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Akwesasne, NY — The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) Office of Economic Development (OED) strives to support the local business community by creating partnerships and providing trainings that grow economic development opportunities for Akwesasne businesses. On Monday, March 9th, the OED partnered with the Adirondack Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) to bring a Women and Minority-Owned Enterprise (WMBE) seminar to Akwesasne. The New York State’s WMBE Certification Program was created as a way for minority or women-owned enterprises to bet...
Halloween started early for the Akwesasne Toastmasters and their families at the spooky themed chapter meeting and Family Night, which was held on October 24 at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Training Center. This was a special night for members who got to dress up and share the evening with their kids, who are the future generation of Toastmasters. Family Night is one night out of the year where members invite their family to a meeting. The idea arose from Adrian McDonald, Akwesasne Chapter...
Generations of Akwesasronon came out on the dreary morning of Saturday September 29 to partake in the 6th Annual 7 Miles for 7 Generations Walk/Run-a-thon, which took place at the Tewathahita Walking Trail in Hogansburg. Participants collected pledges in the weeks leading up to the event to benefit the Diabetes Center of Excellence Construction Fund, a long awaited dream for all in Akwesasne affected by the disease. The walk/run-a-thon began at 8:00am with healthy snacks, bottled water and a...
As many people prepare for the journey to attend the Canonization ceremony for the Blessed Kateri Tekahkwi:tha in Rome on October 22, 2012 they are beginning to think about what to pack, what to wear, and for some how they will cover the high cost to attend this once in a lifetime event. For Dawn Lazore and her mother Rosemary Bonaparte, inspiration for their trip has taken the form of a commemorative Kateri Tekahkwi:tha shawl intended to memorialize the holy event and help relieve some of the...
The third annual Sun Life Cornwall Waterfest returned to Cornwall this past August 10th and 11th complete with the ever popular dragon boat races to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Sun Life Cornwall Waterfest was created three years ago to get people more involved with the beauty of the St. Lawrence River waterfront, and this year did not disappoint. An impressive 24 dragon boat teams came out to participate, despite the constant threat of rain, including the Akwesasne...
The St. Regis Braces faced off against the Cornwall Island Redmen in their third game of the TNSLL playoffs this past Sunday, August 12 at A’nowarako:wa Arena. The St. Regis Braves wasted no time letting the Cornwall Island Redmen know they meant business, leading with a score of 7 to 3 in the first quarter. By the second period it seemed like the game was over with the St. Regis Braves outscoring the Cornwall Island Redmen 12 to 5. In the third period, the St. Regis Braves were scoring an a...
The Akwesasne cultural center hosts a variety of unique and fun, culturally oriented classes for the community, including the ever-popular basket making class. The center just completed a 6-week basket making class that started May 10. The group met twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30pm to 8:30pm at the center and ended their class with a small party to show off their finished work on Jun. 23. This was the first time teaching the art of basket making for instructor Denise Jock....
PCB’s, Mercury, Cyanide, Dioxin, Mirex… industrial waste products generated from manufacturing plants like Alcoa and GM, hazardous to human health and far too familiar to a community like Akwesasne. Generations have struggled for abatement of these chemicals from the environment and now is the time. Turtle Clan, a native owned and operated customized environmental services and technology company, is stepping up to the challenge of clean-up at the GM site. Together with Akwesasne’s Emergency Plan...
On Jun. 16 the Snake Island Muskies took on the West End Warlocks at Massena Arena 8:00pm start time. The Muskies played well against the West End Warlocks in the first period scoring 8-0. After scoring a distant 13 goals in the second period they finally let up on the Warlocks enough to allow them to score 3 goals at the end of the period. Only to leave them in the dust again in the third period with a score of 10-1 and winning the game with an over all score of 23-4. Photo by Mary La...
This week was an exciting one for Senior B lacrosse as the Akwesasne Thunderbirds and the Cornwall Island Redmen faced off twice in the same week. The Thunderbirds started it off with their game against the Redmen which took place on Jun. 17 at Massena Arena 8:00pm start time. They were beat by the Redmen 4-12. Then on Jun. 20 the Redmen took on the Thunderbirds again this time at A’norwara’ko:wa Arena. The Thunderbirds closed the gap from their previous game but fell again to the Redmen who...
On Jun. 21 the Salmon River Central (SRC) boys varsity lacrosse ended their season with an awards banquet at 37 West. The boys has an impressive season ending with a record of 19-1, their only loss being the first state playoff game. The team ended first in Section X and fourth in the State. The team was lead by Coach Jim Barnes with the help from assistant coaches Kevin Castor and Ryan Mainville, who stepped up to help following the end of the JV lacrosse season. This was Coach Barnes first...
The Coalition for Community Empowerment hosted the first ever Alice in Wonderland themed tea party for the children of Akwesasne on Jun. 13 at the generations park. Invitations were distributed during the Memorial day parade and guests were asked to RSVP for the special fun filled evening. About 30 partygoers attended and everybody who showed up was dressed in their best. “Ten years ago Leona Barns and I had taken our children when they were little to a[n Alice in Wonderland] tea party at the M...
The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Department of Social Services (DSS) is looking for a few good superheroes to provide safe and caring foster homes to children in need. On Jun. 12, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm, the DSS held a superhero themed recruitment day at their office 412 Route 37, Akwesasne, NY to answer any questions about foster care. “Basically, we are trying to do a recruitment of foster homes here on the reserve.” said Agatha Thompson, Director of Services. “Kids come into our care from the c...
The Cornwall Island Redmen took on the Snake Island Muskies in an exciting game that took place on Jun. 9 at Anowarakowa Arena (Turtle Dome) starting at 8:00pm. The Muskies took an assertive lead in the first period with a score of 2-5. But, the Redmen managed to bring the game to a tie in the second and surpassed the Muskies with a score of 10-7. Then, the Redmen finished off the Muskies in the third period with 14-9. The Muskies made the first goal early in the game. They held onto the lead...
Standing Rock Boxing Club, located on 50 Main Street Massena, NY, is owned by Atsiaktonkie and opened its doors in May 2009. On July 3, the Standing Rock Boxing Club is hosting its first major amateur boxing event, the Brawl at the Mall, at the St. Lawrence Centre Mall Arena in Massena, NY, to premier some of its up and coming boxer as well as feature some of the best of the best from New York and Canada. The boxer to watch will be the 12 year old boxing protégé Lolo. Lolo has been boxing over t...
Since April 20, 2010, when an explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico killed 11 and injured 17, engineers have estimated that anywhere from 83.3 million to 181.7 million liters of crude oil have infiltrated the waters in the Gulf. A cap that was placed over the well last Thursday has been successful in siphoning about half of the flow, which still leaves 420,000 gallons of oil flowing uncontrollably into the ocean each day. With relief efforts still underway the future remains bleak as the spill has been declared...
The Sundance Institute recently announced its four aspiring filmmakers who were selected for the two-stage 2010 Sundance Institute-Ford Foundation Fellowship program. This year, all four recipients are women film artists, including Kaherawaks Thompson of Akwesasne. The Sundance Institutes Native American and Indigenous program created the fellowship with support from the Ford Foundation to provide support to emerging Native American and indigenous film artists in the US. Thompson said that she first discovered the fellowship in 2004 when she...
On June 2, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service (AMPS) participated in the Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run, a community and province-wide event travelling across Ontario to raise funds for and awareness of the Special Olympics movement. “Our goal is to raise awareness and collect money for special Olympic athletes,” said Constable Stacy Cooper with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Usually students from the Akwesasne Mohawk School join the AMPS in the relay but were unfortunately unable to...
Akwesasne community members banded together June 5 at the Hogansburg Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department (HAVFD) station on Kawehnoke (Cornwall Island) to hold a benefit carwash and chicken barbeque for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). The group worked diligently from 12-5pm washing vehicles and preparing chicken barbeque dinners all the while collecting donations for the CHEO telethon that took place June 5 and 6. “I have been watching the telethon and I don’t see very many...
Construction is nearing completion for the Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) new St. Lawrence Power Development Visitors Centre located in Cornwall, ON along the Moses-Saunders power dam. The Moses-Saunders power dam is co-owned and operated by OPG and the New York Power Authority (NYPA). The St. Lawrence power project has had profound impacts on the lives of the surrounding community, including Akwesasne. In 2008, a land claim settlement between the OPG and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) r...
Coming off their fifth straight loss the Akwesasne Thunderbirds made an impressive comeback against the Valleyfield Dinomytes on Jun. 2 at 8:00pm Massena Arena. It was an exciting game as the first period ended at a tie 3-3. Then the Dynomytes took the lead in the second period with 4-5. But the Thunderbirds dominated the last period scoring 5 consecutive goals in a row to win the game 9-6. Thunderbirds Lee Thomas (88) scored the first goal of the night. Then the Dynomytes started to pull ahead...
Cornwall Island Redmen took on the West End Warlocks this past Jun. 6 at the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena (Turtle Dome). The game started with a close score in the first period with the Redmen in the lead at 5-3. They continued to dominate over the Warlocks taking an 8 point lead in the second with 12-4. The third period ended in embarrassment as the Warlocks lost 22-5. The first goal of the game was made by Redmen Neil Hopps (6) with an assist by Tekari Thompson (99). The Redmen remained in a 2 point lead before the Warlocks made their first goal of...
Akwesasne woke up shrouded in a blanket of smoke on May 31 leaving residents with the question, where is it coming from? The smoke is said to have come from a myriad of forest fires that developed in Quebec over the week. Several of the fires continue to burn out of control forcing thousands to evacuate and coating much of Quebec and parts of the northeastern United States in a dense cloud of smoke. Around 52 forest fires scorched through some 354 square miles in one of Canada’s most populated Provinces. The fires were the result of a period o...
The Akwesasne Freedom School celebrated a fun day on May 28 with games and relays throughout the day. The students had been training every morning before school rain or shine for 2 months for the Kahanwake race, which took place earlier this week that they were unfortunately unable to attend. But, to make up for it the students got to show off their hard work by having their own relay for their school’s fun day. “Its just about having fun,” said Maxine Kaiatahente Cole, a grade 7 and 8 teach...
Have you been thinking about sprucing up the lawn this summer? Then Grow-It Hydro Seeding has the fast, easy and cost effective solution to a beautiful new lawn now. Evan Cree calls himself the grass man and has been working around lawns for years. He used to mow lawns but now with his new hydro seeding business he is growing them. Cree started his business in 2008 along with his business partner Joe Phillips because, he said ,there were no other businesses like it around here and he has been do...