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Akwesasne, Ontario – Akwesasne Iethinoronh:kwa ne Katshenaokon (InK) means we all love our pets, and is also a dog training business in Akwesasne that works with families to improve their home lives with their dogs. Akwesasne InK and students finished up their first 6-week session last Wednesday with classes taking place Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings at the Kawehno:ke Recreation Center and the A’nowarako:wa Arena. “It has been really great seeing all of the teams work together durin...
Akwesasne - In Akwesasne, fishing has always been more than a pastime. Through the efforts of Cpl. P.J. Burns of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police Department, the art of fishing is making a swift return in the younger generation with the second annual “Kids for Fishing” event. It was held on Saturday, May 12 in Akwesasne at the Fulton’s Woods Camp Site. Organizers couldn’t have asked for a better day for this event, as 30 kids showed up to learn about fishing, drug awareness, boating safety,...
The Akwesasne Arena Management Board hosted a youth workshop on a program called Summer Company this past Monday at the Akwesasne Youth Resource Centre in Kana:takon. The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre (CBEC) has been administering this program since 2001 and will do so again for the summer of 2011. Youth between the ages of 15-29 have the unique opportunity of becoming their own boss for the summer. Last year 15 participants from the Cornwall and SD&G area were accepted into the program to create their own business with $1,500 in...
Iakhihsohtha Home for the Elderly held a presentation for their residents and community members on the topic of Elder Abuse Prevention on April 13. This presentation is part of a series being developed by Maureen Benedict the Activity Coordinator of the facility, Officer Rob White of the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service and Denise Paquette of Care for Elder. “This presentation was a big eye opener for the staff. It really makes you realize that Elder Abuse covers a wide area. Providing a w...
Swamps Performance is changing the way they do business with their female clientele. “It’s about honesty, I know how women are treated elsewhere and I see no reason for it,” said Casey Swamp. “I was talking with another business owner when they told me about the website and everything just took off from there.” Swamps Performance recently gained certification from the website. Their staff is now better prepared to work with their female patrons to make them feel comf...
Indian Time Newspaper is excited to announce that they will be launching the update of their website with Vol. 30 Issue #4 that will hit the stands next week. The website itself will be subscription based in order to view the entire content of the site. For the month of February the entire website will be available for view for readers see what will be included with a subscription. The link to the Indian Time website will be the same as it was in the past, and can be found at...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Nation Building Program invited Facilitators Dr. Carlos Fraenkel of McGill University Department of Philosophy and Dr. Adam Etinson of Universite de Montreal to host a discussion series within the territory. The topic was Philosophy in Akwesasne: An Educational Lecture and Discussion Series. The focus was to talk about how you can apply philosophy to everyday decisions to form your own opinions. This entire series falls in line with the mission of Entewatatha:wi (“We Will Govern”), which is to work toget...
From a humble beginning of accepting gently used toys and hand washing them over several days before giving them away to those families who needed them, the Akwesasne Basket Drive and Mountain of Toys has come a long way. Eventually as the years went on people started bringing in turkeys to add to the toys that were being given to families in the Akwesasne community. One family has pushed and donated many hours over the years to turn the drive into an amazing event that the community looks forwa...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne passed a resolution on Tuesday that accepted a recommendation from the Akwesasne Non-Insured Health Benefits (ANIHB) program to remove oxycontin from the drug formulary. This removal will take effect on January 1, 2012 with the exception limited only to prescriptions for palliative care patients. “The MCA is strongly forging forward to continue following the Prescription Drug Abuse strategy that was developed,” said Tsi Snaihne District Chief Karen Loran. “The strategy has been worked on by Chief Rachel Round...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne held their plebiscite on Saturday Dec. 3 to determine which of two criteria for Candidate Eligibility would move forward in the Amendments to the Akwesasne Election Law. The two options available for this community opinion poll were whether a candidate is eligible if they have a ‘mother OR father is/has been an Enrolled member on the Akwesasne or any other First Nations Membership list;’ OR ‘mother AND father are/have been an Enrolled member on the Akwesasne or any First Nations Membership list.’ The first o...
At the Nov. 10 quarterly General Meeting of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne one agenda item had been to discuss a drafted Memorandum of Understanding between the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the Canada Revenue Agency with respect to issuance of licenses to manufacture tobacco products. According to documents handed out at the meeting, a Judicial Review had begun in the Canadian Federal Court back in July 2008, and as of July 2011 Draft #20 was finalized by both parties in the presence of Justice Lemieux. During the course of the community...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is on the cusp of true economic development by expanding into the international market. The Economic Development Portfolio Chair, Kawehno:ke District Chief Brian David, recently traveled overseas to China to represent Akwesasne in the Assembly of First Nations delegation that was sent to talk about economic development. “I think we are at a junction in history and development where decisions we make in this area [of economic development] will have a definite impac...
Beverly Griffin spent 3-years editing together a scrapbook of the history of girls sports development at Salmon River Central School. Griffin was one of the main supporters of bringing organized girls sports into the school system back in the 1960’s and 1970’s when Title IX was passed to stop discrimination in the schools. The start of recording the history of girls’ sports at Salmon River began with postings in the paper asking for information and pictures. Slowly, Griffin began to get a respo...
At the recent Mohawk Council of Akwesasne quarterly General Meeting updates were provided by each District Chief on their activity over the past few months of work. Kawehno:ke District Chief Brian David had an interesting trip included in his report, and that involved being a part of a trip to China to talk about economic development opportunities available in Akwesasne. “All of the work that has been done so far is fact finding leading up to a complete report to the community,” said David. “I just wanted to give the people in our commu...
Food security is a term referring to the availability of food and the access to it within a community and household. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program within the Department of Health has been working on identifying food insecurity within the community and developing solutions to address it. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. The Green Food Box p...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program is organizing a dinner theatre to be held tonight at the St. Regis Recreation Centre beginning at 5:00pm. The Community Health Program invites the Akwesasne community to welcome Sue Schaefer a Diabetes Nurse Educator as she performs as her alter ego ‘Mrs. Pudding.’ Mrs. Pudding proves that diabetes is no laughing matter, unless you are her – her hilarious comedy is meant to motive diabetics to take control over their health. “I first heard of Mrs. Pudding back in 2007 while taking a...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne held their quarterly general meeting last Thursday night at the Snye Homemakers building in the District of Tsi Snaihne. One item up for discussion had been whether or not to add an additional change to the proposed amendment of the Akwesasne Election Law; the change is in regard to a candidate’s eligibility to run for office and whether Council should propose changing the requirements so that each candidate must have TWO parents who are registered Members of a First Nation. “There will have to be a Special Gen...
The Coalition for Community Empowerment hosted their second ‘Diva Dinner’ last night at the Hogansburg-Akwesasne Volunteer Fire Department Station #1. The purpose of this dinner is to provide young women between the ages of 13-22 an opportunity to learn about dating violence prevention in a relaxed and informal setting. On the agenda this time was Nurse Practitioner Beverly Cook and Sexual Assault Advocate Amie Barnes. This event was coordinated through the efforts of the CCE who are a vol...
Salmon River managed to secure many new titles for three separate varsity teams this past fall including a Section X Overall title for Girls Varsity Volleyball, Section X Class B titles for Boys and Girls Varsity Soccer. St. Regis Mohawk School Principal Sharlee Thomas extended an invitation for these athletic champions to make a visit to the students at the school to show their school spirit this past Tuesday morning. Students were proudly wearing green that day and waved signs encouraging the...
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a proactive crime prevention strategy utilized by planners, architects, police services, security professionals and everyday users of space. Currently two officers with the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service have achieved certification to provide CPTED inspections and are offering free residential inspections to community members. CPTED (pronounced “sep-ted”) places emphasis on the physical environment, productive use of space, and beh...
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne created an Akwesasne Election Law working task group whose duty was to develop recommendations to amend the law. These recommendations were printed and distributed to the community on Sept. 12, 2011 with a focus meeting scheduled in each of the three districts under MCA’s jurisdiction. These public meetings were used to discuss the recommendations and to receive comments, suggestions, concerns and/or other recommendations for consideration. Once this was done the draft was once again brought before the MCA for a...
The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Circle was developed to meet the needs of Grandparents who have physical custody of their grandchildren. This situation is becoming more common here in Akwesasne and Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Wholistic Health and Wellness program within their Department of Health has been working to help meet the needs of these grandparents. This group meets once per month at the Tsi Tetewatatkens – Office for the Aging facility on the second Thursday of the month. The group took a break during the summer mon...
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal programs hosted different activities this year in support of the national campaign of Red Ribbon Week. The Tribal Courts held an Anti-Drug Essay Contest; the Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Program held activities throughout the week and the Tribal Police organized a Drug Take Back event. Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the United States. This year it was celebrated nationally on Oct. 22-30, 2011 and served as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and...
In the past, the annual Caregiver’s Conference has been held on the weekend but a recommendation was made to host it as a dinner this year in honor of the 10-year anniversary. Caregiver’s Night Out was held last night at the Tsi Tetewatatkens – Office for the Aging and was open to caregivers in and around the community of Akwesasne. Each year has a different theme of speakers as part of the conference and for this year the theme of ‘Aging In The Home’ was chosen. There is currently a caregiver...
Fallon Teiohontathe Davis has been pursuing her claim against the Canada Border Service Agency through the mechanisms set in place by the Canadian Human Rights Commission. On Aug. 24, 2011 a hearing took place at the NavCan center to allow the CBSA to present a written and oral argument in support of its motion for an order dismissing Teiohontathe’s complaint against CBSA on the grounds that CBSA does not provide “services” under s. 5 of the CHRA when it enforces Canada’s customs and excise legislation, and is therefore not subject to s. 5 of t...