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Here are additional photos....
•• The Haudenosaunee News starts a new year with this issue. •• The Trade and Peace working group had a meeting on January 4th at the Onondaga Nation. The agenda included a report from the delegates attending the World Parliament of Religions held in Australia, and update on the environmental issue of hydrofracking and the United Nations work coming up. Under the United Nations work: the delegates selected for the January 12 to 14 meeting are Darwin Hill (Tonawanda Seneca), Karl Hill (Cayuga), Stuart Patterson (Tuscarora), Howard Thompso...
1. Ronatkahri’tsherón:ni They are playing 2. Ratiksa’okón:’a Children 3. Wahonnikiohkón:ni They formed a group 4. Shaià:ta ohén:ton í:rate The Leader (literally he stands in front) 5. Tehonatonhontsió:ni They want 6. Tahontskà:hon They ought to eat 7. Í:iah teionathontá:ton They weren’t willing (the women refused) 8. Aontahonwatí:ion They ought to again give them 9. Atennà:tshera Food (groceries) 10. Wahati’nahkwáia’ke They drummed 11. Wa’thatinónniahkwe They danced 12. Sha’té:kon nihá:ti 8 of...
Just before Christmas break, students in Mrs. Miller’s 2nd grade class at Salmon River Central invited parents and other guests to crowd into their classroom and witness their newfound acting talent. Mrs. Miller and her class performed “A Charlie Brown Christmas” complete with all the main characters like Linus, Violet, Peg Pen, Patty, Lucy, Schroeder, Sally, Frieda, Jenna and of course Charlie Brown himself. The play also featured elaborate set designs and homemade costumes and parents were...
Salmon River Central School - 1972 Varsity Hockey Team Sorry, no names were listed in yearbook, but you’ll probably recognize most of them. Do you have any old photos that you’d like to share with our readers in Blast from the Past? Bring them in! Our offices are located on Hilltop Drive in the same building as CKON Stop letting your photos gather dust in the basement and bring them in for us! All photos are returned to their owner....
OxyContin is an opiate agonist. Opiate agonists provide pain relief by acting on opioid receptors in the spinal cord, brain, and body tissues. OxyContin is a central nervous system depressant. This means that is depresses or slows down bodily functions, such as heart rate and breathing. Some street names or slang terms for oxycontin may include 40’s, 80’s, hillbilly heroin, oxy’s, killers, and oxycotton. Individuals that use oxycontin may experience some side effects. These can include constipation, fatigue, nausea, headaches, light...
On New Year’s Eve people seem to do reflecting over the last year and make plans for the upcoming one. Every year I usually stay home with Big Brother. Twice I left him with Tota Girl after I had brought in the New Year with him, grabbing a late bite to eat at the casino. He has never made it to midnight to see the infamous ball drop in New York City or seem to care what day it was. It’s just another night to him. I always take a picture of him sleeping right at twelve am. This year I got the chance to do that with a new little boy. Now I hav...
Akwesasronon Raweriio Barreiro competes for American University 12/29/09 at the 47th Annual Midlands Championships at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Raweriio went 0-2 at the tournament but gained valuable experience during his first season as a starter for the Division One AU program. AU finished a program-best 8th place as a team with three place winners. Steve Fittery won his class at 157lbs to lead AU and was named “Champion-of-Champions” for the tournament....
Students who have excelled academically and athletically this school year have been selected by coaches of some athletic teams at Salmon River Central School for September, October and November’s Athlete Students of the Month. Each month a boy and girl are chosen to receive certificates from the Hall of Fame Committee and a $25. certificate from Akwesasne’s Jreck Sub. The students are selected and photographed by members of the HoF Committee. These pictures will be hung on the walls in the H.S...