A Voice from the Eastern Door

Articles from the January 17, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 78

  • Onondaga NLL player target of racist remarks made by arena announcer

    Kaniehtonkie|Jan 17, 2019

    By Kaniehtonkie Lyle Thompson, Onondaga, doing what he loves to do and do extremely well, was playing lacrosse on Saturday night for the National Lacrosse League’s Georgia Swarm lax team when the Philadelphia Wings’ PA announcer made inappropriate, racist comments each time Thompson hit the floor. According to Thompson, the in-house arena announcer Shawny Hill said repeatedly, “let’s clip the pony tail”. Prompting Thompson to tweet after the game, “I know Philly takes pride in their ruthless fa...

  • Honor Student Talon Tekaronhiokewe Jacobs Nominated for The Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Boston, MA

    Jan 17, 2019

    AKWESASNE MOHAWK NATION - Talon Tekaronhiokewe Jacobs of Akwesasne, son of Chrissy and Gordon Jacobs, and a Freshman at Salmon River High School, will be a Delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Lowell, MA on June 23-25, 2019. The Congress is an honors-only program for high school students who want to become physicians or go into medical research fields. The purpose of this event is to honor, inspire, motivate and direct the top students in the country who aspire to be physicians...

  • NCAI denounces Trump's invoking of Wounded Knee Massacre in political attack

    Jan 17, 2019

    Reprinted with permission from Indian Country Media (January 15, 2019) On Tuesday, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization in the country, denounced President Donald Trump's invoking of the Wounded Knee Massacre and the Battle of Little Bighorn in his latest Twitter attack against Senator Elizabeth Warren. "We condemn in the strongest possible terms the casual and callous use of these events as...

  • Akwesasne Supporters Take Part in Rolling Blockade for Wet'suwet'en

    Kaniehtonkie|Jan 17, 2019

    By Kaniehtonkie On Thursday evening social media lit up with a call for a peaceful 'rolling blockade' as a 'peaceful day of action' in support of our brothers and sisters, the Wet'suwet'en who are protecting their native homeland from Coastal GasLink pipe line project in northern B.C. On Monday, January 7, 2019, 14 people were arrested by the RCMP for allegedly trying to stop the removal of a blockade that prevented access to the Coastal GasLink pipeline project. The pipeline route travels...

  • Kentsià:ke Tsi Iontoweienstáhkhwa Rontoweiénstha Tsi Tekahontsiakhánion Wahonwatihsennakará:tate

    Jan 17, 2019

    Iehiá:tons Robin Logan Tsióhsera tsi náhe, Kentsià:ke Ahsén:nen Tsi Iontoweienstáhkhwa Rontoweiénstha tánon Kanien'kehá:ka Raotikióhkwa raononkwe'ta'shón:'a skáthne ratiià:tare tehotihthá:rahkwe ne Tá:wiht Sommerstein of Othorè:ke Kaná:taien Onkwe'tà:ke Tewatewennarenià:tha. Tá:wiht rahská:neks ahonthón:te'ne oh nahò:ten ne rontoweiénstha ahonnì:ron na'tekarì:wake tsi ní:ioht ne ka'nikonhríson tánon ronwatirihwénhtha, tánon tsi nihatiieránions tahatí:tsha tsi tsi nahò:ten teká:ronhwe. Rontow...


    Jan 17, 2019

    AKWESASNE – Angus Ransom Skahiohoti, Snipe Clan, 79, of 10 Leo Swamp Road, passed away Wednesday afternoon, January 9, 2019 at Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital after a brief illness. Angus was born November 29, 1939 at the family home in Akwesasne, the son of the late Alex and Margaret (Lazore) Ransom and attended Bombay High School. He was a farmer throughout his life. He was a member of the Akwesasne Death Benefits and enjoyed watching television, playing Radio Bingo, and watching w...


    Jan 17, 2019

    AKWESASNE – Darlene "Ohsontiio" Cook, Deer Clan, 66, of 204 Snye School Road, peacefully went back to the Spirit World on Friday morning, January 11, 2019 at her home. Ohsontiio was born June 10, 1952 in Cornwall, Ontario the daughter of the late Francis Arquette and Rose Mary Cook. She attended schools in Akwesasne before going to Mater Dei and St. Lawrence College, where she graduated with a degree in criminal justice. Ohsontiio worked for Mohawk Council for 25 years in various positions h...


    Jan 17, 2019

    AKWESASNE – Edward Roger Terrance, 83, of 427 Cook Road, peacefully passed away in his sleep early Saturday morning, January 12, 2019 in the comfort of his home. Ed was born in Akwesasne on August 23, 1935, the son of the late John P. and Rose M. (Sawatis) Terrance. On April 26, 1958, he married Ann Arquette at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Rochester; she predeceased him on June 23, 2015. Ed was an ironworker with Local 33 in Rochester for over 30 years until his retirement. He was a die-hard...

  • HARRIET AKAT BOOTS "Nikawenna:'a"

    Jan 17, 2019

    AKWESASNE – Harriet Nikawenna:'a Akat Boots, 74, former Bear Clan Mother at the Kanienkeh'aka Kaienare'kowa Kanonhsesne, passed away surrounded by her family and friends on Saturday, January 12, 2019 at her home on Kawehnoke. Akat was born May 30, 1944, the daughter of the late Frank Foote and Teresa George Daley and was raised by Andrew and Margaret George. Akat served with honor for the people as a Bear Clan mother for 47 years, she was one of the original Mohawk teachers of the Akwesasne F...

  • Thank You and Appreciation for Beatrice Bero

    Jan 17, 2019

    An enormous and heartfelt thank you is being sent for so many people during the sudden passing of Beatrice Bero. The family wishes to thank the St. Regis Mohawk Council Ambulance on your quick response to get Beatrice her medical attention and transportation to get her emergency care at CCH. To Matt Tarbell and Darren Cook who always looked out for their elderly neighbors Bea and Jimmy, when in need. We have noticed and will remember you. Watching how quickly and caring the staff took care of her in the E.R. was noted, thank you all. Onto the I...

  • Akwesasne Toastmasters Meetings

    Jan 17, 2019

    The Akwesasne Toastmasters meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6:00pm-8:00pm at 891 State Route 37, Akwesasne, NY (Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Human Resources Office/Building). Visit akwesasnetoastmasters.com or find them on Facebook. Everyone is welcome!...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Issues Statement on Effects of Federal Government Shutdown

    Jan 17, 2019

    AKWESASNE. Like many tribal nations across the United States who receive federal funds, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe has been closely monitoring the partial shutdown of the federal government. In doing so, the Tribe is concerned about the shutdown’s duration and has been staying abreast of developments as they take place in Washington, DC. Tribal Council has been in communication with New York State’s congressional members to discuss the ongoing effects of the shutdown and to urge Congress to immediately reopen the federal government. Dis...

  • Iakwa'shatste Youth Fitness offers thank you to Akwesasne Community Trust Fund

    Jan 17, 2019

    Iakwa'shatste Youth Fitness would like to take the opportunity to send a profound thank you to the Akwesasne Community Trust Fund for their contribution of funds in the last round of applications. We received $35, 250.00 from the Trust which has been used to cover costs associated with the programs we deliver to the community such as equipment, incentive prizes, travel, food and honorariums to bring additional experts in to deliver programs. The programs that the Trust Fund assistance allowed...

  • Iakwa'shatste Youth Fitness offers thank you to Akwesasne Community Trust Fund - Part 2

    Jan 17, 2019

    Here are additional pictures....

  • Tax Filing Tips from the New York State Tax Department

    Jan 17, 2019

    (January 11, 2019) The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance is encouraging taxpayers to prepare for income tax filing season by reviewing some important tips that can ease the process and ensure accurate returns and promptly issued refunds. “We are committed to fair and efficient tax administration, which means all returns are analyzed by our advanced processing system to detect errors and fraud,” said Acting Commissioner Nonie Manion. “To ensure your return sails through this process and any refund owed is issued promptly, review...

  • Red Cross Issues Emergency Call for Blood Donors

    Jan 17, 2019

    WATERTOWN, NY (Jan. 14, 2019) — A donation shortfall over the winter holidays is prompting the American Red Cross to issue an emergency call for blood platelet donors to give now to prevent a blood shortage from continuing throughout winter and affecting patient care. The Red Cross collected more than 27,000 fewer blood and platelet donations the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s than needed to sustain a sufficient blood supply. During this period, about 1,350 fewer blood drives were hosted by volunteer sponsor groups than required to meet pat...

  • Corn Soup Cook-Off Held to Ring in 2019

    Mahlon Smoke|Jan 17, 2019

    By Mahlon Smoke Akwesasne Business Center. A long-standing New Year's day tradition within Akwesasne is to help usher in a year of good health and prosperity, celebrating a new start by visiting relatives and to having a nice warm bowl of corn soup. The general theme is to share food with family and friends! It's this tradition that the crew at Akwesasne TV honored this past week by hosting their First Annual Corn Soup Cook-off. Seven contestants entered their best Corn Soup recipe for local...


    Jan 17, 2019

    Reprinted with permission from Traditional Teachings by the Native North American Travelling College The Story comes from the earliest time in our Language - a time when our language, symbols, beliefs, the world we saw around us, and life as we understand it — were completely different from the way we understand them now. We lived in a complete world. This Story expresses our understanding of how we came to this complete world. THE SKY WORLD The story says that there was another place not of this world where people lived. The life of that w...

  • Lyle Thompson shares his thoughts on the Philly incident

    Jan 17, 2019

    In an interview with LSN, Lyle Thompson shared many of his thoughts on the incidents that took place during the Georgia Swarm and Philadelphia Wings NLL game. The first incident involved a Philly fan taunting Thompson with racist chants, threatening to cut off his braid and to scalp him. The second involved the Wings announcer speaking to the crowd saying, “let’s snip the pony tail right there”. Lyle heard the Wing’s fan and continued to try and play the game with a good mind, as he stated, “That is how I was taught to play the game - with a cl...

  • Reader Comic

    Jan 17, 2019

    "To Weed or not to Weed?" Is that the question? Has anyone at MCA admin. noticed what our neighbors at Eastern Door Chiefs have rejected the sale or commerce involving Cannabis. Some entrepreneurs were complaining at a recent General Meeting why the chiefs are going against Ontario & Quebec legalizing. Perhaps they have more concern for the welfare of the people. The main reason was – its problem of alcoholism there, and do not wish to compound the problem with another dangerous "...

  • Reader Comic 2

    Jan 17, 2019

    Reader Comic 2...

  • Massena Central High School Students Gain National Attention

    Jan 17, 2019

    Submitted by Robin Logan Last year Massena Central High School students and Mohawk Club members were part of an interview with David Sommerstein of North Country Public Radio. David wished to hear what students had to say on topics such as stereotypes and discrimination, as well as positive ways in which students overcome these barriers. Students spoke candidly and courageously about their personal experiences and garnered national attention. David also sat in on a Mohawk Club meeting where...

  • Shiny New Year, Age-Old Fear

    Jan 17, 2019

    Submitted by Paul Hetzler & Marie-Line Bourdy For the last hundred years or so, Baby New Year has turned up in newspapers, greeting cards and other media to personify the beginning of a new calendar. Usually blond, often sporting a top hat, and a sash emblazoned with the digits for the New Year, the little guy is supposed to represent hope for a fresh start. But really he terrifies us. We know he will age rapidly in 12 months to become that withered old man, in diapers once again, who will need help finding the door to the afterlife on 31...

  • We Should Give Sanctuary to Natives from the South

    Doug George-Kanentiio|Jan 17, 2019

    By Doug George-Kanentiio When I watch the reports of the thousands of people coming north from their homelands in Central America I do not see Hondurans, Guatemalans, El Salvadorians; I see Indigenous people, our southern kin, fleeing countries which have become overwhelmed by vicious gangs whose drug money comes directly from sales made in the United States. Those gangs use violence to force compliance and terror to recruit new members. The national police agencies have been incapable of protecting their citizens resulting in the painful...

  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Monthly Meeting January 12th

    Mahlon Smoke|Jan 17, 2019

    By Mahlon Smoke Action Items In progress: the Director of Education and Tribal Council is looking into a report about a student who had been disciplined for speaking Kanien’kehá at Salmon River; They will be meeting with Superintendent Harper. In progress: The Director of Education Stephanie Cook is investigating the food quality at Salmon River. They are still awaiting a response from the school; an update will be provided when available. In progress: Request to look into charging businesses for water In progress: Request to look into ne...

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