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The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe said Saturday that the CITGO heating oil program is still expected to move forward this year. The CITGO Petroleum Corporation has supplied free fuel to thousands of North American communities in the past two years, Akwesasne included. The Venezuelan company did so to help low-income communities cope with increasing fuel costs. In Akwesasne, each household was eligible to receive roughly 200 gallons of free fuel as long as they resided on the southern (U.S.) portion of...
A Bronx, NY man pleaded guilty last week in federal court, admitting to having robbed two Akwesasne women of a duffel bag of marijuana and later murdering his accomplice. According to a press release from the U.S. District Attorney’s office, Roger K. Aletras, 37,(aka Roger Knox) will serve a 15-year term in prison for the murder, added onto a 17-year sentenced he is already serving for a 2004 conviction that he was in possession of the murder weapon. In 2002, Aletras and Kevin Arkenau had reportedly robbed the two Akwesasne women at a South B...
By Shannon Burns Akwesasne CPA Barbara Montour said many Akwesasne residents have been unnecessarily worried in the past month over letters sent to them by New York State’s tax and finance department claiming the individual is responsible for paying up to thousands of dollars in back taxes. The state sent out a total of 20,000 letters to residents of New York, claiming that each person was being assessed based on an audit that deemed them liable for additional tax payments, dating back as far as 2003. The state based their audit on reports f...
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Press Release — On December 30th, St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Election Board certified the referendum held on Saturday December 13, 2008. The certification was delayed due to an appeal, contending that an insufficient number of public meetings had been held prior to the referendum. In a letter dated December 30, 2008, the Election Board responded to the appeal, upholding the validity of the referendum. After careful review of the record, the Election Board determined that the provision was met which requires three public...
Mr. Edward Smoke, age 87, of 423 St. Regis Road, Hogansburg, died Sunday afternoon (December 21, 2008) at Massena Memorial Hospital, where he had been admitted earlier in the day. He was born April 11, 1921 in Hogansburg, the son of Andrew and Agatha Swamp Smoke. He attended on the Reservation, then the Ogdensburg Orphanage School for 6 years and then Massena High School. He served in the US Marines as Gunnery Sergeant from 1941-1943. He married Selena M. Garrow on December 5, 1957 at the...
The family of William “Bill” Cook would like to thank everyone who helped during our time of loss. To all our family members who were there to comfort us during this painful time; our friends and the community who sent cards of condolence, floral arrangements, monetary gifts, food and other donations; the cooks who prepared the traditional meal; the people who came to say the nine days of prayers; the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Police and Ambulance service for their assistance. Your acts of kindness will never be forgotten. Respectfully, Joan, Cha...
Dear Editor; I wanted to know if you have received my letter about what’s been happening to me with my blockbuster membership account in Cornwall. It is true and that I wanted to warn the people of Akwesasne to keep watch with your membership account at blockbuster in Cornwall, Ontario. I am not opening another one with them because it happened to me twice that someone used it without my permission in the first time and the second that had done this to me. I will not forget this that ever happened to me. I only had told my best friend Dak...
The Massena Artist’s Association calls for artists to participate in its 24th Annual Juried Art Exhibit. The exhibit will be held from February 10th through February 27th, 2009 at the Massena Public Library. A artists’ reception will be held on Tuesday, February 10th at 6:30 PM, immediately followed by the Awards Ceremony at 7:15 PM. The public is invited to attend. All professional and amateur artists, living within a 100 mile radius of Massena are invited to submit their work to this exhibit. Young people and Canadian artists are also en...
Eight Capacity Building Grants awarded today by the park and trail advocacy group Parks & Trails New York will provide not-for-profit park and trail organizations with the tools and expertise they need to survive and thrive in these challenging economic times. Funds will be used to increase organizational visibility and generate community support, grow membership, and attract additional volunteers. Active and engaged park and trail support organizations contribute significantly to the New York’s parks and trails, raising significant funds a...
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Press Release — On December 24th, State Supreme Court Justice Rose Sconiers issued a temporary restraining order barring the state of New York from enforcing state tax law restricting the sale of unstamped cigarettes at the wholesale level to cigarette retailers on Indian reservations. Governor Paterson had recently signed the legislation to allow the state to collect sales tax on non-Indians purchasing cigarettes at Indian smoke shops. “This temporary restraining order is a relief to us, but I would like to see a...
Malone--Greg Toczko, Physician Assistant, has joined the medical care team at Alice Hyde Medical Center. Mr. Toczko provides preventive, acute, and chronic illness care at the Bessette Health Center in Chateaugay, NY. He is an officer in the Vermont National Guard, who came to Malone from North Hampton, Massachusetts, where he provided urgent, primary and inpatient care at the local VA Hospital. As an officer in the National Guard, Greg provides recruitment and retention physicals, as well as case management for acute and chronic medical a...
Tsiothorkó:wa/January 8, 2009 - Akwesasne — In celebration of ABC Family Literacy Day, the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) will be participating in the national attempt to break the Guinness World Record™ for Most Children Reading With an Adult, Multiple Locations. The attempt will run across Canada for a 24 hour period between 2 p.m. on Friday, January 23, 2009 until 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 24, 2009. The current record is 78,791 which was set in the United States. All AMBE schools will be participating. Other programs are also...
First meeting: January 21, 2009, Wednesday at 6:00 to 7:30 pm Salmon River Elementary Library Who is invited: Every parent or guardian who has a child attending the Mohawk School Teachers and administrators at the Mohawk School (Everyone interested in working toward a stronger school for our children) Agenda: Brainstorming ideas for the formation of our PTO (eg. PTO vs. PTA, nomination and election of officers, discussion of By-Laws for PTO, discussion of goals and objectives for PTO, etc.) Questions: Contact Ellen Cook, Home School Coordinator...
Issac McDonald, Carol Lazore and Tom Herne meet on the premises of the Mohawk Indian Housing Corporation garage at 202 McGee Road. One of the coldest days recorded at -11 degrees Fahrenheit, the ambulance is kept in the bay from cold weather to ensure a quick start during emergency cases....
Creative Spirit Community Art Center is proud to host an exhibit by the talented artist Arnold Sauther. Arnold Sauther attended Buffalo State for his undergraduate degree and Ohio State for his masters. He has also studied in Italy and Mexico and served as an exchange art instructor in public education in England. Arnold who is Philosopher, Poet, Teacher and Artist, taught Art History and Studio Art at Salmon River Central Schools for 40 years. Now retired, Arnold escapes to his garden realm where he communes with flowers, which are often the...
Cornwall, Ontario, January 12,2009- Cornwall Community Hospital announced today that construction will begin on the major Capital Redevelopment Project in January 2009. Pomerleau Construction will begin the work to construct the 95,000 square feet of new space and 78,000 square feet of renovation. This redevelopment combined with the recent renovations to the Critical Care Unit and Labour and Delivery Suites will transform the Hospital into a state-of-the-art facility. “The brand new clinical space together with equipment upgrades will e...
The following students have achieved Principal’s List for the 2nd marking period: Grade 7: Abigail Kelly Kevin Pehush Grade 8: Samantha Monette Grade 9: Sean Godard Anna Kelly Grade 10: Rakenhoktha Barnes Jessica Beach Samantha Chartier Derek Dustin Grade 11: Emily Fritz Pratik Patel Kaitlin Patenaude Braden Seidel Grade 12: Desiree Black Sally Durbin Carly Gardner Daniel Gerow Ryan Godard Natalie Sharlow Holly Shearer Jennifer Tremblay Trevor White The following students have achieved High Honors for the 2nd marking period: Grade 7: Cody B...
During these cold below freezing days here in Akwesasne, I wonder how those little birds at my feeder manage to survive. I can barely stand the biting cold when I clean and fill my feeders every day. Every year I swear I will not feed them this year, but when I see a chickadee or two looking for last year’s feeder, there goes my resolution. I guess the rewards do outweigh the downside. The birds I watch through the window are my wintertime flowers. This year, for the first time, in a long time,...
1. Iontkahrata’áhstha Binoculars / Telescope 2. Tekatsistóhkwen’ne Falling Stars (meteor) 3. Iotsistohkwaténion Stars moving around 4. Tontaiotsistohkwakahrhatenionhákie Stars are turning along again 5. Iakononhwaronkieskó:wa Comet 6. Tekatsistohkwaieronnionhá:ton Milky way (many constellations) 7. Tekatsistohkwaieronhá:ton A constellation 8. Othore’kéha otsistóhkwa The North Star 9. Ohkwarikó:wa (Kakowá:nen ohkwá:ri) The Big Bear (Big dipper) 10. Ken’niwahkwaritá:’a(Ken’nihr...
Thank you to Joe Bear for sharing this with our readers. Medicine Grizzly Bear Earth Healing Ceremony, Spokane, Washington, 1990 (Taken from “Spirits of the Earth”, by Bobby Lake-Thorn) O Great Creator, I come before you in a humble manner and offer you this sacred pipe. With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart I pray. To the four powers of Creation, to the Grandfather Sun, to the Grandmother Moon, to the Mother Earth, and to my ancestors. I pray for my relations in Nature, all those who walk, crawl, fly, and swim, seen and uns...
Occasion: Martin family wedding celebration dinner for Bernice Martin and Bill Bailey. Left: Aunt Nancy Martin, Rosalind, Alex and Priscilla Martin, Bill Bailey and Bernice, Mark (end of table), Lawrence, Jr., Uncle Mike (Balogna), Raymond (Beans), Charles and Catherine Martin. Thank you to Rosalind for sharing this photo with our readers. Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the s...
Representatives from the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino attended the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s monthly meeting Saturday to share details of the casino’s expansion plans which are well underway. Bob Kelly is the Innovation Project Development President and he works with Gail McDonald on the project that will eventually see construction of a hotel, and which has already included the opening of the Sprung structure called Cascades attached at the east end of the casino as well as the expansion of Sti...
Name: Xavier William Black-Garrow Parents: Christian (Gee) Garrow and Melissa Black Born: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 in Ottawa Weight: 7 lbs., 7 oz. Grandparents: Peter and Harriet Garrow, Mariner (Grandfather) and Barbara Black of Sackville N.B. and Betty Black Wright (Grandmother) of Digby N.S....
Name: Julia Aerin Jackson Born: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Weight: 7 pounds, 13 ounces Length: 19 1/4 inches Parents: Denise and Darcy Jackson Sibling: Carter Jackson Grandparents: Francis and Lorene Jackson, Vaughn and Ella Arquette Great Grandparents: Grace Chubb and Henry Arquette Great Great Grandmother: Mary Arquette...
Name: Dreyden Cameron Taylor Born: Thursday, December 18, 2008 Weight: 9 lbs., 2oz. Parents: Carrie Delormier and Cameron Taylor Grandparents: Roxanne Oakes, Donald Delormier and Michelle Thomas Paternal Great Grandparents: Edna Oakes and Shirley Taylor...