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On June 5, 2010, Brett “Booyaka” Hart attend the Central New York MMA Invitational Tournament held in Cortland, NY. Brett competes in the 165-175 lb Teen youth division. Brett dominated his first match right off the start quickly hitting with his favorite move, the Kimura. Finishing his first opponent for the win. In Brett’s next match he also got a takedown, he took his opponent to the mat but couldn’t finish the choke hold. However he quickly hit a double leg takedown and tried to finish...
On April 10, 2008, Shelby Bero invited Kayla Thompson and Kim Loran to watch as her students as well as 3 other second grade classes packed up six large boxes they were putting together to send to Staff Sgt. Austin Boots (Austin is Kayla’s boyfriend) and his unit in Iraq. It all began with talks between Kayla and Shelby on the everyday items that Austin and many troops go without during their deployments. Shelby then so generously took on the task to get care packages together, not only for A...