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1. Called to Order by Chairperson and Grand Chief, Abram Benedict. Council Attendance District Chief Troy Thompson and District Chief Dennis Chaussi were absent. Moment of Silence: Out of respect and memory – a moment of silence was held for those who have passed on. 2. Council Agenda Update 3. Rules of Order were read by Grand Chief Abram Benedict. 4. Follow Up Action Items presented were: safety of the Akwesasne Mohawk School playground equipment (checked and updated), work permits, housing application process, and a request for the N...
After years of extremes of hot and cold offices, constantly breathing in dust and working in cramped and poorly lit offices, the Planning and Infrastructure staff now appreciate their spacious and well lit work place at the Planning and Infrastructure Building located on Route 95. Most of all they can breathe clean air. Their previous work place was the former Akwesasne Hogansburg Volunteer Fire Department building located on River Street in the center of Hogansburg. The 11,600-square-foot...
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe 2017 Swearing In ceremony began with Rakwirahes Pembleton reciting the Ohenton Karihwatehkwen. As if on cue, Ratiweras dropped a ton of rain that continued off and on throughout the two-hour event. With everyone remaining dry under the roof of the lacrosse box, the ceremony continued despite the sometimes-deafening roar of the rain. Communication Director, Brendan White proceeded with introductions to the Swearing in. Tribal Chief Carrie Garrow, along with Tribal...