We value your questions and comments, so please feel free to contact us.
Main phone numbers: (518) 358-9531 (U.S.) or (613) 575-2063 (Canada)
Email: info@indiantime.net
U.S. mailing address:
Indian Time
P.O. Box 868
Akwesasne, NY 13655
Canadian mailing address:
Indian Time
P.O. Box 30
Akwesasne, PQ H0M 1A0
Hours of operation: Mon - Thurs 9am - 4pm, Fri 9am - 12pm
How to place a classified ad:
Call us to submit your classified ad, or email it to cmitchell@indiantime.net.
It's easy to get your birthday greetings, anniversary wishes, For Sale items or For Rent notices in the paper. Come to our office (after 9 a.m.) in the Communications Building (Indian Time/CKON Bldg.) in Kana:takon. Make sure to specify what size classified you would like.
Please choose from the sizes below:
Size A (2.3" x 4")- $15
Size B (2.3" x 4")- $20
Size C (4.79" x 6")- $25
Size D (2.3" x 8.6")- $25
Size E (2.3" x 2.3")- $10 (text only)
*All prices include one photo, each additional photo is $5. Deadline for submission is Monday at noon, payment must be received by Wednesday at noon.