as Governor, Andrew Cuomo continues to enjoy strong support from voters, with a 71-24 percent favorability rating (down slightly from 72-21 percent last month) and 60-38 percent job performance rating (unchanged), according to a new Siena College Research Institute poll of New York voters released. All nine of the Governor’s State of the State proposals polled by Siena received strong s...